TFP| Primus x human! Daughter reader (fluff)

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Requested by: Warrior_of_Primus

Plot: On (Y/n)'s eighteen birthday, Primus turns her into a techno-organic. Her human/foster parents figure it out and try to stop it. Primus is her biological father and met (Y/n) at the age of 13. They have a really strong bond.

Warnings: none

I was thirteen years old when I first met him. I had found it crazy at the time. Hard to believe even. Where did he came from? Why didn't he came to see me sooner. I never asked him these questions. I was just happy to have him.
'(Y/n), dinner.' My mother gestured me to come over. 'Are you excited for tomorrow?' She asked. I sat down and nodded. I certainly was, but also nervous. Primus told me, that on my eighteenth birthday, I am strong enough to have his power. He'll give it to me and I haven't told my parents yet. They're not my real parents. I ended up in system at a young age but I love them anyway. I've known them since I was little. I never met my biological mother, only Primus.

I took a bite of my vegetable. 'I am excited,' I replied. Birthdays. Usually I am not too fond about them. The presents and parties. I like the presents, but not the party. When I turned sixteen, my mom had insisted to throw a party which ended in a complete disaster. I did it to please her. She wanted to meet people and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Turning eighteen means I reached another milestone. I am an adult. I get to make my own decisions. Or at least, that's what Primus told me.

The next morning, I got up early. After finishing up my hair and make-up, I walk to my big walk in closet and grabbed a skirt and top. Two items I bought for this special day. I am eighteen. I am an adult. A smile stretched on my lips as I grasped the silk top. I headed down stairs shortly after I dressed up. 'Good morning, birthday girl!' My mom hugged me. A smiled softly. 'Sit down...' she pointed at the chair and rushed back into the kitchen to grab something.
I should've told them about today. About Primus but I couldn't. I am going to break their hearts. They raised me. I am their child. I had tried to find the courage, but every time I tried and looked at them, my mind started to spin with insecurity.

Dad hugged me. 'Congratulations.' My smile grew wider. He sat down and my mom returned with a present. 'Thank you.' I took it from her. I tore the paper off. 'Thank you...'I gazed at them. They bought me the sneakers I wanted for ages. 'They match your outfit of today.' I pulled them on. 'This is amazing. Thank you so much.'

'I hope you have a good day at school today.'
'Y-yeah, me too.'
'Maybe you can take some of your friends?'
'I'll see if they have time.'

I smiled softly. 'They're always welcome.' I nodded and popped some bread in my mouth. I knew that. Mom is always saying that.  Just didn't want to bring them home and beside, I am going to skip school today and meet Primus after breakfast.

I left after breakfast, I left and used the space bridge. Cybertron was quiet. It was once was a beautiful home to thousands of transformers. The war destroyed everything. Some ancient old tunnels led me to the core. I know because Optimus showed me.

Darkness surrounded me as soon as I had reached it. My eyes lifted to a form. I talk figure that approached. 'You're just in time,' Primus said. The room lightened up slowly. 'Of course. I don't wanna be late for today.' I smiled. 'I bet.' Primus crouched down to have a better look. 'You know how this works?' I nodded. 'You'll attach a tendril to my stomach. So my body can get used to Energon and you turn me in a techno-organic.' He nodded. 'Precisely.'

I was about to become one of them. That would put an interesting turn to the believes of the Decepticons. They don't believe a human is strong enough to hold Primus' powers. A gust of warm swooped through the room and was followed with a strange feeling. A load of strong energy radiating from Primus's form. The feeling of our bond that became stronger and stronger with the minute. Over the last 5 years, we developed a strong bond. After all, he's my father.

Primus smiled,— his azure blue optics sparkling as he attached the tendril to my stomach. The Energon flow was painful, especially the first five minutes. 'It'll be okay. The pain will fade,' Primus assured. I could only hope for it. '(Y/n)!' My eyes snapped open in shock. What are my parents doing here? They shouldn't be here. Primus shifted. 'You can't do this!' My mother shouted. It was a mixture of anger, disappointment and worry. 'She'll be okay,' Primus assured and crouched down.

'No! We don't agree.'

'It's already too late.' They looked at me. 'I am sorry. I should've told you but this is what I want. I'll be fine. He turns me into a techno-organic.' They exchanged a look with each other. 'Alright, fine. If this is what you want...' my dad sighed and shook his head. They stayed. Primus was okay with it and didn't mind either. They played a major role in my life. They raised me and I saw them as my parents.

Primus was right. The longer I was attached, the less it hurt. I felt something I had never felt before. Strength and my senses grew stronger. Primus had predicted that in the first two weeks, I had to take it easy and get used to all the new improvements. He was really sweet and comforting. Like a father should be. 

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