Wind Beneath My Wings

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Your POV

Today is Holy Week and it's Easter Day. Everybody in town are in a fasting season, say their prayers and liked to go on an egg hunt. I just can't wait for this special day to start. By the way, I was on a schedule on advanced time. Yeah, early to pray at exactly 7:30 AM in the morning. Thank God...

Everytime I prayed 24/7, I should just ask my angel of mine who gives me advice, some important information. Maybe a storm of kisses, bring me a bouquet of flowers or box of chocolate bunnies...etc. That's the boy I like, in my own personal opinion.

If I pray at day or night, I just hoped my angel in disguise will be here watching me while I prepared a feast for the two of us. Set up the colorful eggs in every corner of the house or outside at the backyard as a surprised hunt. I wonder what's in store for me anyways, I guess.

This is my first moment to meet the guy of my dreams so that I can have a little company on Easter Day and Holy Week for a celebration. I only hoped for a miracle....if God would send me an angel to be by my side, I can be happy. I always begged and pleaded whenever I feel down. That will cheer me up.

I think I'll go wait for a few minutes before my angel will be here to come visit my house, just happy to see me with open arms. I want to tell him that I love him very much. Give a kiss on his soft cheek. I bet he had those sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair like yellow roses. Think about his sexy smile...

I just loved to see him sitting on my bed with a rose to his mouth, shirtless and so intensely hot. I want to touch his rock-hard abs and listen his heartbeat, telling me that I'm ready and he's all mine alone forever, nobody else's.

I sighed dreamily at the thought of my beloved angel. I decided to go the kitchen and cook a slice of fresh ham with an additional touch of cherries and pineapple slices. Also, a chocolate strawberry tart for dessert....with rose petals on top. I hope my angel will love this as a sweet treat.

After I'm done finishing my duties, I put the food on the dining table just to cool down. I went upstairs to take a short refreshing bath, change myself into a cocktail spring dress with floral designs and a pair of flat shoes. Don't forget to brush my hair, some perfume and grab a small basket inside the closet.

I went outside to the backyard with a basket in my hands as I took a deep breath first. When I tried to look around my surroundings, I saw an oval-shaped object laying on the grass underneath. I picked it up, and's an Easter egg. I put it in the basket to see what's inside for later.

I see eggs are hiding everywhere, from behind the trees, flowers or bushes. It's time for a hunt. I smiled excitedly at this. I started to pick some more. The last egg I was about to get is when I see someone's hand connected with mine.

I froze for a second. But when I slowly raised my head up, I saw a male angel who is right in front of me. I let go of my hand quickly, causing the egg to drop on the ground and my face flared with redness like a tomato as I stepped back and twiddle my fingers nervously.

"I-I-I'm really sorry. I didn't notice you there. I-I was just..."

I was cut off by a certain laugh. He placed his hand up over his mouth to prevent from laughing. It's not hard or sarcastic. An elegant and charming one....that suddenly infatuates my heart. He was also carrying a basket too. It had a pastel green color and the handle tied perfectly to a forest green bow; unlike mine....a wooden brown and a faded white ribbon.

He wore a white tunic, a pointed hat and a silver cape with golden rims and triangle charms. Leather brown gloves and boots. I began to notice he had sharp elf-like ears which reminds me of 'The Lord Of The Rings' or 'The Hobbit' movies. He had blonde hair and blue eyes....the one from my dream.

A gold crown attached on top of his forehead resembles a trio triangle with bird wings and an emerald gemstone in the middle. His wings that nearly caught my attention to my own eyes. The feathers are as white as snow...and so shiny, brighter than the sunlight.

The first time we made eye contact, I want to ask for his name. I tried to calm my posture before I could introduce myself to him, a deep breath escaped from my mouth.

"H-hi, my name is (F/N)(L/N). Just call me '(Y/N)' for short. And you are?"

I said as he gave himself a graceful yet formal bow like a royal prince. Oh wow, what a gentleman.

"I am Link. I have been waiting for you, my darling."

He just called me 'darling'. He took my wrist as he plants a small kiss on top of it. I blushed slightly at his actions, our hands linked in his with closeness.

"(Y/N), I am your angel. I set up the egg hunt just for you as a surprise. Today is Easter Day, you know."

I giggled bashfully. I realized for this very first moment that he really is my angel. Oh right, I took his hand as we went inside and see the feast is already there on the table as we put down the baskets. He grinned in delight and I did the same as well.

"Link, I prepared this feast myself, just for us. I was hoping you like it."

I said in a request. And with that, he accepted the offer. I can't believe I'm having dinner with my beloved angel. We both digged in, talked for an hour, share each others' was the best time of my life.

Finally, it was time for eggs. As I opened each one, what's inside is I saw an angel-winged heart container necklace, chocolate bunnies, mini figurines...etc. I thanked him by giving a kiss on his cheek as a special gift for a lucky girl like me. He blushed a light red, smiling shyly. Then, we also had a slice of cake for dessert. Chocolate is his favorite and mine too.

After dinner, I walked to the kitchen and washed the plates and utensils in the sink. I yawned in exhaustion, it sure is a long day. When I walked upstairs to my room, I opened the door to see my angel Link....on my bed, shirtless and in a sexy pose with red rose in his hand.

I closed the door behind me while I stared at him, blushing furiously and I felt my body churned I'm about to faint. I examine every tone of his muscles, I tried to get it off my head but it didn't work. I heard him gasp silently, in which I made him laugh.

He then motioned his finger with an intensely seductive smirk traced to his lips, telling me to come over and joined him on the bed. My heart beats rapidly like the stormy wind. I took a deep breath in and out as I walked to him.

He gave me a tender smile and placed the rose behind my ear. He caressed my cheek and the other wrapped around my waist. He then kissed my collarbone up to my neck while his hand sensually rubbing my thighs underneath my dress. I let out a soft moan, he smirked once more. He pressed his lips on mine.

He got on top of me, his strong arms rested on the side of my head in a pleasure prison. I placed my hands against his chest, admiring his sculpted well-toned body until I felt a bulge between my legs and his. He chuckled lustfully to my ears, locked our eyes in a starry gaze. He leaned close to my face and give me a passionate kiss.

As time passes by, it was almost nearly nighttime and I still spend my first romantic time with my angel Link. Cuddling under the blankets in each others' arms, shielded me in his soft wings for protection. I feel safe with him....I'm getting a bit sleepy.

"Are you tired, sweetheart?", he cooed sweetly, fingers stroked my cheekbone.

"Yes...I'm so glad you're really here. It's Holy Week, so umm...I prayed for you to come for a little visit. If you don't, I'm nothing without you. I wished I want to be with you forever. I love you, Link."

I responded, tears began to form in my ears. He wiped them away and kissed my forehead for comfort.

"I won't leave you, (Y/N). You are safe with me now. Of course, I love you too."

I buried my face against his chest as I snuggle into him, feeling the warmth. He rubbed my back soothingly and sings a lullaby, music to my ears like a baby asleep in its crib. It brought me more tears. He smiles down at me and then, we both slowly fell asleep. He was mine, the wind beneath my wings...


"Wind beneath my wings, the sanctifying in the spirit." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-23

"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life." - SD Gordon

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now