TF3| Optimus Prime x human! Female reader

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Plot: it's your first day at NEST

Warnings: None


My heartbeat increased as I ran down the hall. Lennox asked for me and I can't be late on my first day here at N.E.S.T. This job meant a lot to me and some soldiers doubted me. I don't want Lennox to doubt me too. I put so much effort into my training. I loved this job already, even this is my first official day.

I walked into the meeting room, completely out of breath, and handed Lennox the files before I sat down. I brushed some strands from my face and sucked in a breath, sitting back. I noticed someone staring at me and I knew exactly who that was. Optimus Prime. We hadn't met before, or not officially. I knew him, but he didn't know me.

It made me nervous, why is he looking at me. Do I have something on my face or is it because I burst into the meeting room like I opened the place? I grunted and sat back, trying to focus but Optimus kept looking at me. When the meeting ended an hour later, I was the first one to leave the meeting room.

"Do you always talk to yourself?"

I yelped and turned around. Optimus came to a stop. I have the strange habit to talk to myself because I have been lonely over the last few years. "Yes, I do. I mean... why not?" I asked. He hummed and studied me for a moment. "I can't believe I am talking to Optimus Prime himself. "What's your name?" He asked. "(Y/n) (l/n)..."
He smiled weakly, "I love your name."

I blushed a little and looked shyly away, towards the ground. "Nice to meet you, (y/n) I am sure we will see each other more often," Optimus said before he passed. I shuddered and felt goosebumps forming on my arms. I can't believe he just asked my name. The Autobot commander asked who I am!

I smiled and started walking off. People have always judged me because I am a little different. I am quite simple, energetic, and minding my own business. I am a social person but you won't find me at crazy and crowded parties. I am not a party animal but if someone asks me to go out to the pub or the mall, I will be the last person to say no... but no one asks me.

I started my shift till 1 AM and went to my room. Absolutely exhausted. I sighed as I got lost. It's so big here and this is my first day. I tried to remember which corridor I had taken but all corridors are the same. Here and there are some paintings Sunstreaker made and wasn't a big fan of. Sideswipe spread them over the halls so it would make some corridors less boring and everyone appreciated it. All the paintings are beautiful even I haven't seen them all.

I groaned and sat down on the stairs somewhere in a staircase. I just wanted to get some sleep. All the tension and stress for my new job and this late shift. "(Y/n)." I perked my head up as a shadow fell upon me. "What are you doing here at this time of the night?" He asked. I got up, "I am sort of lost. This base is gigantic. They should make a map for rookies."

A smile formed on Optimus's lips and gestured me to follow him. He stopped at my room after a couple of minutes. "Thank you..."
"Get some rest, (y/n). You look exhausted," he stated or it was more like an order. "I will, thank you, sir."
"You don't necessarily have to call me that if we're not working," he said. I gave a small nod. "Good night."

"Good night, (y/n)."

This felt like a win-win situation. I was fluttered and headed inside my room. I did take a shower before I laid in bed and curled up, falling in a deep slumber. I was so tired I overslept and by the time I figured it out, I realized that I had missed Ironhide's training session.

I gasped and jumped back on my feet, dressing up, and ran down the hallway towards Ironhide. Everyone was already leaving. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to miss your training." He cut me off. "You weren't there and I need to report that."
I blocked his way, "I am sorry. I honestly didn't mean to be late on my second day. I was just tired and I overslept. I am sorry, I didn't mean it..." I tripped over my own feet and ended up on the floor. Ironhide sighed, "(L/n)... you can't be late for shifts nor training sessions. You're a rookie, you need to be here and I don't make any exceptions for anyone!"

"That's enough, Ironhide. She apologized... these things happen. My younger mechs oversleep too sometimes and it's not a big deal. Don't be so hard on her," Optimus warned. Ironhide gave a small nod, "very well..." he stepped back and left. Optimus held out his hand and hoisted me up. "Thank you..."

"It's not a big deal. Ironhide can't stand it and he's stressed lately, don't take it too personally," Optimus muttered. "Because of the increasing Decepticon activity?" I asked. "No, because he's overworking and not taking my advice nor Ratchet's to take a few days off and rest," Optimus replied and looked into the direction Ironhide just disappeared.

"You're their leader... can't you make him? Force him a little bit?" I asked. Optimus looked back at me, "I don't want to force anyone especially not my best and oldest friend. Ironhide and I have been through a lot, we fought together and we grieved together. No, I am not going to force him anything." Optimus spoke in a firm and strict voice, maybe even a little angered. I gave a small nod, "sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I thought because you are worried about your friend's health, you would make him rest a couple of days."

"No, I won't force Ironhide anything." He's too stubborn anyway." Optimus handed me an envelope before he walked off curiously I opened and found a drawn map from several floors and the red circles were important places like the Autobot hanger, main hanger, cafeteria, shooting range, my room, the fitness and the library. A smile crept up on my face before I walked off.

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