Chapter 58.

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Jasmine's POV

I couldn't contain the smile on my face as I tied my white forces. "Come on prince, how did you lose your shoe?" Adri grumble still not dressed for our family night out. "I got it babe. Get dressed," I hummed making her turn to me and smile.

I went to our nuggets and see Ty missing his left black Jordan shoe. "How?" I snicker lifting him up and see he was sitting on his shoe. "Mommy," Makayla pout then put her pacifier in her mouth. "Yes, baby girl?" I reply placing Ty's shoe on his foot. "I'm ready," Adri mumble wrapping her arm around me and kiss my shoulder.

I turned around seeing her in red air force one. I fixed her chain and collar to her shirt then picked her up. "Let's go," she smile picking up the kids and walked to her car. "You see how I'm matching my baby?" She winked after buckling the kids in their car seats.

"Whatever you say," I blush biting my lip. "Let's go," she smirk opening the door for me. "What movie are we going to watch?" She ask as Azael and Sam followed behind us. "That Tom and Jerry movie," I said wiggling in my seat. "Of course," I hear Adri chuckle while doing her sexy boyish grin.

I stared at her as she parked the car close to the front. "What, beautiful?" She laugh getting out and open the door for me. I pecked her lips and grab Titan while she grabbed Makayla. "I got some snacks in the diaper bag," she whisper wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Good, because we're not about to pay for all that," I smirk going up to the booth and got our tickets for movie.

"You know I cou-" Adri grumbles then stopped when I squint my eyes at her. "Never mind," she coughed as we took a seat and placed our babies on our lap. "Mommy," Ty mumble as I helped him place his pacifier in his mouth.

"If they're going to bring kids, at least make sure they don't talk during the damn movie," I hear an middle age woman complain. "The movie didn't start yet Katherine, leave the family alone," I'm guessing her husband huff as I feel Adri's arm wrap around my shoulder.

"What do you have for the kids?" I whisper bopping Makayla's nose. "Uh animal crackers, gummies, and their favorite," she said mouthing apple slices. I smile and nod my head feeling Ty sit back and play with my hand. 

I smile at how quiet they are as the movie began. They're like this like every cartoon movie when we have a movie night. I leaned my head on Adri, enjoying the movie with our kids. "Mama," Makayla tried to whisper making me let out a small giggle. "Want apple?" Adri whisper making Ty sit up and look towards her.

He reached for bags of sliced apples as she hand them to me. "Sit back prince," I hum carefully opening the bag. I held his favorite snack until he finally sat back and reach for the fruit. "Here you go baby boy," I whisper giving him a slice. "Tank ou," he smile happily eating the slice. "Here you go beautiful," Adri whisper handing me my favorite candy. "Thank you baby," I mouth kissing her cheek then wiggled in my seat.

"That was relaxing," I hum as we exit the theater room. "Our babies enjoyed it too, didn't you nuggets?" Adri laugh picking both of them up and kiss their cheeks. I smile and snapped a picture as she pulled me to the large arcade.

"You hold Makayla while me and prince win you two some stuff," Adri winked as I shook my head and got on a game with a steering wheel. "Steer, princess," I laugh as she tapped on the wheel while I steered it. She was enjoying the colorful lights and loud noises. "Baby," I hear behind me making me glance behind me and see her hold a large bear while Ty held a smaller bear.

"Awn, are those for us?" I blush as Makayla reach for her brother. "Yeah," she smile looking at me. "I'll hold it boss," Sam said causing her to give them the bears. "Come on," she smile pulling me and Kay to a basketball game. She picked up Makayla and paid for the game. "Let me see what you got," she smirk as I bit my lip and grabbed a ball.

"I suck," I pout only making two shots. "No you don't, come here," she mumbles getting behind me and started another round as Sam held the twins. "Hold it like this, mamas," she mumble as I held the ball and felt her help me hold the ball. "Now shoot and flick with the wrist," she said making me shoot and hit the rim. It went in making me squeal and look at her.

She was already looking at me smiling, causing me to blush and look down. "Queen," she warned tilting my head up. "Babe," I whined grabbing my babies and use them to hide my blushing face. "Babe, nothing," she mimicked grabbing Kay then grab my hand.

I followed behind her in a daze by her beauty. "Babe, are you listening to me?" Jasmine ask once we made it out the theater. "Huh?" I mumble feeling my cheeks heat up. "Awn, you're blushing," she giggle sliding her hand up to my face. I pulled her to me and kiss my daughter's head. "Come on, we need to bath them and get them ready for bed," she smile grabbing my hand and walk in front of me. I couldn't help but glance to that thick ass of hers and walk closer.

Damn, she know how to pull us to her everyday. Jahi purred as Justice and I hum in agreement.


Jasmine bringing up the thought of having of a threesome with Adriana?

Adriana changing the date to a family night out?

Jasmine and Adriana gaming?

The night out with the Morningstar-Matts family?

Like, Comment, Enjoy!

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