TF 1| Bumblebee x human! Female reader

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Plot: You are Sam's sister and just got home for a summer break from college. Bumblebee starts flirting with you as soon as he spots you to Sam's annoyance.
This plays after the events of the first movie but Jazz is still alive.

Warnings: none

Date: August 21th 2021
"Mom! Dad! I am home!" I shouted as I walked through the front door. I haven't seen my parents for a couple of months. I study at Harvard and only see my parents at breaks or events like Thanks Giving and Christmas. I shut the door behind me and heard my brother running downstairs, nearly missing a stair. "(Y/n)?!" Sam tightly hugged me and I hugged him back. "How's my little brother doing?" I joked and nudged his side as he let go of me. "I am doing great, I am so happy to see you." He dragged me into the living room and called to our parents who were outside bickering about the path. "What happened to our garden?" I asked as I looked through the window. It seemed to be ravaged, the fountain was broken, the path was almost completely gone and the grass was uneven like something really heavy and big stepped in it.

"I have to tell you so much," Sam said as he gestured to me to come over. Before I could, mom and dad marched in, hugging me tightly. "I missed my baby girl so much," mom said as she pulled me in another bear hug. I smiled and sat down after our reunion. "(y/n)! I want you to meet someone," Sam said and got up on his feet. I arched a brow as I looked at mom and dad. "he has a girlfriend?" I asked. "He has, you know that girl from school, Mikaela?" dad asked. "She?" I asked confused and turned again as my little brother walked in with a very handsome guy. Tall, muscular, blue eyes and blonde hair. "(Y/n)... this is Bumblebee," he introduced. I got up and walked over to the young man, shaking his hand. "Hi, nice to meet you... I am (Y/n). Sam's older sister obviously," I replied.

"Nice to meet you I am (Y/n)," he said, he wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. "No, she's (Y/n)," Sam said and arched a brow. As soon as Bumblebee realized his mistake a blush crept up on his face. I bit my lip and sat back down, but Bumblebee was very embarrassed and didn't look at me as I was telling about school and how I was doing on Harvard. Then Sam told me about the downtown battle and who Bumblee truly was. Intrigued by his story I looked at Bumblebee. "An alien, huh?" I asked. Bumblebee seemed to have some trouble talking. He was able to talk but rather just nodded or shook his head.

That night, after dinner as I was doing the dishes, Bumblebee walked into the kitchen and leaned against the fridge. "Are you wi-fi? Cause I'm totally feeling a connection..." I glanced at him. I arched a brow as I glanced at him. "That's an old one, Bee... don't you have something more... new?" I asked. "If you were a transformer, you'd be Optimus fine." I turned off the water and dried my hands. "Alright... alright, I got another one," he said while smirking. "Oh! I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?" I couldn't help but chuckle. "You are kinda cute when you do that..." I purred and traced his chest with my index finger. "You are cute," he said. I chuckled and passed him.

"You'd like to have a drive with me tomorrow? I can show you how fast I can go," he said and winked at me. "Really? Why not," I said as I headed upstairs. Bumblebee followed me upstairs, "yeah? You'd like to go with me?" he asked. "Sure, why not," I opened the door of my room and walked inside. "Goodnight, Bee," I said and winked at him this time, shutting the door behind me. I took a shower in retirement for the night. The next morning, I dressed up in a skirt and halter top above it. Bumblebee was also quite early, as I opened door of my room, he was dare and pushed some flowers in my hand. "Oh... thank you," I said, sniffing at the red roses. Bumblebee stepped aside. "I made breakfast for you," he said and gestured to me to follow him. Like he said, he had made breakfast first two persons so I guess he wanted to have breakfast with me alone.

While Bumblebee hated to stutter, I think it's actually cute. I put the flowers in a vase and sat down in front of Bumblebee. "Thank you," I said, grabbing some bread. We chatted a little until Sam strode in and arched a brow. "What's this?" he asked. "Breakfast, I made her breakfast," Bumblebee stated. Sam sat down as well and looked at one another. "Can I have a word with you, Bee?" he asked. Bumblebee looked at me for a moment but got up and followed my younger brother out of the kitchen. Little did they know I could hear everyone they said to each other but it was mostly Sam. "What do you think you are doing? Hooking on my sister?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my orange juice. "I made her a nice meal," Bumblebee said a little confused.

"Why?" Sam questioned. "Because I'd want to know her better. She's your sister and Jazz told me the day before what I should do––" Sam cut him off. "Bumblebee, she's human. You are an alien," Sam hissed softly. "Jazz said that doesn't matter." Sam sighed, "since when is Jazz a matchmaker?" he asked. "Jazz isn't a matchmaker, he just told me what to do to get her attention. I gave her flowers this morning... Jazz said human femmes loves red roses." I got up to help Bumblebee out of his misery. "Sam, leave him alone... I think it's sweet," I said and pushed my younger brother out of the way. "Are you coming Bee... we would have a drive around town, right?" I asked. Bumblebee looked satisfied at Sam before he followed me outside and opened his door for me like a gentleman. "Thank you..."

I buckled up and listened to the soft music playing over his radio as he drove around. "You'd like to have some ice cream on our way back?" he asked. I nodded, "yeah sure... why not." We chatted endlessy and got ice cream around 11 AM before we headed back home. Sam was not happy and tried to get information out of me about what had occured during our trip. He always tries to play the big brother and sometimes forget I am three years older and can perfectly take care of myself.

As a couple of weeks passed, I heard a knock on the door of my room and opened up for Bumblebee. "Oh, Bee... come on in," I said. He seemed a little nervous and again, he gave me red roses. "I know it's late..." he said. I shrugged and looked down at the flowers he just gave me. "Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I looked up. "A date?" I asked surprised. He shrugged, "Only if you want too of course," I said. I smiled and leaned closer towards him, kissing his cheek. "Sounds fun." He was relieved and started to smile. "I will make a reservation for tomorrow at your favorite restaurant," he stated excitedly and turned on his heels, exiting my room. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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