Requested by: Sunnyensides
Plot: Sideswipe has a secret he's afraid to tell Sunstreaker.
Warnings: Swearing
Date: November 21th 2021
'You're okay?'I hummed and nodded, glancing at my brother. 'You look so serious,' he added. 'What?! No! I am just—' I waved my servo and sat down on our berth. 'Something you want to talk about?' He asked. I shook my head and fiddled with my digits. 'No, Sunny. I am— only thinking,' I mumbled. He didn't quite believe me but stopped asking. There is something I would like to talk about, I am just so afraid of what he will think. I hadn't noticed Sunny watching me until I looked up. 'You can talk to me,' he said. 'Nothing is wrong,' I snapped. He raised his servo's and turned back to his drawing.
I have been trying to tell him for weeks. I couldn't find the right moment. A moment he's in a good mood and I found enough courage. I have a fragged someone. A mech and I liked it. It just made me realize that I like both mechs and femmes and I don't know what my brother will think. He looked at me again. I laid down and ignored it.
(Y/n) is a very handsome, attractive mech and I can't deny it. I fell for his charms and before I knew, I got laid by a mech. That's how simple it is. I shut my optics for a moment, thinking back. I snapped out of the chain of thoughts as my brother cleared his throat. 'I am gonna go now, so...' he trailed off and walked up to the door. 'Hey, Suns?' He hummed and turned. 'I love you, you know that right?' I asked. He gave a small nod, 'yeah, I know.'
'You love me back, right?'
'Yes, Sideswipe. Why wouldn't I love you back? You're my twin brother,' he said irritated. I gave a small nod and curled up while Sunny left. I shut my optics again and felt tears running down my cheek plate. I am so scared to lose him. What if he looks differently at me? What if he doesn't love me anymore. We have always been together, we keep each other alive and now, this happened. I could've rubbed everything.
Later that day, I saw (Y/n) and walked up to him. 'Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?' He nodded and followed me. 'Sup?' He asked and crossed his arms over his (f/c) chassis. 'Maybe we should stop seeing each other,' I stated. (Y/n) raised and optic ridge. 'Why? What's wrong? Did I do something that upset you?' He asked shocked. 'No! No... it's just— you know... we are both mechs and—' he cut me off. 'Should that be a problem? It happened so many times before on Cybertron! Two femmes or two mechs... sometimes two femmes and one mech or two mechs and one femme. What's the big deal?' He asked.
'I like femmes more.'
A complete lie. I like femmes and mechs but I needed to create distance. (Y/n)'s face dropped. 'Oh, alright...' he sighed. 'I am sorry.' He shook his helm. 'Don't be. It's okay,' he said and turned around. 'No, (Y/n)... I am serious about it. I am sorry, I breaking your spark because I know you like me,' he said. The mech shook his helm and walked off, leaving me with a horrible feeling in my tank. This sucks.
I wheeled off as well. 'What was that about?' I froze and glanced at Sunny. 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Why did you upset him?' He asked. 'We had an argument. Nothing new or special,' I said and tried to pass my brother. 'I feel like I am missing something. Mind telling me the truth?' He asked. 'There is nothing to talk about, okay? We had an argument and it's solved. The problem is solved,' I said and pushed him out of the way. My doorwings lowered as I wheeled around the corner and halted, leaning against the wall and buried my face in my servo's for a moment.
Why am I so messed up?
I needed someone to cheer me up. Last thing I want is to be alone right now. Ironhide was parked but I gave it a shot and approached. 'Hey, hide?' He hummed. 'Do you think I am a mess?' There was a silence before he transformed. 'What are you talking about?' Hr asked confused. 'Do you think I am like... a complete messed up idiot?' He stared at me. 'Uhm, no...' he trailed off. 'What is going on? You never come to me to talk or ask advice,' he said.
