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'Ah Miss Wu?' Yuxin called out to a lady in their late 20's who turned around with a smile. 'Yuxin! What a nice surprise. Is something wrong?' Yuxin looked at Y/N who was stunned with the teachers beauty. 'This is Y/F/N and she's a new student here. She doesn't know anyone else here and lucky for us I'm always close by or in her lessons but for this one I'm in the opposite class. She doesn't talk much and she had a rough time at her old school so if there's any problems could you please bring her to me?' Y/N bowed at the teacher who stopped her. 'Whoa, you don't need to do that with me haha. Hi I'm Wu Nada and if there's any problem you can come to me okay? If you feel uncomfortable let me know.'

Y/N nodded and Yuxin thanked Nada. Y/N took a deep breath and prepared herself to get through her last class. Yuxin hugged the younger girl making her smile. 'I'll come and get you okay?' Y/N nodded and waved bye to Yuxin before heading into the sports hall. The lesson started off fine. The class warmed up and did some quick netball drills before splitting off into 4 teams of 7. Y/N took a deep breath. She was in a team of 4 boys and 2 other girls. The girls had taken the wing positions while the boys had taken all the goal positions leaving the centre position for Y/N. She was fairly agile and pretty fast but was small. The rest of her team looked at her and asked if she wanted to swap positions but she politely shook her head. The team looked uneasy but Y/N planned to use her height to her advantage. 

(C - centre, GS - Goal shooter, GA - Goal attacker, WA - wing attacker, WD - wing defender, GD - Goal defender, GK - goal keeper)

Everyone took their place and Y/N waited in the centre for Nada to blow the whistle. Nada tossed a coin and Y/N won the ball. She looked around to think about who to pass to and saw the WA ready. Y/N looked at her and held up a 1 and 2 with her fingers. She nodded back and Y/N waited for the signal. The whistle echoed around the hall and Y/N threw the ball in the direction of the WA who caught it and waited for Y/N to run up the court and receive the ball. Y/N ran to the far side and jumped up to catch the ball that was hurtling towards her. She saw the GA on the other side of the semi-circle who was open. She landed on both feet and ducked down so she could bounce the ball to the GA who easily took a shot and got the ball to fall perfectly in the hoop. Y/N quickly made her way to the reset positions when she saw her team call her name holding their arms up for a high-five. 

She smiled and went over for a quick high five before returning to her place and thinking of another strategy. This time the opposing team would start with the ball and she would have to intercept the ball and keep the ball away from their hoop. She turned to the WD who was thinking about the same thing and was heavily marking the opposite GA. She walked over to their GD and waited for the whistle to be blown. The game started again and as she predicted the opposite C would have tried to pass their WA. 'Mark her I'll intercept.' Y/N said quietly but loud enough for her team mate to hear. She hummed back to let her know she heard and stood in the way of the incoming ball and WA. Y/N sprung up and let the ball fall in her arms. 'I'll take that.' she smiled and shot her eyes towards her WA who was free. 

She threw the ball over but it fell slightly short making it fall a few meters in front of WA. She ran to get it and whisked it away before somebody else could. Y/N marked the opposite C who was trying his best to get the ball back. He tried to shake her but she kept popping up in front of him making him chuckle. 'You cheeky little-' Y/N laughed slightly and blocked and incoming ball from the taller boy. 'Hey.' Y/N took this opportunity to pivot around and pass the ball to the running GS who gladly accepted the ball and threw it further up court where the GA shot and got it in the hoop. Y/N threw her hands up in the air to celebrate making the boy behind her laugh. 'Cute.' Y/N blushed slightly and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. 'What are you doing? He's against you. He wants to beat you. He's not a friend. No one is.'  



School starts in a week and I don't wanna go backkkk. I miss everyone though but I've been failing so badly. UUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMM is bad. Don't be like UUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMM kids. Focus on school. Education is good. Learn from Mama Tiffany. 

Thank you for reading :))))))

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