TF 3| Sideswipe x Sunstreaker [Part 1]

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Plot: Froid arrived on earth and has always had an obsession for Sideswipe, despite his hate for Sunstreaker. When Sunstreaker suddenly disappears, Froids true colors are shown.

Warnings: obsession, torture, swearing & violence

Part 1:

I looked at Sunny standing next to me. His face betrayed exactly what I was thinking. 'You two are twins... I get that but...' Froid trailed off and lowered his datapad. 'You two are together too much,' he said. 'I don't see the problem,' Sunny said. 'That's not good. You two shouldn't rely so much on each other,' he stated. 'I am sorry but this is ridiculous,' I scoffed and glanced at my brother. 'Is it? When was the last time you did something on your own?' He asked. I snorted, 'that was...' I looked at Sunstreaker. He didn't know the answer either. 'That's what I mean... it's not good to be together this much, even for twin brother,' he stated. 'Yeah, we'll... it's our choice and if we want to be together, we will. After all, we are split sparks and need each other to survive. So, it's not that strange we stick together,' Sunstreaker snapped.

'Jetfire and Jetstream are split sparks as well and were they so close? At least they went out individually and had their own friends. It's not bad to be separated from each other for a couple of hours. Maybe it would be good for you two as well.' Sunstreaker was done with it and got up. 'Go to hell Froid. Continue your mental examination with the other mechs,' he snapped. Sunny gestured to me to follow him.

Froid is out psychologist. His closest friend, Rung had died back on Cybertron. I guess he's still sad over the loss of his friend and he changed. The mech kept bothering everyone with his findings and statements. Just thinking about not having Sunstreaker next to me scared the hell out of me. 'Hey.' My brother laid his hand on my shoulder. 'Don't worry. He can't get us apart,' he said. I hugged him before we decided to leave the base.

I started thinking about what Froid said. Why is it bad to rely so much on my brother? We are born together, we grew up together and we will die together. That's how simple it is. I wasn't really paying attention to my brother's pace and hadn't noticed he sped up. 'Are you still coming or what?' He asked over the bond. At this point, I realized he was out of sight and sped up as well. 'Y-yeah, sorry.'
'Still thinking about Froid?'

I sighed. 'Yeah...' I muttered. 'Leave the old bot, Sideswipe. He doesn't know how it feels to have a brother,' he mocked. I hummed while catching up with him. 'It just keeps bothering me,' I muttered. 'Leave it,' he repeated. 

Four days later, Prime left and asked us to stay at the base and keep an eye out of 'lost' Decepticons. Froid stated at the base as well. He's not much of a fighter and said he had better things to do. I was playing a Cybertronian card game with Sunshine. In the heat of our game, Froid interrupted us. 'Sunstreaker, can you come with me for a second.'

'Now?' I complained. 'Yes, now, Sideswipe,' Froid snapped impatiently. Sunstreaker laid his cards upside down. 'Don't peek!' He warned, pointing at me. 'I wouldn't even think about it,' I chuckled innocently. My brother smiled and caressed my helm before walking off.

((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))

'What do you want, Froid?'

I followed him through the halls and hanger. 'You're mad?' He asked. 'Annoyed, I think that's a better word,' I snarled. 'You're pampering him—' I cut him off. 'I treat my brother the way I want. Sideswipe has been through enough. You don't know our full story so stop trying to tell us what to do,' I snapped. 'Alright, I am sorry.'

I pushed him aside. 'Where are we going?' I scowled. 'I just need some help with moving some boxes. I can use a young bit like you,' he said. I rolled my optics and headed downstairs. 'Where these damn boxes?' I scowled, looking around. 'At the back, left cell,' he said. I marched over to the back. 'I don't see any boxes here,' I muttered and turned. I got hit by froid and passed out. When I woke up, I was chained up. My wrists, torso, legs and neck. I was forced in a painful position.

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