Requested by: CelesteKnights
Plot: Rung crash land on earth and (Y/n) finds him and decides to take him home and offer him shelter.
Warnings: X
Date: September 5th 2021
Your P.O.V"Bye, Jack! See ya tomorrow!" I shouted as I grabbed my jacket and was about to leave. I have been working for six hours straight and quite tired from everything. "See you tomorrow, (Y/n)!" My boss shouted back from behind. I pushed the door open and left. I need this job. I work every weekend so I can pay back my study debt once I finished. The town isn't too big and I need travel an hour to get to my college but that's alright.
As I walked down the dark street, I took note of something heading straight for the earth. At first, I thought it would an small asteroid or whatever but as it neared, I saw it was something like a spaceship. A very unusual shape. It crashed and gave a big explosion. I headed towards the scene and looked at the fire. The longer I was looking at it, the more I realized this wasn't just a 'spaceship' this isn't something created by NASA or RSA.
A shape stumbled out. Not too big, quite scratched and was bleeding. He seemed in not a very good shape. He groaned and collapsed. I didn't know what it was but I felt bad for the poor guy. He looked really miserable and lost. I approached slowly. "Excuse me..." my voice was barely hearable above the sound of fire and small explosions from the engines or I assumed it were the engines. It was hard to see how it looked before it crashed.
"Excuse me?"
He looked down at me with those funny big eyes and he actually had metal eyebrows. His pain faded and curiosity rose up instantly. "Hello, little one." He reached out for me and snitched me off the ground. "What are you?" He asked. "Human." He hummed and studied me. "You have a name or just 'human'?" He asked. I chuckled. "I am (Y/n) (L/n) but people just call me (N/n)." He hummed and cocked his head to the side. "Two names? Is that common?" He asked. "It's a first and last name. Some people have more then two names."
"And you are...?" A smile pulled on his lips. "Ring. I am a cybertronian," he explained. I ohh'ed, but it was still not clear where he came from. "On which planet am I?" He asked. "Earth." He nodded and looked around. "We better get going then." He started to walk away from the fire. "Wait, where are we going?" I asked. "That way. Away from the fire?" Rung said and continued walking without looking down at me. "So, what are you exactly?" I asked. "A shrink."
"I meant... a robot."
Rung looked rather insulted. "I am an Cybertronian from the planet Cybertron," he stated in a matter of fact tone. "Right..." Rung placed me back on the ground and used his mass displacement as he called it. "You have a home somewhere?" He asked. I nodded hesitantly but led him towards my house anyway."You can... have the guest room."
I wasn't sure either what this guy actually needed. "Thank you." He inspected my small apartment. Every single corner was explored and eventually, he found peace and sat down on the couch. He's still over 2 meter and with that, a little too big to walk through doors normally or sit down on a couch normally. "Please, sit down."I sat down in the arm chair. He had this little microphone in his thumb which made me question why he had that and two, why he was about to use it. "Mind if I record our session?" He asked. "Session?" I asked. "Yeah, I am a shrink," he explained. "Oh, a shrink. Well, I feel fine. Just... tired and a little overwhelmed by this," I said. Rung flashed me a smile. "Tell me about yourself."
"I moved here last year for college. I study psychology... ironic enough and I have a job. 19 years old and my parents dumped me in an orphan house when I was 2 years old." Rung hummed, "you miss them?" I shook my head. "No... not really." Rung seemed to enjoy this and get to know me better. "Anyway, I think I am going to bed now. I am really tired. Make yourself at home," I said. Rung gave a small nod and the microphone disappeared in his thumb somewhere. I promised myself to ask him about it tomorrow.
"Goodnight." I flashed him a smile, "yeah... goodnight." I was too tired to worry about Rung and the next day, I woke up with Rung hanging above me. I yelped and jolted up. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Yeah, when I said, make yourself at home, I didn't mean... stalking me." Rung arched his metal brow. "Staking? You consider this as 'stalking'?" He asked. I gave a small nod. "I was only observing you."
I ohh'ed and slid out of bed. "You don't have to be here, observing me. Can't you do that when I am awake?" I asked. Rung nodded and shrugged, "I can. If that's what you want but everything we discuss will be confidential."
"Yeah, I know. I study psychology." Rung smiled, "can you give me some privacy?" I asked. Rung nodded and left me alone so I can dress up and make myself ready.Rung was interested in everything I did and it started with cooking. Everything I asked, everything I did, he was there and asked for an explanation. I can't be annoyed with Rung, he has a funny yet cute appearance, recording everything and I guess he's genuinely interested. I am so used to be alone that this is new, but I liked it. I sat down with Rung next to me, watching me eat. "Please, stop looking. It's awkward." Instantly, he started to record again. "Why do you feel awkward?" He asked. "Because you're watching me eat."
"Do you always feel that way?"
I stopped eating and gave him a look. "Well?" He pushed. "No, because no one ever watched me eat?" I said in a duh-tone. Rung stopped recording and was thinking to himself about probably everything. Once I finished, I cleaned up the kitchen, and Rung followed me back to my room. I guess I am lucky to have a day off school.
The next couple of days, Rung's interest in what I am doing died down a little bit and I could actually go to the toilet on my own without Rung waiting outside and asking me tons of questions. I actually started to really like him. He's sweet, smart, kinda cute and helped me with psychology. Rung is probably the best friend I have ever had.

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanfictionThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...