Chapter 13.

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Adriana's POV

"Let's give them some privacy," I said going over and pick up the twins. I walked to the twins small play room and let them down. I saw everyone come in after me and stood around while I went to their large play pin and opened the door. "Come on nuggets," I hum walking in it and turn on some of their noisy toys.

"Adri?.." Zayden called not sure what to call me. I looked up at him and smile. "I'm Adri, gold is Jahi, and the galaxy purple is Justice," I said earning a small nod from him. "So when we went to Paris, Jasmine was serious about Tati?" He said as Makayla smacked the hard toy on my thigh.

"Ow, yes. If you could tell, Jasmine is shy and love to be in my hoodies," I laugh lowly turning my head to him. "Tati, on the other hand, is more bold, possessive, aggressive, territorial, and..." I trailed off only for Michelle and Zariah to chimed in. "Freaky," they said together making us laugh as Symone got in the pin with me.

"What about Diamond?" Zariah asks leaning against the strong pin I built. "I don't know about Diamond yet. She just received her," I frowned taking my jacket off. "From what I learned so far, she doubt herself but still push herself. She's not the one to hold in what she have to say but all three of them love to hold in their emotions and be very persistent." I hum feeling the Titan crawl over my stomach.

"I'm messy baby boy," I laugh picking him up as his bottom lip began to quiver. "Awn, it's okay prince," I sigh slaying back and let him lay on my stomach. "Spoiled," Symone coughed making me lean up to see her have Makayla on her breast. "And you're not spoiling her?" I laugh getting up and lay Titan on her stomach.

"I'm going to shower right quick," I mumble going to our room and start the shower. I quickly got in the shower and washed myself up. "I hope this trip do relax us," I mumble to myself as I got out and changed into some sweat pants without underwear. 

You're trying to tease Jasmine? Jahi chuckles as I lick my lips.

Maybe, I need to see how Diamond is before we go to Africa. I reply looking down to see the outline too evident.

"Yeah, let me put on underwear," I mumble fixing myself up. I put on my sports bra and loose tee then went back to the kids play room. I saw that they was talking so I just silently slid myself back into the pin watching the kids throw the small balls. 

"I'm not going no where, me and A been friends since the start of college," Zayden said making me smile and look up at him. "I got attached to you dummies so I'm not going anywhere either," Zariah said as I heard a soft sigh. "You're not?" I hear Jasmine's soft voice. I heard her small feet patter over towards us, causing me to lift my head up and see her in my hoodie. She had her face covered which made me frown as I opened my arms.

She got into the pin and laid on me between my legs. "You're wearing grey sweats?" She mumbles holding her arms up as the twins stood up. "Come here babies," she mumbles lowly causing them to giggle and waddle their way towards us after I cleared a small pathway of their toys. "Nugget number one," she smile kissing Titan's head then held her hand out for Makayla.

"Woe," I laughed watching Makayla make the most cutest attempt to jump into Jasmine's arms. "Hold on princess," she giggles kissing her head while I smile and tickle their sides. "Mommy," I hear one of them say clearly making me and Jasmine sit up. "Say that again," Jasmine smile looking at the both of them. "Mama," Titan said clear making me gasp and grab them both. "My babies so smart," I sigh dramatically as they giggle and began hitting me with their toys.

"Ow, okay okay," I groaned passing them back to Jasmine. "You two better not hit me," she mumbles as I smile and looked at them. "They're going to be smart like Jasmine," Zayden snicker as I looked at him and stuck my middle finger up at him. "What you tryna say?" I ask standing up and shook one of their toys from my pants leg.

We've been taking that? I hear Diamond mumble making me look at her and wink.

"Yes, yes she have," I smile making Zayden look between us then jump around yelling. "I knew it! I just knew that you two was doing the mind talking thingy!" He said making the four of us laugh. "Telepathy?" Symone laugh as he nodded his head. "We don't use it all the time. Sometimes it be the looks like the look Jasmine is giving me now," I smirk glancing to her only for her to lift her hand and make a smacking motion. 

I let out a low grunt feeling and hearing the smack on the back of my neck. I went behind them so they couldn't see me and stared at Jasmine. I gripped my lower area and licked my lips giving her the hint. "What are you blushing for?" Zariah laughed then everyone turned to me making me cross my arms and look at them. "What?" I ask as Symone squint her eyes and stood up. "Don't be freaky in front of my niece and nephew." She scolded as I went back in and got on the bean bag.

"I was not and they are sleep," I said closing my eyes as Jasmine placed our babies on me then cuddles her small body next to me. "Awn, this is cute," Michelle said causing me to open my eyes and see them pointing their cameras towards us. "Babe," I whined only to see her sleeping with her arms around my stomach. "Get out," I whisper wrapping my arms around the twins and my beautiful wife. "Alright, alright. We will see you two tomorrow," Zariah smiled as they all began to leave. "Adri?" Zayden called making me open my eyes to see him looking at me.

"Neverminded," he frowned making me tilt my head and nod at him. I watched him walk out as I sigh already knowing what he want. I will just have to wait until the time comes that he will join us. I prefer for him to live out his normal life but it's choice because if Zariah not the one for him, then it will put a large crack on everyone's friendship.

"Stop stressing it baby. I know they are meant to be together," Jasmine whisper sliding her hand under my shirt. "How do you know?" I ask pulling her closer to me. "I saw it," she yawned falling asleep again. "We will work on controlling your powers," I chuckle falling asleep with my family.

Jasmine's POV

I let out a small squeak as I stretched my body. 

We are small. Diamond giggles making me squinting my eyes.

It's perfect for Adri though. Tati purred causing me to blush and kiss all three of my babies. 

I got up and got my phone from MY hoodie and snapped a couple of pictures of Adri wrapping her arms around them. I smile biting my lip, thinking about posting this. I just love sharing how adorable my family can be when it comes down to the kids.

I started recording her as I slowly shook her awake. "Yeah, babe?" She mumble falling back asleep. "Get up," I giggle as I tried to pick one of them up. "No, come lay back down mamas," she mumble pulling Titan back to her chest. I laughed quietly and ended the video.

I leaned over and pecked her lips. "You. Need. To. Get. Up." I said pecking her lips after each word. "I'm up," she mumbles holding the twins close to her while getting up. "Wake up Ty," she mumbles kissing his head then turn towards Makayla while walking downstairs. "Wake up Kay," She mumbles while I went to the kitchen and got their apple sauce that you can squeeze.

"I have food," I said watching them perk up and reach for me. "Just like your mommy," Adri chuckles sitting them in their walkers then gave them their apple sauce. "Let's control your powers and Diamond. Then I can see how much fun we can have," she said whispering the last sentence in my ear. That excited all three of us but mostly Diamond which caused her to pull me back and surface.


Zayden and Zariah staying friends with?

Zayden and Zariah learning more secrets about their friends?

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