Unaware Hobi

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Warning:Including unaware and crushing tinies.(At least it's not innocent people)

The girl who stan Bts's getting angry because many people hate him because he's ugly."Hmm they hate him right?Oh I know what to do,I'll shrunk all of haters and teleport to Hoseok and make him mistake them as a bug!"she said but Hoseok was scared of bugs.

"Wait...Hobi's scared of bugs."she said and think how to teach these Hobi haters."Oh I know,I'll shrunk them smaller than bugs and make Hobi unaware of them!"she said and creating the shrink button.

"This thing only shtink haters,if someone press this the haters will shrunk and teleport to Hobi."she said and press the button."Bye bye haters,you guys will see your worst nightmare soon~"she said playfully.

The haters teleported somewhere,but they teleported in different place.The first group of haters are in forest that's full of black grass and the ground's soft.

Suddenly,the whole forest began to move."Ahhh~ it's time to brush my hair."the voice was so loud.The voice sound very familiar...it's Hoseok,they can't believe that they're in Hoseok's room.

The whole forest suddenly become dark.A large comb was looming over them and they began to run.Meanwhile,Hoseok was brushing his hair like nothing's happening.

The haters suddenly fall and they grabbed his large eyelashes.They're very surprise that they're smaller than guys' eyelashes.But Hoseok's eyes blink making all of haters that grabbed his eyelash fall and landed on a creamy ground.

They looked up and saw two blackholes sucking the wind in there.They must landed between his nose and mouth.But his nose was very powerful,he almost suck all of haters in his nose.

"Now time to brush my teeth."he said.His voice was louder when they're on his head since they're very close to his mouth.

They fall from his mouth movement and the wind blew them somewhere.They were blew and landed at the door.The problem is they're on the ground.

"Now time to eat breakfast."he boomed."Uh oh..."the haters saw Hoseok walking to the door that they're standing.His footsteps creating a loud booming sound and shake the ground."Hobi shake the earth?"one of the hater said.

He's very close to the haters and his foot looming over them and crushed them."Hmm did I step on something?"he said and looked under his left foot."Ahhhhhh bugs!"he said and quickly take it off of his foot.

He then walk to the kitchen to cooked some food,uaware that he just kill his haters.When Hoseok finished cooking,he place the food down and began to eat,unaware that there many haters in his food.

Many haters were in somewhere very delicious.They looked at the sky and they suddenly saw Hoseok but he's huge.Hoseok then pick his spoon up and scoop the food that's including haters in there.

The other haters looked at Hoseok in fear.The haters that's on the spoon seeing Hoseok's cute lips coming closer to them.His cute lips turned into a scary cave that crush eveything small.

Hoseok chewing the food,unaware that he's also chewing haters in his mouth.He then swallowed the food along with haters.

Time skips

Hoseok's done eating his (dangerous) breakfast and he take a shower,put his clothes on and went to practice,he didn't know that his normal routine was a very scary routine for the shrunken haters.

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