Requested by: JoeyKirkpatrickJr
Plot: (Y/n) gets contacted by Ratchet about dimensional disturbance. He goes to check it out with Smokescreen and find TFA Elita-1 and WFC Elita-1.
Warnings: None
__________________________Ratchet had called me. He said it was important so without asking any questions, I drove back to base to meet the CMO. Elite-1 was in town with our kids. She said she wanted to buy the twins some clothes. I had called her before I left to tell her about Ratchet's phone call. She always gets so concerned whenever I end up in a fight. She's scared to lose me and how can I blame her?
I rolled into the base and cut them engine. 'Ratchet,' I greeted as I walked up to the platform. 'Glad you came,' he began without greeting me first. 'Yeah, what's this about?' I asked, tucking my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. He pointed at the screen, 'you see this?' He asked. I tried to figure out what he was exactly meaning. All I saw were Cybertronian letters and symbols. It didn't make any sense to me. 'Uhm... yeah,' I said slowly. He rolled his optics at my puzzled look. 'Look,' he snapped. 'I am looking but I can't read Cybertronian.'
He grunted. 'Dimensional disturbance,' he said in a 'duh' tone like I should've known right away. 'Ah...' I said sarcastically. Our friendship has ups and downs. In my opinion, he's overworking and that makes him moody. He can be nice and understanding, just a shame he doesn't always show it.
'Alright... so?' I asked. 'That's a problem,' he exclaimed. I bolted up. 'Okay, what do you want me to do about it?' I asked. He went quiet like he hadn't thought about it before. 'I want you to check it out... I have a few locations,' he said. 'Really? Why do you send me?' I asked. I crossed my arms. 'Because, everyone is busy,' he said. 'Ah, right,' I said with a roll of my eyes. 'And I don't trust Smokescreen either,' he added. I sighed.
'You can take him, just make sure he doesn't screw up,' he added. I gave a small nod. 'Sure, whatever. Where is he?' I asked. 'I contacted him ten minutes ago, he should be back at the base in fifteen minutes,' he stated. 'Fine.' I leaned against the wall als messaged Elita about my mission. She wasn't too fond about it and asked me if she should come but I assured I'll be fine. After all, she has to look after the kids.
Smokescreen rolled in and opened his door for me. 'So, dimensional disturbance, huh?' He asked as he drove through the ground bridge. 'Yup, I don't know what we are going to find,' I said. 'Ah, you have me. Nothing will happen,' he chuckled. I snorted. Smokescreen is the definition of trouble but I guess he's just young and needs to learn a lot.
When we arrived, I hopped out of his alt-mode and he transformed. 'So, how are things going between you and Elita?' He asked. I shrugged, 'normal, why?' I asked. 'Just curious,' was his simple reply before walking ahead of me. There wasn't much we found around the area. Smokescreen only found some particles in air that suggested a portal, but nothing special. 'Perhaps nothing came through,' Smokescreen eventually suggested. 'Maybe...' I looked around and had to agree with Smokescreen.
'You'd like to check out the second location? It's not far from here,' I said. Smokescreen shrugged, 'you think we will find anything then?' He asked. 'Just to be sure,' I said. Smokescreen led the way and as we nearly reached the second location, I heard something on my left and so did Smokescreen. Out of the blue, he was knocked off his ped and slammed into a tree. The young mech whimpered in pain and kicked away whoever attacked him. 'Who are you!' The female voice hissed. 'Hey, calm down,' I shouted. The Cybertronian glanced at me.
A female. She sounded just like Elita. It took me a moment before I realized, this was Elita, but different. 'A human...' she said and crouched down, inspecting me. 'Yeah, I am fine,' Smokescreen sulked sarcastically and got back up on his feet. 'What's your name?' Elita asked. 'Uhm, (Y/n),' I said slowly. She picked me up and inspected me for a moment. 'Where did you just came from?' I asked. 'I was battling on Cybertron and somehow ended up here,' she snorted and stood in her full height. 'Ah, right...'
'Really? But Cybertron had already fallen,' Smokescreen said with a frown and crossed his arms over his chassis. 'Really? But I was there just an hour ago,' Elita said. 'That's not possible,' Smokescreen snapped, obviously still mad about what happened prior. 'She's from another dimension, Smokescreen,' I said to calm him down. The young mech snorted and turned his helm away. 'Don't mind him,' I said. 'I am Elita-1 by the way,' she said as she placed me back down. 'I know...' she cocked her head to the side. 'I am dating Elita in this dimension,' I said. She ohh'ed.
I was about to contact Ratchet as Smokescreen was knocked off his feet for a second time. He uttered a yell. Another Elita-1. The second one was completely different than the first one I met. 'what is wrong with you guys, ' the young mech whispered. I was a little overwhelmed as well. 'who are you?' Elite-1 asked. The female shorter and turner away from Smokescreen. 'who are you?' she snapped back. 'ladies, calm down...'
How am I going to explain this to my wife? She's going to freak out for sure. That's exactly what happened when we got back to have and I called her. I had tried to explain it to her in the best way I could hit she had to see it for herself. They're all the same Cybertronian woman but all so different. Not just appearance but also their personalities.
They stayed in the following weeks and I had to admit. It's quite tough. My wife insisted to let them stay over at our home. So now I have three Elita's wandering around. They seemed to get along very well, despite being the same but different. Thinning back, my brother told me I would be alone for the rest of my life and now I have three women wandering around.
My wife sat down next to me on the couch. 'I spoke to them.' I raised a brow. 'yeah?' I asked. 'they like you... they're the same. We are the same woman in the end, ' she said. I gave a small hesitant nod. 'So, we came to an agreement, ' she started. 'agreement?' I asked. 'yes, we will share you.'
'share me?' I repeated in disbelief. Is it even possible three the same women can share one guy? Although the thought scared me a little I have to agree with my wife. The other two are essentially the same women, but it's going to be a challenge for sure.

Transformers one-shots and lemons (2) [closed]
FanfictionThis is book 2 of one-shots and lemons, my other book was getting full so I wanted to start a new one. In my old book I won't take requests anymore, but upload stories I come up with randomly. 1000 + words The verses I do: -bayverse -G1 -mtmte -R...