Namjoon the friendly giant

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I was bullied by the girls.I sit and crying in the corner in my class until it's evening.Suddenly the ground began to quake.

*Boom* *Boom* *BOOM!*

I stand up to leave the room but I saw a giant brown eye staring at me.

I run to the door but something block the door.It's over I will get kill by a giant.The roof of the school open and a large hand grab me.I close my eyes prepare for the impact.But instead of getting eaten I was gently press by two huge lips.

The giant then smile at me."Hello there my name is Kim Namjoon nice to meet you."the giant introduce himself.I surprised that this giant is very kind to me.He saw my tears rolling and he shock.

"Oh my,why are you crying?"he asked me worriedly."I got bullied."I answered.The giant named Namjoon gently petting my head to calm me down.

"It's alright little one,they just want to bring you down."he said and gently kiss me."What's your name little one?"he asked."My name is Y/n."I replied to him."I didn't know giant can be this kind."I said to Namjoon.

"Some giants can be kind and me."he said happily.I realised that it's night time."Namjoon can you bring me to my house?"I asked him.

He then smile and his cute dimples showed up on his cheeks."Sure."he said and began to walk.His footsteps shake the ground when he's walking.

When we arrived at home,Namjoon gently place me on the front door."I gotta go now,my member are going to miss me."Namjoon said.I waving at him for saying good bye.

"Bye gentle giant Joonie!"I said to him.

"Bye bye little Y/n~"he said and began to walk to his home.

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