Chapter 80.

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Jasmine's POV

"Wake up, mamas," I hear my wife husk out along with soft butterfly kisses going all over my face. She kissed everywhere except for where I needed her to kiss me. I opened my eyes and held her head, placing a soft kiss on her lips sighing in content.

"Good morning baby," she mumble against my lips then backed away. "Happy one year anniversary." "Happy one year anniversary." We voiced at the same time causing us both to snicker and get out of bed.

"You look beautiful." Adri sigh then took off my sleeping attire. "I have a bath set up for us, come on." Adri voiced with a slight excitement in her smooth voice. She guided us to the bathroom, causing me to let out a small gasp. 

"Awn, baby." I pout following the rose pedals to the tub. "Get in with me?" I ask earning a small nod as she slowly got out of her clothes. She got in then helped me get in too. "Our first year out of infinite," I mumble as the bubbles and roses covered us up.

"I can't wait for more." Adri voiced holding our hands up, showing the rings on our finger. "Me too. I have so much planned for us today," I squeal kissing her hand. "I'm glad you said today because I have something planned for tonight," Adri mumble with a soft sigh.

"Hey guys, how's it going," Michelle said coming in with her phone up. "Oh, you two just don't care no more, huh?" I ask as Zariah waddled her way in with her phone up. "Oh hush. Adri told us it was safe before we came in but we're here to give you your schedule for today while Zayden and Symone make... Breakfast." Michelle said making me turn to her.

"Zayden is doing most of it. We would have been evacuated the house." Zariah snickered causing us to laugh. 

"Alright, what do my wife have planned for us today?" Adri ask moving me around in our large tub so that I can face her. "Okay, there is a party that starts in four hours. We will be watching the kids once you all leave the party and by we I mean..." Michelle trailed off look at Zariah.

"Us." Zariah snickered pointing at her and Michelle. "Okay, Juju. We sent everything to the building then right after the party Adri has her part of the day to show you. We will meet you all with Samael and mama at the other part of your surprise. Big day ladies! We'll give you an hour to rest and as you know, Michelle will be your photographer!" Zariah squeal causing me and Adri to smile and look at them.

"Thank you ladies. Don't overwork yourselves. I'm serious," Adri sigh earning nods from them. "Alright, enjoy your morning!" Michelle hummed leaving with Zariah allowing me to turn back Adri and hold her face. 

"I'm so happy." I mumble leaning over and peck her lips. "Me too. Let's hurry before we turn into prunes," Adri hum as we begin to bathe and steal small kisses every chance we got.

"Thank you for the breakfast." I smiled kissing Symone's and Zayden's cheek. "I did most of it." Zayden laughed earning a smack on the arm. "Trust me... I know," I laughed causing Sy to scowl at me. "Kiss my ass." She huffed as I heard those small pitter patters of our nuggets.

"Nuggets?" I called hearing them stop then follow the sound of my voice. "Mommy!" They giggled running towards me with only a diaper on. "Where are your clothes?" Adri laughed picking them up for me. 

"Titan." "Makayla." Zariah and Michelle whined waddling into the dining room. "Need help?" I snickered grabbing the clothes from them. "They got off the changing tables and dipped to the slide! Like who does that?" Zariah sigh taking a seat on Zayden's lap. 

"These little devils do," I laughed getting Titan dressed in their attire for today. "No mama!" Makayla pout thrashing in her arms. "Kay," she warned causing her to stop and sniffle. "Good, now go play," she sigh standing her up on the floor and let her take off giggling.

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