TF 4| Yandere! Crosshairs x human! Female reader

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Requested by: SuyaRhys3

Plot: after the battle, Crosshairs goes back to your home with you but he's happy you are continuing your school and have other 'mechs' around.

Warnings: possessiveness, swearing & violence

Date: August 15th 2021
• You're P.O.V •
"Crosshairs! We have been through this before and I am not going to argue with you about it again!" I snapped as I marched downstairs. "(Y/n)! Don't you dare to leave!" He snapped, sprinting down after me and pushed me against the walls. "I make the decisions around here and you promised me!" He snapped. "I didn't promise you a damn thing! I am going to school and finish my education. Rather you like it or not!" Is apt and pushed him away from me. "You can't do that to me!" He shouted. "No?! Watch me! You are over reacting!" I screamed. "I am not overreacting. Those males are after you and staring at your ass the entire day!" He hissed.

I hit his cheek. "And what are you doing all day?" I snapped. He gritted his teeth while glaring daggers at me. "You still had to vacuum clean! Can't you at least do that first?" He asked. "You can stick the vacuum cleaner in your ass! Piss off and let me leave or I swear I will kick your ass back to Cybertron!" I sneered and pushed him away from me. Crosshairs was not amused nor impressed. "I am going to leave right now and you won't be an aft! Get it?!" I snapped before I pushed him out of the way and grabbed my bag.

But you will come home as soon as possible!" He shouted after me. I gave him middle finger before I left. I love him, but sometimes I can snap his neck for being so possessive. He hates it if I have other guys hanging around me before some reason. Crosshairs can't just stand it and needs to make a point of it. Every darn day, we have this argument. It's tiring to go through it every day. I wish he's less possessive.

• Crosshair's P.O.V •
Now (y/n) had left, there was this horrible silence. I hated it. If it was up to me, she would be at my side 24/7. I hated other mechs for looking at what belongs to me. She's my mate, my girl fiend and I am willing to beat everyone up who's looking at her even talks to her. I don't feel guilty for arguing with her about it every time. If she doesn't like, then it's not my damn problem. We wouldn't have problem if she just follows her classes online but she told me it's boring. Like she's looking for trouble.

I left her house and followed her to school but made sure to stay in the shadows so she wouldn't see me. It's her last year high school. She couldn't wait till she's finally done with high school and start college. Which I hated too, but she will do it anyway.
It's a big deal for her. Both her parents died and her brother is send to prison for abuse and robbing. She's all on her own and I am the only she has left. She does care and love me, she wants me around but on the other hand, she craves to do what she loves and let no one get in the way.

That evening, she returned home and was making her homework like every other day since we got back and not paying attention to me. "Is homework more important then me?" I asked. She hadn't even heard me. "(Y/n)! I am talking to you!" I snapped frantically. She jolted and looked up. "Crosshairs! Stop seeking attention and let me finish for Primus sake!" She hissed. I crossed my arms and glared at her while she looked back at her math book.

"I am your boyfriend!" I snitched the books away from her and grabbed her, pinning her down. "All you do is arguing with me or making homework. I have the right to get some attention from you!" I snapped. She rolled her eyes and stared at me. "This is important to me, Crosshairs. Why can't you understand?" She asked quietly. I kissed deeply before I replied. "I do, but you also need to learn that not everything is about work. I am here too and you're not paying any attention to me lately."

"Because you're annoying me all the time."
"You don't want to listen to me, (y/n)!"
"It's my life, Crosshairs."
"You never listen to me."
"Liar. I do but not always."

I snorted and glared at her before I kissed her again. "I don't want any mech near you, get that?" I asked. She snorted and rolled her eyes, "stop telling me that and get off me so I can finish my homework." I sighed and sat back on the sofa. I watched her do her homework.

The next morning, I wasn't pleased once again. I followed her to school to see what she was up to and spotted a mech. He was joking and laughing with her. I felt jealously and anger rise up from my core. She promised me to stay away from other mechs and now she's making fun with one. How could she?!"

As angry as I was, I hopped out of my alt-mode and marched over to mech, punching his jaw. He stumbled back and collapsed on the ground. I grabbed his shirt and started to punch him. "(Y/n) is my femme!" I shouted and hit him again. "Crosshairs!" (Y/n) pushed me away from the soul I just beat up for talking to her.

• You're P.O.V •

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

"You promised me something and you didn't!" Crosshairs snapped back and pushed me towards his alt-mode. "That's Mark, he's my partner in Biology!" I spat out. He pinned me down on his hood and glared daggers at me. This is one of the moments I can better shut up. He's really pissed off right now. "I don't want another word coming from you, (y/n)!" He snapped.
I just stared at him with a blank expression. "We are going home and you'll make it up to me!"

He got off of me and forced me in his alt-mode. "Make it up to you?" I asked. He drove off. "Yes, you know what I mean. Apparently I need to show who's in charge and who owns you. I am the only one who's allowed to state at you! You are mine and mine alone!"

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