The unaware Sope

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Warning:This one is a little bit violent.

Tiny Anties look around,they shook when they saw Yoongi and Hoseok standinh there but in giants size.

"Yoongi~ Do you want to play with me?"Hoseok boomed.His voice sound so deep.

He then began to walk,unaware that he literally stepped on Anties.

And the Anties' nightmare began.Hoseok grabbed the food one the table and walk back to Yoongi.

"Hyung,do you want some?"Hoseok boomed.The biggest problem for tiny Anties is some of tiny Anties are on the food.

"Hmm,okay."Yoongi boomed and he grabs the chopsticks and began to eat the food.

Anties look at Yoongi's face in fear as they're getting closer and closer to his mouth.

"Hmmmm~"Yoongi said,unaware that he had killed a lot of tiny Anties.

While Yoongi's eating,Hoseok began to talk with Yoongi."Hyung,did you heard the news that our haters shrunk down?"Hoseok said.

"I know Hobi."Yoongi said and began to eat his food more.Some of Anties are still alive on the ground like bugs.

Hoseok looked down at the floor and he scream."Ahhhhhh so many bugs,Yoongi get rid of it nowwwww!!!!"he yelled.

Yoongi sighed.He stopped eating and he place the food on the table and began to stomp on the bugs.(Anties)

"Don't you dare scaring my Hobi again!"Yoongi boomed out loud.Tiny Anties run away in fear,trying to escape from the giant rapper but they can't...

The last Anti look in fear as it saw all of Anties got crushed by the only one man.

He still shook at how can one people can crush a lot of people.Then the moment that it hate the most began to happen...

"Awww,trying to escape?Well,too late!"Yoongi boomed and he stomped on the last Anti.

All of bloods are over the floor(from the Anties)that's makes Yoongi groan in annoyed.

Hoseok then told Yoongi that their stuff will clean this.

And the two leave the room,completely doesn't care about the Anties' death.

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