Requested by: 00SquishySquiddy00
Plot: (Y/n) and Ratchet are good friends for a long time and (Y/n) is one of the few people Ratchet likes having around. One day, (Y/n) overhears a talk between Optimus and Ratchet and leads to a confession.
Warnings: sexual content.
______________________I caught Ratchet staring at me as I was talking to Smokescreen next to me. "Jealous?" I teased as I approached. "Why on earth would I be jealous? Just observing and see if that fragger makes a stupid comment that might upset you," he crankily replied. I rolled my optics and pressed a kiss on his cheek plate. He heated up a little bit and glanced at me. "Get some recharge... the lack of sleep makes you cranky," I mocked and turned around. He snorted and followed me with his optics as I joined the kids. They were fun to have around and the human world interested me a lot.
Ratchet is my best friend. We fought together on Cybertron and he's one of the few he allows to be close. It took me a while to win his trustfully, but now I did. He's a friend for life and he's always there for me when I need him. That makes him such a great friend. I had to admit, he's the stubbornest mech I have ever met and sometimes I wish he wasn't so hard on himself, but that's how he is.
Arcee wasn't at the base, she was on a patrol, so I brought Jack back home. As I returned, Ratchet was the only one in the rec room. "Still working?" I joked, walking up to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. "Yes..." he muttered crankily. "Seriously, stop working and hang out with me instead! Shall we watch a movie or something?" I suggested. "No time..." he muttered. I vented and let go of him, stepping away a little bit. "Oh, sure... Well, I guess I am going to ask Bee and Smokey then..." I muttered and turned around. He didn't respond to me, which frustrated me a little bit. Why isn't he spending time with me anymore? Like we used to do in the past.
I had no answer for it, but I was disappointed, a lot to be honest.I sighed and retreated to my dorm, getting some recharge instead. He's like this for quite some time now and I can't force him to do anything, but still, I will keep asking him to spend some time with me instead of his work. I was barely able to sleep that night and slipped out of bed. I think I am going out for a drive to clear my mind and enjoy the starry night.
On my way to the rec room, I heard Ratchet talking to Optimus which surprised me a little bit. Ratchet doesn't really talk about his feelings to anyone. I halted and stepped behind the wall so both weren't able to see me.
"I like (y/n) a lot. She's so sweet and carrying. I can't imagine a life without her. The whole point is... I am just nervous to tell her. Scared to be rejected by her. She's so sweet and... special to me. I tried, but every time I look her in the optics... I am scared to ruin what we have. It just bothers me so much."
I glanced at Optimus to see hoe reaction, but I couldn't see his facial features. "(Y/n) is in many ways special. Skilled on the battlefield and loyal to us all. If there's one thing I know for sure then it's (Y/n) loving you too. Obviously, this is not something I can fix for you. You need to tell her on your own, but I can give you advice. If I were you... I would have told her sooner."
Ratchet vented and shifted on his feet. "You think?" He asked. Optimus nodded, "yes. Maybe she's waiting for years for you to make the first step. Just talk to her and don't be nervous." Optimus patted his shoulder. "I just don't want to ruin anything. Our friendship is really important to me," Ratchet explained. Optimus flashed him a smile, "talk to her."
I quickly but quietly retreated to my room. My spark was beating like crazy. Ratchet liked me. He loved and I have dreamed of this moment. Finally, he's taking the next step. I hope he will talk to me tomorrow.
With this feeling, I fell asleep. A smile stretched on my lips before I fell asleep. Dreaming about Ratchet. The dream made me feel a little embarrassed, to be honest. Not a regular dream I have usual but it was a more exciting one.My core felt hot and so was my frame. Just for a moment, I removed my panel so some heat could be released and my cooling vents could do all the work. In the meantime, I tried not to relieve the dream. Wouldn't do much good to my frame right now. I don't want anyone to smell my excitement.
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up from someone bursting into my room. I jolted a little bit and sat up straight, confused. My cooling vents were still working and Ratchet seemed a little confused, worried even. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Y-yeah." I hadn't expected him to be here so early."Are you sure? You seem a little... hot."
"Am I?"
"Always, (y/n)."
"Are you flirting, Ratchet?"A weak blush spread over his face while he approached. "Maybe a little bit..." he replied smugly. He sat on the edge of my berth. "I love you." The words came out so fast I was barely able to understand them. "Finally!" His optics widened a little bit. "Took your long enough to admit, huh?" I nudged his side a little bit. "You had a crush on me?"
"The day I met you... I knew you were the one and only."
He flashed me a sheepish yet relieved smile. "You have no idea how happy I am right now." I traced his chassis with my digit. "I think I do, Ratchet." He shivered a little and pinned me down. "So, what's with the cooking's vents? It's not really hot in here..."
I bit my lip and gave him a sexy look. "I had an exciting dream... that's all," Ratchet smirked, his derma's ghosted mine. "You'd like to share your... dream with me?" He asked. "Depends on it." Ratchet smirked and pressed a gentle kiss on my derma's. "Well, I will give you a reward if you do..." he cooed. I hummed and pressed another kiss on his derma's.
We started making out. His touch was so intoxicating, my entire body shook in delight. Between the kisses and rubbing, I told him about my dream which gave him tons of ideas and how to touch me. He took all his time to explore me and make me feel comfortable. He surely did a good job of making me feel good.
He removed his panel and lined up,— pushing into me, and began moving. Gently at first but then increased his speed at the point I was seeing stars. Ratchet was scared I felt uncomfortable or whatever and told me to tell him to stop if I didn't like it, regardless I kept telling him I wanted this and felt perfectly fine.
I started to come closer to my own release and when I did, Ratchet overloaded as well. He slowed down from his high and kissed me again before rolling next to me. My cooling gets kicked in again but this time I wasn't alone. Without saying anything, we just enjoyed each other's company.

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanficThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...