TFP| Yandere knockout x femme reader! x yandere Bumblebee

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This request is made by Lunakitsune, don't forget to check her out. Let's get over to some details, knockout and Bumblebee are both completely in love with the reader, so after Unicron is defeated, the two see Smokescreen flirt with her and they take her.
Tension started to rise as Knockout and Bumblebee stood in front of each other. The two mechs, not against each other because they were Autobot and Decepticon, but because something else that caught their optics.


The femme who came to earth before Smokescreen arrived. Bumblebee, who was her fellow Autobot was in love with her when he first saw her.

Knock-out, on the other hand, had fought against her but was so obsessed with her beauty, he didn't want to fight her and just left through a ground bridge, leaving (Y/n) startled behind.

"Just give up, Knockout! (Y/n) is my femme!" Bumblebee, who got his voice back spat with so much anger, it did the Decepticon step back a little. "Excuse me! (Y/n) is my femme!" He sneered.

"Like she ever wants a Decepticon like you!" Bee growled, eyes flickering red in anger. Knockout snorted and tilted his helm arrogantly.

"Don't forget I showed you how loyal I can be! I saved your fragging aft!" Knockout snapped. "Should I be happy now! It was your choice!" Bee snapped back.

Both glared at each other "leave her alone, Knockout!" Nee growled before he turned away from the medic. "What if I don't?"

His challenge triggered the yellow mech. Bee halted and slowly turned around, optics glowing furiously. "Repeat it and I'm gonna rip out your voice box!" He hissed, glaring at Knockout who smirked a little.

"Don't make me laugh, scout!" He scoffed. Bee stormed over to him, giving him a forceful push back. "(Y/n) is my femme! Only mine!" He snapped. "No, she isn't!" Knock-out sneered before the two lunged for each other.

Knockout grasped the young mech and threw him aside before he strode over to her. Bumblebee kicked his legs, sending the mech to the ground before he straddled him, pointing his gun at Knockout's helm.

"What about sharing her? I'm not gonna stop with getting her!" Knockout snapped. Bumblebee narrowed his optics at him. "It's a win-win situation," he growled.

"Together we can make sure no one will ever touch our precious femme!" He added. "How do I know I can trust you!" Bumblebee sneered, loading his gun. "What do you want me to do to prove you?" Knockout snapped.

Bumblebee said nothing and blankly stared at the red mech below him. "I showed how loyal I can be! You know I am on Optimus side!" Knockout snapped. "You're still a Decepticon! You don't wanna have Megatron or Starscream as your commander!" Bumblebee snapped.

"Are you willing to be a Decepticon if it means you can have (Y/n)?" Knockout challenged.

"Are you willing to be an Autobot if it means you can have (Y/n)?" Bumblebee retorted angrily. "Fine fine... listen up scout... Unicron is defeated, so it means we don't have to fight each other! Like I said, we can share (Y/n) and keep her for ourselves! Together we can chase away every mech and femme who has an interest in her!" Knockout snapped.

Bumblebee glared intently at him before he gritted his fangs and let go off the medic. "Fine! But only us and you decide to betray me, I'm gonna kill you!" Bumblebee sneered. "Same..." knockout grumbled before he got up and checked his armor on scratches.

Bumblebee rolled his optics "let's go!" The yellow mech growled before he transformed and drove off towards the base. Knockout was faster and passed him before he raced into the base, coming to stop.

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