requested by: X-another-one-X
Plot: The reader is around the age of 13, and has boosted strength and jumping ability. Her mother - a businesswoman - gave her away to NEST, and she has a hard time adjusting she tries to run off.
__________________((Readers P.O.V))
"Where are we going?"
My mom looked on her watch while she sped up on the road to a dangerously high speed. "Mom?" I repeated, giving her a worried look. I didn't want her to dump me again somewhere in a park or cafe where I had to sit all day till she would pick me up. You know how hard it is for me to get dumped everywhere and wait. I am not really a normal human. My dad has done some twisted and sick experiments with me when my mom wasn't home. She's a very busy woman and travels a lot. She doesn't give a shit about me and my dad took that advantage. His projects were rejected by the government and other organizations. So, instead, he did them on me...
"I have to catch a plane..." was all she said. "So where do I go? I am coming with you?" I asked. "Of course not... I wouldn't take you," she grumbled while slowing down a bit and drove through a gate. "Where are we? What is it?" I asked as she came to a stop. "Okay get out..." she said, turning towards me. "What? I don't understand..." I said, glancing at the building. "I have to hurry... so get out," she said, snapping this time. Without asking any further, I hopped out and closed the door, stepping back when she just drove off, leaving me standing here. I turned towards the metal door, walking in.
I was immediately pushed aside by soldiers and collapsed on the floor. My eyes widened a little, why did she dump me here? Why didn't she care about me? So many words flew through my mind at this point. It's also fear that started to rise up from the deepest point of my body. I shivered while getting up, strolling through the large endless halls of the base. No one seemed to notice me and if they did, they didn't seem to care. I reached a door and as I pushed it open, I arrived in a huge hanger, I have never seen anything like this before.
So, besides this is huge and there were walking soldiers around, the room was also filled with... robots? It made me wonder how or who created them? Are they even created by humans or could this be aliens? I have always been into sci-fiction, so it somehow made me curious. I stepped back as a large yellow robot passed. "Get out of my damn way!" he sneered, making me leap in the air and back off, hitting something. I turned, seeing I bumped into a red robot who also seemed to be a bit annoyed. "Watch it, human!" he growled with an Italian accent.He stepped over me, strolling over to the yellow robot that was staring at me, piercing his optics through my soul. "I think I can agree with you that humans are primitive..." the red one mumbled, rolling his optics. "That's the only thing we agree about," the yellow one sulked. The red one rolled his optics, he seemed to disrespect me already and the other one seemed to hate me more than anything else in the world. The fact they called me human meant they are indeed aliens.
"Don't take that personally..."I jumped up again as two smaller robots approached. "I am skids... and this is my twin brother, Mudflap," he introduced, pointing at himself and his brother. "Ah... I am (y/n)..." I introduced. "Nice to meet you... where are your parents?" Mudflap asked. "My father is in jail and my mom... she just dumped me here..." I said. "That's the girl that would come today and stay with us, you dumbass!" Skids sneered, hitting his brother. "Excuse me! You hadn't realized it either, fragger!" Mudflap snapped back. I giggled a little, I liked them. "enough!" A voice roared, making me shiver. I turned to see the yellow robot glaring at them. "I swear, if you make one more fight, I am going to rip you apart!" he hissed, making himself bigger. A silver robot on wheels tugged on his arm, whispering something in his ear. "He's always moody," skids grumbled. "Who are they?"
"Sideswipe... and the yellow one, Sunstreaker... also twins. The red one is Mirage but everyone calls him Dino... Then we have Jolt, the blue guy over there... the others aren't here right now, but you will meet them soon enough..." Skids said. "Wait... are you guys aliens or something?" I asked. "Autobots, yes... we are from Cybertron," Mudflap explained. "Ah, right..." I mumbled.
The twins showed me around, which I really appreciated. It's scary to walk around not knowing anyone. They introduced me to Lennox, he's the chief around here and told me quite some interesting things about how they came to earth and the whole war around it, but he also told me the truth about what my mother had planned and apologized for that. She had dumped me here, she didn't want to see me anymore, Lennox didn't tell me that way, he said she had given me to N.E.S.T. It's painful when your mother doesn't want you anymore and just dumps you in an unknown place.
Anyway, I told them about what my father had done to me and about my abilities. Ratchet, their CMO had been more than interested in my abilities even though he hated the fact my father had hurt me so much. At the end of the day, I had met every Autobot.
Right now, I am laying in bed, a double bed. I have never slept in a double bed, but I can get used to it for sure. So much space only for me. I fell into a deep sleep.The next following days were harder then I thought, some soldiers mocked me off and it's quite stressful too, Skids and Mudflap were so sweet, they kept asking me if I needed anything and if I wanted to hang out with them, which I gladly did, but I hadn't told them about how stressed out I am right now. It's very unlike me either, normally I am very relaxed.
Even though the (most) Autobots are very kind to me, Skids and Mudflap, in particular, I wanna go back home. Call me crazy, but I missed my mother, even though she never there for me. She's still my mom. So I came up with a plan to escape the base and head home.That night, I sneaked out of my room, through the halls, and made it outside. I can easily jump over the gate with my jump ability. No one seemed to notice it. As soon as I landed, I started sprinting, as hard as I could straight back home. I slowed down as I neared the traffic light, halting, and caught my breath while waiting. I wouldn't let her dump me that easy. I doubted she was home since she had to catch a plane. So if she wasn't I am going to stay at home and wait.
When I came home, 60 minutes later, the distance was longer than I expected and I don't know Washington DC that well, but I found it and I just walked into my neighborhood, stopping right in front of the house. There were no lights, but I also noticed something else that caught my eyes. The huge sign in the front yard with the word 'SOLD' on it. She sold the house without telling me, but even worse, she left town without telling me where to go. I sat down on the porch, burying my face in my hands, and started sobbing."(y/n)?"
I looked up as the twins approached and sat on each side of me. "Why are you here?" Skids murmured, wrapping his arm around me. "B-because I had hoped to see my mom..." I sobbed. "I am sorry, (y/n)..." Mudflap whispered. "For what? It's not your fault she neglects me," I whimpered. "I know... but just this whole situation... I know it must be hard for you," He said quietly. "But hey... you still have us and we won't leave or hurt you!" Skids stated firmly. I smiled a little even the tears run down my face like a waterfall.
"It's just so hard to adjust... everyone keeps pushing me aside, yell at me for being in the way... I am only a bother to them..." I sobbed. "You are not a bother, they're just being fraggers, don't listen to them, (y/n)..." Skids stated. I looked up as he lifted my chin and brushed some tears off my cheeks. "Don't cry... it's not making you beautiful... we like to see you smile," he said. "Come on... smile," he said, poking me a little. I giggled at the ticklish feeling that spread through my body."There... keep that up, otherwise we are going to tickle," Mudflap warned, poking me. I giggled and brushed the tears off my face. "Come on, (y/n)... let's go back to base," Skids stated, getting back up on his feet. I nodded and got up as well. "She drives with me..." Mudflap stated. "Who gave you permission!" Skids snapped back. "I did... I am older!" I rolled my eyes at their fight, but it doesn't matter how annoying they can be, I am just grateful to have them...

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanfictionThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...