Out of space (Bts)

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All of Bts members suddenly growing bigger and bigger.Right now,they're literally bigger than the moon.

Their heads also no longer in the Earth's atmosphere."Hyung,I'm scared."Jungkook said worriedly to Namjoon.

"How can we breath in space anyway..."Yoongi said and groan."Maybe it's magic!"Hoseok said happily.

"Wait...where's Tae?"Jimin said and the boys heard a gigling noise."Awwww~"Taehyung cooed at something."Taetae what are you doing?"Jimin asked.

"I saw the Mars and it's sooooooo cute!"Taehyung said.Jimin gently touch the Mars."Guys,we're still growing."Namjoon said to his members.

The boys noticed that they're bigger than the sun now.Hoseok touch the sun but he didn't feel hot."That's weird,the sun feel hot but I don't feel so hot."Hoseok said.

Jungkook then grab the Uranus with two fingers and show to his hyungs."Hyungs,I found Uranus."Jungkook said.

Suddenly,the boys grow even bigger and bigger.They're bigger than the milky way galaxy.

The members are amazed at how beautiful it is."Wow,it's so......BEAUTIFUL."Namjoon said.

"I wonder how's tastes like."Seokjin said and he licks the milky way."How was it hyung?"Jungkook asked Seokjin.

"It tasted like milk."he said.The members then growing bigger and bigger.

They are now in the place full of white."Are we bigger than the whole universe?"Yoongi said and he groan loudly.

"Yes,hyung"Namjoon said.
The boys are trying to figure it out how to get back to normal size.

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