Yoongi the grumpy but sweet giant

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You walk into the land of giants,this land is like humans but it's 100 times larger than humans.

Right now,your vision were full of tall grasses,you can't see anything because grasses are blocking your view.

The giant insect then chasing you.You were cornered because you ran to the tress but you can't climb.

Before you close your eyes,ready to be eaten the ground began to shakes an it's coming toward the tree that you're there.

The giant insect quickly run away."Huh?"you said.Then a large shadow loomed over your body.

A giant guy was standing infront of you like a skyscraper."So tired,I'm gonna rest here."the guy boomed and he began to sat down.

You quickly dodges from his butt and you look up at him.He seem grumpy,that makes you feel nervous.

The interesting things are that he's wearing make up and he's waring earrings.

"Must be a Kpop idol,huh."you said."Well,I love kpop!"you said happily.But the most important thing is to get his attention and take care of you.

You climb on his leg which takes 21 minutes."Woah,his chest is so tall."You said and starting to climb on his chest to his shoulder.

You then climb onto his face and get on his nose.You lightly hit his nose...nothing happened.You are very small.

But then...you sneezed on his nose.The guy's eyelids opened, causing you to yelped."A tiny human on my nose?"the guy boomed.

You starting to shaking in fear,you still wondering is this guy have a good intention or bad intention to human.

He gently grab you and put you on his palm."What are you doing on my nose."he said."I..I was going to get your attention to keep me safe."you said.

"I was a stranger to you but *sigh* Fine,I'll keep you safe but wgat are you even doing here anyways?"he asked.

"I was curious what it's look like in a land of giants."you said."Well,hi my name is Min Yoongi but call me Yoongi"he said."And my name is Y/n."you said.

This guy is kinda...sweet,although he seem very grumpy."Er um are you a kpop idol?"you asked Yoongi.

"Yep,I'm in Bts group."he said.You were happy that the fact that you were meet with the giant kpop idol.

"But for now,do you want to ho home?"Yoongi asked."Okay"You said and Yoongi carefully standed up,trying to not drop you.

He then began to walk to his house while you're enjoying his thundering footsteps sound.

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