TFP| Yandere! Soundwave x cyb! Femme reader x Yandere! Shockwave

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Requested by: @Marcell_Davis_1und1

Plot: Both mechs are obsessed with you and they don't only show that to you, but also towards other mechs and themselves.

Warnings: Violence & swearing

Date: 26-8-2021

I flinched as I heard Shockwave angrily talk to some seekers. I peeked into the hallway and as soon as he saw me, his attitude changed from aggressive to super sweet. He walked up to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My eyes widened a little in shock and surprise. "Shockwave..." I flashed him a nervous smile. "Mine!" He growled.

This is going on for a couple of weeks, honestly, it started after I arrived here at the nemesis and I was pretty uncomfortable with his possessiveness. Not just Shockwave but also Soundwave. He bickers all the time with Shockwave, hurts other mechs and even femmes if they're around me. Even Megatron has experienced this, which was in my opinion shocking. No one seemed to know what to do or tried to help me out. Only Steve had tried to help me out and he was literary ripped apart. Soundwave ripped his spark out, threw it on the floor and shot it.

Despite Megatron's huge interest and amusement to the whole ordeal, everyone else was just frozen in place, shocked and scared for who might be next. Now, no one wants to talk to me or even looks at me. "Shockwave... I am busy." I pushed the mech aside. "I don't want you to leave!" He grabbed a hold of my hand and forcefully pulled me back to his chassis.

"I will decide wether you leave or not, glitch."

My optics widened and I slapped the side of helm so hard that he stumbled back. Now it was Shockwaves turn to be shocked. The said mech reached for his helm and rubbed over the sore spot. "Who do you think you are?!" I snapped before I turned around and walked away. I may be one of the few femmes, but I won't let a mech slap my cheek.

I snorted and started scowling under my breath, retiring for the night. I woke up around 1 AM with the feeling of being watched. I scanned my dorm quickly and my eyes fell on a dark shape in the corner. "Soundwave!" I snapped, sitting up and turned on the light. "What the help dude! Get out!" I snapped and jumped up but Soundwave didn't move a single muscle and just stared at me.

I came to a stop. He seemed to look straight through my soul. "Get out!" I repeated again but he didn't move or did anything. He just stood there, watching me. It started to get creepy so I aimed my gun at him. "Last change, get out or I will shoot you back to Cybertron!" I snapped. He responded to this and started to move towards the door, leaving. "Idiot!" I scowled. I waited for ten minutes to make sure he was really gone before I laid down again and fell asleep.

The next morning, as the clock hit 7 AM, I woke up and stared straight into Soundwaves face. He was standing straight next to my berth, looking at me. I screamed and moved away from him. "Soundwave!" I roared and threw a pillow his way. "What on earth do you think you're doing! Get out and leave me alone!" I screamed. Soundwave stared at me and was later accompanied by Soundwave.

"What the hell is wrong with you Mechs!" I snapped and pushed them out of my room. I slammed the door shut and started my daily routine before I left my dorm. Both mechs were still outside, waiting and followed me around. No matter where I went, they were there too as my shadow, or it was ravage keeping an eye on me.

Walking into the rec room, bots backed off and didn't want anything to do with me. Their optics were pointed on the ground table. It felt lonely and depressing. I sat down with an Energon cube and didn't pay any attention to Soundwave and Shockwave as they stood next my table, watching me without saying anything.

After a while, I looked up. "Just sit down," I growled. They didn't move at all or responded to what I just told them to do. There was just no reaction from these two mechs. "Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you two?" I muttered. I know exactly what is wrong with them. They have an obsession with me.

After I finished, I got up and left. I just needed to clear my mind but as soon as they took note of my plan to leave they started to tug on my arm, and dragged me with them towards my room. They locked the door and I wasn't able to get out. "Guys!" I shouted and banged on the door, but it was useless, they had locked me up. I didn't even try to fight it and just laid down in my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Five hours passed and they let me out to get an Energon snack. As I walked into the rec room, a seeker perked his helm up to see who was coming in but Soundwave and Shockwave were not amused. They marched over to him and started to literary rip him apart. "Stop! Soundwave! Shockwave!" I tried to stop them but they seemed to be in their own world. I'm a bliss of fury and hate. The poor seeker died moments later. His grey optics staring into nothing.

He survived the war on Cybertron only to be ripped apart by two of his fellow Decepticons. I decided to make a ran for it and try to escape. Both chased me and started to get closer and closer. I took a few turns and already saw the entrance but just a few yards away, before I could transform, Soundwave shot me. I collapsed on the ground with a loud thud and groaned in pain.

Both came to a stop and looked down at me. Like they had been doing nearly all day and night. Then, Soundwave aimed his gun at me. "Your spark belongs to us and shall always belong to us!" Shockwave snarled before Soundwave ripped my spark out and life slipped away from me.

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