Chapter 86.

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Adriana's POV

I smile to myself as the twins slept so peaceful and still with their baby sister. "You noticed they didn't move an inch with her? They are wild sleeper," Jasmine mumble rubbing their heads as we heard a small knock.

"Who is it?" I ask hearing snickering. "Us, now let us in," I hear Symone voiced making me laugh and go open the door. "Where is my little niece?" She ask rolling Michelle in with Madison in her arms. "We're here too," Zayden cheesed rolling Zariah in too.

"This is too cute," Michelle gasped getting up and sat on the couch that I took a nap on. "They haven't moved a inch," Jasmine giggled as I watched my three nuggets sleep peacefully. "Baby?" Jasmine called making me look up at her and see her holding her cup.

"Ice and water?" I ask remembering last time she asked for this constantly. "Thank you," she smile showing her dimple. "Aht, give me my kiss," I said puckering my lips. She let out a soft laugh then pressed her lips to mine. 

"Okay, I'll be right back," I rushed then kissed my three nuggets. I quickly ran out the room then went to the front desk. "Let me guess, ice and water?" The receptionist ask earning a quick nod. "Cafeteria," she snickered allowing me to quickly walk to the cafeteria and got my wife's ice and water.

Our nuggets are going to be so overprotective over Chelsea. Justice laughs lowly while my smile widen a little.

I know, they better protect their baby sister. Jahi grunt as I make my way back to Jasmine and the babies.

"Hey, excuse me. Do you know where Dr. Rose?" Someone ask approaching me. "Uh, I don't work here," I said looking at my attire. "Right, no one know where she is," she sigh then look over my body. 

"Right, I need to get back to my family," I mumble going to take a step around her only for her to take a step too. 

Here we go. Jahi and Justice groan as I sigh and look at the ice and water Jasmine requested. 

"What?" I ask seeing other people start looking at us. "Uh, she's from Canada. Excuse her," one of the doctor said walking by. "What? I'm just admiring," she smile biting her lip. "Audrey," she mumbled holding her hand out.

I look down at her hand then nod my head. "Adriana, now I really need to get back to my wife and kids," I said very slowly. "That just gave birth to my daughter," I said even more clearly as I try to walk around her.

Once again she is preventing me from getting to them making me snap and break the plastic cup in my hand then back her up onto the counter. "I swear if I have to tell you one more time that I'm trying to get to my woman and kids, I will-" I started to threaten her but the sound of my wife's voice stopped me.

"I knew something was going on when it took you too long," Jasmine giggled as I backed away from this Aubrey chick then went to my wife with the now broke cup. "Great," I grunt earning a small giggle.

"Don't worry about it, we will deal with her later. Dr. Pitts, get me a new cup of ice and water and stop trying to get my wife," Jasmine said grabbing my hand while the new doctor frowned at us.

"I wouldn't say anything, newbie. That's your boss and that's the boss wife if that haven't clicked in your head yet," the receptionist said as I sigh and look at her frozen state. "Damn peasants," Jasmine whispered taking her curly hair down from the messy bun.

"Come on," I mumbled wrapping my arm around her waist while glaring at the doctor. "Calm down, baby. You didn't miss anything," she giggled while lifting her hand up to my face. "She was vexing," I deadpanned leaning against her touch with a soft sigh. 

"That's all newbies, including me when I was new to the medical field," she sigh as we entered her room again. "Ma," we both laughed as she held all three of the newborn babies while Samael held Makayla and Titan.

"I knew you all was in here, just need you all to sign the birth certificates," Dr. Warrant said as the other doctors came in. "Sweet!" I shout grabbing the pen then grab the certificate. I signed my name after looking over the certificate. 

"Congratulations Mrs. and Mrs. Morningstar-Matts," she smiled shaking my hand. "Thank you for delivering our baby. You will be rewarded greatly," Jasmine smiled laying her head on my shoulder. 

"Jaheem has a natural earthy scent," Zariah hum getting on the bed with Mimi and Jasmine. "Mint and ocean," she mumbled causing Jasmine to pick up Chelsea and sniff her neck. "The women are known to have that sweet scent. Like a fruit or vanilla while the boys have more of a natural earth scent," Jasmine explained causing me to look at her and squint my eyes.

"You have a mixture now," Jasmine giggled looking up to me with a soft smile. I slouched in my seat admiring my baby holding my other baby. There was a knock at the door, causing me to look to the ladies and motion them to cover the babies up.

"Hey," some of the nurses and doctors said holding balloons and teddy bears. "Alright, come on," I laughed shaking my head. "Hey, guys," she said as Symone and Zayden got close to their fiancé's.

"We just wanted to congratulate you all on the birth of your babies," one of them spoke while Makayla and Titan slid from mama and Samael. They talked to the visitors while I watched Makayla and Titan try to crawl up to their mother.

"Hold on, nuggets," I laughed getting up and held them up. "Mama, pot," Ty said making me and Jasmine look at him with squinted eyes. "Mama," he whined trying to get down. "Oh, potty!" Jasmine giggled making me laugh and sit Makayla on the bed with the women and babies.

"Come on, prince," I smile carrying him to the bathroom. "It's potty," I said closing the door and helped him relieve himself. "Mommy raising smart babies," I hum helping him into the pull up. "Wash hands," I said making him giggle and rush to the sink.

"Wash, wash, wash," I said the usual song they try to sing when cleaning their hands. "Big man! High five," I laugh walking out the bathroom with my hand up. He quickly gave me a high five then slid down, almost taking my pants down with him.

"Dang it, Ty." I groaned hearing snickers from Zayden. "Suck my-" I started but the three women quickly turned their heads to me. "Never mind, geesh!" I mumbled moving past the small group of people. "Don't you all have patients?" I ask folding my arms. 

"Don't you need a belt?" Someone remarked making me look down and sigh. "I'm changing into my sweat, stupid jeans," I grumble grabbing my duffle bag then stomp back into the bathroom.


Adriana encounter with the new doctor?

Signing the birth certificate?


Makayla and Titan intelligence just at the age of two?

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