Jungkook in wonderland (short)

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I'm doing eat me and drink me part cause it's contain gt stuff.(Parody of Alice in wonderland)

Jungkook walk around and he saw a house.He went in there."Hello,anyone?"he yelled.But his stomach began to rumbling.

"I'm hungry,is there a food in this house..?"he said.Luckily,there're cookies and drink on the table.But it's interesting to him cause the cookies had a lable "Eat me" and the drink had "Drink me".

"Hmm is this some kind of trick?"he asked himself but he doesn't care.He ate all of cookies on the table.

"Hmm~ these cookies taste delicious."he said and rubbing his stomach.Jungkook began to feel weird.Everything around him are getting smaller and smaller.

"What happening to me?"he said.His head hit the ceiling and his arms and his legs stretch out.

Soon his body's bigger than a house.The house broke in pieces but some of them are stuck in his arms and the roof was on his head.

"Well at least I'm grown up now right."

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