Plot: Both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are visiting your home a lot. Your dad works at N.E.S.T and that's where you met the boys. You're 18 years old and the oldest child of the family. Sideswipe discovers something Sunstreaker has been keeping a secret for a while now.
((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))
I perked my head up as Sideswipe walked into the room Lennox had given me to paint and clear my mind. Softly he shut it and looked at me, "sup bro?" I asked, cleaning my brush. "Just curious how you're doing," he replied. I frowned a little, "why wouldn't I do good?" I asked. I don't know," he said, flopping on the double bed."I have the strong feeling that something is on your mind..." he said. I stopped painting and turned around, gazing at his holoform. "Like... you know... we're brothers... and it happens that if we are really tensed that we have specific dreams... most happens to me and I don't care but... I have noticed that you have these specific dreams nearly every day for weeks now..."
I raised a brow and huffed, "I don't care, you know that. We're brothers... I just got curious about who you are dreaming..." he said. I grunted, ignoring his question. It's already embarrassing enough, brother or not.
"Sunstreaker! Come on!" He got and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my painting. "Tell me!""It's stupid! It were just dreams okay!"
"I want to talk to you about it! Please..." he whined. "What's there to say?" I snapped. "Okay fine! I already thought you wouldn't tell me so I looked through your sketches and diary..." I hit him and threw him on the floor. "Sometimes I can't stand you!" I sneered.He shrugged and got up, crossing his arms and gave me a look. "Why siblings so annoying!" I shouted. "You can't just look through my diary and sketches! That's private!" I screamed. "We are twin brothers. We do not have any secrets for each other and if you've feeling for (y/n) then why don't you just tell me?!"
"It's not your busyness," I sneered, grabbing him and pushed him towards the door. "If you throw me out then I'll call (y/n) and tell her the truth and sent her pictures of your sketches and juicy pages of your diary where you describe interfacing with her...""You can't do that! That's blackmail!" I snarled. "I hate you!" I spat out. "Talk to me!" I pushed. "What's there to say, Sideswipe! I am not going to share my thoughts with you! You're the annoying little brother!" I snarled, pushing him with lots of force against the wall. "You're only 10 minutes older..." he mocked. It pissed me off even more, and I hated if he was in this type of mood.
"Piss off you stupid pig..."
"So, shall I call her to tell her the truth?"
"I swear, Sideswipe... if you do that then I will never forgive you!" I hissed. "What do I get in return, Sunstreaker?" Sideswipe mocked. "I punch..." I snarled. He laughed mockingly and turned around. "Well then I can assure you she will know by the end of the day..." with that he slammed the door closed.((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
I knew his little secret and loved to tease him. Four days passed and he was doing everything for me. Every little thing I ask him to do. I laid on the double bed in the room he had to paint but we basically did everything in here. He walked up to me as he came in. "Let me massage you..."
Its something he never did, only if I had overstretched a muscle.I let him remove my shirt and allowed him to massage my muscles. "Need anything else?" He asked after 30 minutes. "Perhaps a foot massage?" I asked. He did it without even doubting. Just imagine how crazy he is over (y/n). I mentally laughed and watched him take off my socks.
"Hey Sunstreaker..."
He looked at me, "where's your diary or sketchbook?" I asked. He shrugged, "give it to me..." I demanded. "I can't..." he said. "Why not?" I questioned. "You want me to call (y/n)?""I destroyed it... both my diary and sketchbook..."
There fell a silence while he looked down at my feet and continued massaging me. "But... you loved that sketchbook..." I said. "Yes, it did... I did because of you... so you wouldn't steal it and blackmail with it..." he replied bitterly. I sat up straight and made him stop, "I don't believe you..."
Sunstreaker shrugged his shoulders again, "I was on a mission with Prime, he was there when I did it... I also told him the truth of why I did... I told him that you're blackmailing me and Optimus told me he's going to have a word with you... he also remarked that you will end up in the brig for a good four weeks..." Sunstreaker said.

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanfictionThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...