"It's amazing how stupid Jedi are though. I just watched General Skywalker just eat an entire ration bar, without taking off the packaging." Rex said with a chuckle.
"Sometimes General Kenobi stays awake for like 10 days straight and has to be bribed to sleep. Also that incident where he ate nothing but toast for two months straight and gave himself scurvy." Cody said calmly.
"Yeah. Ahsoka keeps sleeping under the hot coils in the engine room because her room isn't warm enough. She could just put some more clothes on, but I guess not." Rex said with a laugh.
"What now?" Wolffe asked as he looked at us.
"Don't ask. You don't want to know." I said as I shook my head.
He shook his head and walked away. I let out a sigh and watched as Cody left to go do some reports.
"Does Ahsoka serious sleep in the engine room?"
"Oh yea." Rex said with a smile.
"Why are they so stupid?" I asked as I shook my head.
"Don't ask me."
"So we still on for strip poker?"
"You mean are we still on for us playing poker and seeing how long it takes for one of us to finally say screw it and throw our clothes off and tackle the other?"
"Then yes we are."
"My room or yours?" I asked as I kissed his cheek.
"Mine. Sound proof walls remember."
"Only to well... Fives still won't let it go." I said as I followed behind him.
We made it to his room, but got stopped by Echo.
"Sir you are needed on deck." Echo said softly.
"We will have to wait until tonight." Rex said softly.
Half an hour later Rex walked into my office and shut the door.
"How did everything-"
I was cut off by him grabbing me and pulling me into deep and passionate kiss. I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He picked me up and set me on the desk.
"Stupid jedi." He grumbled out.
"Do I want to know?" I asked as I pulled away.
"Coruscant isn't flat!" He snapped as he pulled me into another kiss.
"Anakin." I thought as I pulled him closer.