TF3| Sunstreaker x Obsessed! Human! Female reader.

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Plot: The reader is 18 years old and has a huge crush on Sunstreaker. One day, he figures it out and comes to visit (Y/n) at home. 

Warnings: None
((Y/n)'s P.O.V))
I skimmed the hangar to see if I could see a glimpse of the yellow frontliner, but like always, he wasn't in the main hangar during the afternoon. He didn't like the humans; he hated them. So he would never visit the main hangar when it was busy, like now. I sighed softly and strode towards the other hangar.
Sunstreaker usually didn't talk to humans, he thought they were far below him and would do everything to us, we were not worth it, by ignoring us and filling his head proudly in the air with a huff.

He's arrogant and selfish, but for some reason, I loved him. I really loved him; he's handsome, intelligent, fast, a fantastic artist, very skilled... he's good at everything. He called himself the most beautiful creature in the universe. Although people were mocking him off about it, without his knowledge, because it wouldn't be the first time he killed a soldier for calling him ugly, I thought he was indeed handsome and sexy. Sideswipe was a lot more friendly, playful, and sweet in every way. I loved his curious and cheeky nature, unlike his twin brother.

He doesn't talk to humans; I never tried talking to him either. I didn't want him to get mad at me, so I admired him from a distance. I made a little sport of it, 'Autobot spotting' I kept a list of how many times I saw him. Even Mirage called me a creep when he figured it out. I simply rolled my eyes and told him I wasn't as worse as he was. Mirage loved to fool people with his invisibility.

I strode over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I knew Sunstreaker had a holoform, and if I had to believe Sideswipe, he used it a lot around the evening or early in the morning.

But I had school; I would spend my whole weekend seeing if I could spot his holoform. Sideswipe often asked me to stay over at the base. He was probably my best friend ever, but he didn't know about my obsession with his brother.

That day, I strode towards the main hangar to go home until I saw some soldiers rushing away. With a frown, I stared at them; why were they in a rush? I pressed myself against the wall as more soldiers sprinted down the main hanger. I strode further until I bumped into someone.

I tilted my gaze as I heard a growl in annoyance and stared into two icy blue eyes. My heart was pounding against my chest as I stepped back and blushed madly. Like he was some sort of god, I looked at him, and he obviously noticed. He smirked, and that was the limit; I fainted. As I woke up, Sideswipe was hovering over me, grinning. "Are you okay?" He asked. I scanned the room and blushed madly. "Sunny told me you fainted," he grinned. I gulped and blushed madly.

Sideswipe helped me up and held me. "Why did you faint?" He asked with a grin. "It's hot..." I sulked. "My brother? Yeah... I know," he grinned. "No! Not your brother! T-the air... I mean, Sunny is hot too— I mean Sunstreaker... he's—" I stopped rambling and looked away. "You have a crush on him, huh," he teased.

"What?! No!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry, I already knew. Mirage told me," he said, helping me back up. "You can't tell him!" I said. "Why not?! What do I get in return for keeping it a secret?" He asked while smirking. "Everything! Please," I whispered. "It's good blackmail material," he said with a huge smirk. "I'll keep it a secret... for now," he winked at me before his holoform disappeared. "Great!" I hugged him and quickly left the base.

((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))
I watched (y/n) leave the base, and it looked like she was in a rush. I jumped a little as Sideswipe wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Even in my holoform he always knew where to find me. "She has the hots for you," he said, smirking. "I know, Sideswipe... I know that for a very long time," I said. "But?!" He asked. "Don't know... I never thought I could get attached to a human; I've followed her for a while now," I replied without looking at him. Sideswipe snickered and squeezed my shoulder firmly. "Ya gotta need ya wingman?' He winked at me. I pushed him aside. "Shut up, Sideswipe. I know how to deal with an obsessed femme." 

I drove to her house, to see what she was up to. Using my internal scanners, I watched her move around, doing some chores around the house before she flopped on the couch to watch some TV. I hopped out of my alt-mode and knocked on her door. She was shocked as her eyes landed on me. 'Can we talk?' I pushed her aside, letting myself in and shut the door. "W-what are you doing here?" Her cheeks heated up. "Well, I know about your crush on me..." I looked at the stairs and started making my way upstairs. 

Her room was filled with pictures and drawings of me. She even had some of my personal belongings, like some shirts. "So, there they went..." She had displayed it in her drawer as if I was some sort of celebrity crush. "Sunstreaker, I can explain..." She said as my eyes trailed off to the wall where she had at least 100 photos of me. Bipedal and alt-mode. None of my holoform, but I am sure she'll add them to the wall now she has seen my holoform. "I bet." I turned to face her. "Let's pretend you haven't seen all of this." She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of her bedroom. "Right, well... I wanted to ask if you'd like to go on a date with me." She stared at me as if I just grew three heads. "W-what?" Her eyes went wide. "You'd like to go on a date with me?" She nodded rapidly. "Yes! Yes! Of course!" I snorted in amusement. "Good, then get dressed; we are leaving tonight."

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