TF 2| Bumblebee x human! female reader

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Requested by: Ravage4

Plot: The reader is Bumblebee's sparkmate and having severe pains. He knows something it off but (Y/n) is trying to hide it. Bumblebee doesn't trust it and goes to see Ratchet.

Warnings: None

Date: 14/11/2021

'You're okay?'

I nodded and popped some food in my mouth. 'Yeah, don't worry about it,' I said and waved my hand to dismiss it. Bumblebee studied me but brushed it off as well. He's my spark for some time and I can't live without him anymore. He's my everything. He's not always here at the base, often looks after Sam Witwicky so I cherish the moments I have with him. I shifted a little to get rid of the pain in abdomen. It's like this for some time and can't really explain why. It's an complaining pain and I thought I was a little ill. I felt ill but it's been nearly a week and the pain still hadn't faded.

'I have to go, but I will see with lunch, alright?' I nodded and pecked his lips while Bumblebee rushed out of the room, obviously late for his assignment. I am so glad we don't have any missions lately. The decepticons seemed to have disappeared which is nice, so I can take it fairly easy. I headed back to my room and laid down for a moment, trying to find a position that helped me relief a little bit of pain. I can handle a lot, but these pains got worse nearly every day. The complaining pain turned into serious pain. This morning, I couldn't even walk and had to lay back down until the pain had faded a little bit.

Bumblebee strode in 2 hours later and slammed the door shut with his feet. 'Hi, baby,' he purred and kissed me. I smiled and laid my hand on his cheek. 'Hi, baby. How was it?' I murmured. 'Boring without you,' he cooed. A smile formed on my face again. I winced in pain again and groaned. Bumblebee shook his head, 'you're having these pains for some time now... I want you to see Ratchet,' he stated. I shook my head, 'don't worry so much, Bee. I am just a little bit ill, okay? So many soldiers have the flue around this time of the year. It's nothing new,' I assured him. A worried frown spread over his face. 'But I am worried,' he muttered. 'Look, I will take pain medication and if it doesn't help, I'll see Ratchet tomorrow morning, alright?' Bumblebee grunted but accepted my answer.
I spend all day in bed, watching TV and Bee had to leave a couple of times.

That night, I had a very restless, pain filled sleep. My stomach got worse at the point I could barely control myself and caught a nasty fever as well. Bee next to me hadn't noticed anything. I am glad he didn't, he will only worry about me. The next morning, Bumblebee woke me up with kissed in the crook of my neck and softly caressed my cheek. 'How are you doing?' He murmured. 'I am doing much better,' I stated. He didn't reply and kissed my cheek before getting up. 'You're coming?' He asked. I nodded and slid out of her, shrinking in pain. I was glad he had turned his back towards me. I hated to see me like this. My body shivered but I ignored and strode into the bathroom. We had a shower together before we went our separate ways. I don't know what he was up too, but I was going to get some food. Although, I am not hungry at all.

The pain I had experienced for nearly a weak had just reached a new level. I sank on my knees, uttered a scream. My breathing hitched and all I could do was cry out in pain. I curled up while soldiers surrounded me, asking what was wrong but I couldn't answer. I was in too much pain and not able to breath properly. 'Make it stop!' I screamed, throwing my head back.

((Bumblebee's P.O.V))
This has lasted long enough. I can't see (Y/n) in pain anymore. She doesn't want to talk about it and dismissed it, but I won't let her get away with it so easily. I really felt like something was horribly off and didn't know what to do about it. I walked into the main hanger and searched for Prime and Lennox to point out my concerns.


The said mech glanced at me. 'I am really worried about (Y/n),' I said. I got Lennox and Optimus's full attention. 'She's having pains for a week if not longer. She's barely able to sleep and doesn't eat anymore either. She described it as a... complaining pain in her stomach but the last few days she's doubling over in severe pain. I told her to see Ratchet but she keeps rejecting it... she says it's the flue and more soldiers have it. She doesn't want to listen to me and keeps going. She even reaches a point she's lying to me about her state. She was in so much pain last night... I heard her whimper in her sleep. I don't know what's going on with her.'

'We need to inform Ratchet about it. It's bad.'
'It could be something serious,' Lennox said. 'I don't want her to join our large mission next week if she's in a state like this,' Lennox added. I agreed with both of them and headed towards the medbay, explaining Ratchet the entire situation. He shook his head at the end of it. 'It's bad. I need to see her right away and examine her—' he was cut off when I soldier burst through the door like he owned the place. 'It's (Y/n), she's screaming in pain and we have no idea what's wrong. Something with her stomach—' I passed the soldier and rushed towards the mess hall. 'Baby?' I cupped her cheek and shivered at the horrible sight. I feared she was going to die or whatever.

'Move it!' Ratchet told people to back off and leave, so he and Jolt had space to inspect my girl. 'It's her appendix. It needs to be removed before it raptures,' he said. I shivered. She was brought to the medbay and I had to wait. 'It's my fault. If I told Ratchet sooner, it probably wouldn't have happened,' I muttered sadly. 'It's not your fault, Bumblebee. A lot of humans get their appendix removed and she would've ended up in surgery soon or later anyway,' Lennox said and patted my back softly to comfort me a little bit.

Three hours passed until Ratchet showed his face again. 'She's doing great. It wasn't raptured, not yet at least but it shouldn't have last another day. I gave her antibiotics and I expect her to wake up any moment,' he said. I sat by her side until she woke up. 'Bee,' she smiled widely at me. '(Y/n)?' She looked up. 'You shouldn't hide pains or injuries. Next time it could be deadly,' he said. She nodded and sighed, 'I am sorry, I won't hide it ever again,' she said. 'Yeah, next time I will drag your ass into the medbay myself. You scared the hell out of me,' nee grumpily replied. 'I am sorry, baby.' She laid her hand on mine. 'You need at least a month off to heal. So, no duties for you, young lady,' Ratchet warned. I nodded. 'You can stay with her until she's recovered,' Optimus said.

When they were gone, I snuggled into (Y/n) and held her protectively. I am so glad she's no longer in pain. Still sleepily, she rested her head on my shoulder and shut her eyes, falling in a deep, peaceful slumber.

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