Namjoon's playtime

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Warning:Including unaware death.

Namjoon is working with his new song.But when he finished the song,every haters shrunk down and teleport to Namjoon's studio.

Namjoon didn't know about this.The haters looked at Namjoon sit on the chair who's taller than a skyscraper now.

"Okay I'm done now time to eat."he said.There was a couple of haters inside his food.He scooped the food that's including tinies on it and open his mouth.

The tiny haters scream in fear as Namjoon's mouth is getting closer to them."Mmmm."he said but the food suddenly taste weird.

"Who put something in my food?"he groaned and he looked at the food closer."Insects huh,well I'm not eating this anymore."he said.

He then listen to music,unaware that tiny haters' ears are bleeding cause of the loud music which is not that loud to normal people.

He suddenly hear a squeaky noises,he looked down at the table and there're more insects which is actually haters.

"So many insects,I do feel bad for them but they're so annoying."he said and began to crush tiny haters.

The haters quickly ran away from the large finger that's trying to crush them."This is kinda fun."Namjoon said playfully.He's in playful mode which is very bad for these haters.

Even Namjoon likes bugs but he's still trying to play with them."Now you bugs are very interesting..."he said and pick all of tiny haters up and place somewhere.

"Let's play a game!This game called true or false,I'll asked the question and you guys will ran on these papers the circle one is true and the x one is false,there're 5 question by the way."Namjoon explain the rules.

"Question 1 Is Hoseok from Bts?"Namjoon said.Many tinies said false but a few tinies said true."The answer is true."Namjoon said.

The tiny haters that said true jump happily."And these bugs whis said false..."Namjoon then slammed his hand on them.

"You guys are not support Hobi,go away."he said angrily.The haters shook in fear as there were many hater squished and stuck on his palm with a blood stain...

Namjoon's angry face then turned into a smile."Next question Is Yoongi loves to jump around like Hobi?"he said.

Many said false but two of them said true."The answer is two...."Namjoon's hand then grab two of them up and place them on the floor.Namjoon looked very tall.

"Survive my stomping and you guys get to live."he said.But it's turned out that no one survived...

"Next question,Is Seokjin the youngest?"Namjoon said.One people said false but all of them said true."The answer is false..."Namjoon then place them in his pocket shirt.

"You guys will stay here forever."Namjoon said playfully.The last tiny haters hoping it get the right answer.But no...

It became Namjoon's new toys...same with the other haters in his pocket shirt.And Namjoon place it in hjs pocket shirt.

"I know all of tinies are my haters but I just want to have fun~"Namjoon said playfully and leave his studio.

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