My doorwings lowered again. 'I am just scared—'
'Scared for what?' He pushed. 'Scared my brother won't like me anymore.' My optics started to tear again. 'That's absolutely ridiculous! Why wouldn't he like you anymore?' He asked. 'Did you fell in an argument again?'
I shook my helm. 'No, it's about something I haven't told him... because I am afraid I will lose him and I can't live with that.'
Ironhide snorted and shook his helm. 'You're messed up for talking shit like this! Sunstreaker is your brother he will love you regardless of what kind of things you do. Isn't that what brother mean? Supporting each other no matter what?' He asked. I gave a small nod, 'but you know Sunny and how he can be sometimes,' I mumbled. 'It doesn't matter. He wants the best for you and he loves you. Every time I talk to him about you, I see him smile. He's proud to be your brother and Sunstreaker just wants you to be happy. He would push himself aside to make you feel loved and keep you saved. He literally risks his life to save yours and protect you.' Ironhide is right about that but the anxiousness is still there.That night I dreamed about the entire situation. Sunstreaker left me during battle, he didn't return and let me die. I woke up completely upset. 'Hey, Sides.' Sunstreaker touched my shoulder. 'You're okay, calm down.' He smiled a little and rubbed my shoulder. I slowly calmed down as soon as I realized it was just a dream. 'Want to talk about your dream?' He asked. 'You left me to die... during battle.'
He shook his helm. 'I wouldn't do that and you know that,' he said. 'I just sense over our bond that you're anxious and sad. It breaks my cold spark. Why aren't you telling what's going on?' He asked. 'It's not— important. I need you and no one else because without you I would be lost.' He wiped a tear off my face. 'Definitely... but I still want to know what's going on,' he said. 'Nothing is wrong, okay? Please drop it. I don't want to talk about it.'
'So, something is wrong.'
'No, I solved the problem. It's fine now.'
'I just don't believe you Sides.'My brother got up. He's still using my nickname, that's a good sign. If he doesn't, he's rather mad at me or annoyed. 'Your spark is crying... I can feel it. You're not fair to be and that upsets me,' he said before he left. I sighed and curled up, not reading to get up just yet. I need to tell him the truth. It's impossible to hide it from him any longer. Last thing I want is to break his spark.
That night, he came in after a long tiring training session and once again, I doubted my decision to tell him. He hadn't greeted me yet. It told me enough. 'Sunny?' He hummed, not looking. 'You're right... I haven't been fair to you. It's just... I am scared what you will think, disappoint you or... lose you.'
He stopped and turned around. 'Spill the beans. You know how much I love and care about you, Sides,' he said. 'Okay, so... a few weeks back... I started to hang out with that new mech... (Y/n). You know him, right?' I asked. He hummed and crossed his servo's over his golden armor. 'Well, we had a drink as well, had a fun time... then he asked me to come with him and showed me his room. Things heated up... I think that I... like both mechs and femmes.'
I looked at Sunny to read is face. 'Okay, so? What's your point?' He asked. His reaction surprised me. 'The point is that I like femmes and mechs,' I said. 'Alright, you don't have to ask me for permission. We are twins but I am not gonna tell you what to do or not. If you like mechs then... I don't care. I just want you to be happy... that's the most important thing for me. In the end, it doesn't matter what I think... even if you start dating a human I would still support you because I love you and you're my twin brother. Plus, I already sort of knew you had interests in mechs though,' he said.
'Its not the first time I have seen you flirt with a mech or a mech flirting with you. Sideswipe, I am not stupid. I know everything. I have caught you fragging Mirage back on Cybertron. I came back from a mission and found you on top of him...'
'Why haven't you said anything?'
'Because you weren't ready to share. It's okay.'
'All those time I was so scared to lose you.'
'You're never ever gonna lose me, you silly mech.'We hugged. 'Now, I think you have to make something up, isn't it?' He asked. I smiled and nodded, turning around to make it up with (Y/n).

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanfictionThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...