Chapter 100.

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Jasmine's POV (Two Years Later)

Every since the show was aired, many people has tried contacting us while the four of us has been slyly attending the temple which reminds me. "Let's go children!" I shout hearing them come down the slide. "You look delicious," Adri growl putting the mask over my face and black shades. 

I seriously hate teleporting with my babies but we're running late. I heard Hank's son- which I found out his name is Troy- pray to us. "Hoods up, babies and mask stay on all time, understand?" I lectured, tilting their heads towards me. "Yes ma'am," They song making me smirk and place the shades on Adriana. 

I teleported us to where Troy was praying, seeing him and his mother praying to us. "Glad to see you two are going through the deal. Where is that old Hank?" I ask making them stand up and bow to us. 

"Why is your father in the closet?" Adriana chuckles making me lift my nose up and sit my big babies on the floor. "Eyes stay on your little sister and do not leave my sight," I said earning a small nod as they went to a small corner and got on their tablets.

"Walk with me, child," I hear Jahi demonic voice grumble towards Troy. I waited until they left before I made myself walk onto the walls and stare at the married couple. "Why have I only been receiving prayers from Troy? Do you not believe me?" I sigh softly landing on the floor with my arms folded.

"We've been busy building up the temple and I've had to catch up on my reading," The woman gulped, making me turn to Hank and scowl. "You woman and child is doing most of the work. If you have been reading my- why do I keep you alive? What does the Codex state?" I snapped making the twins look over to me with worried eyes. 

"Wo-Woman and M-Man are equal so shall responsibilities of each other shall be equal!" Kim gulped making me smile and stuff my hands in my pockets. "It looks like your wife has been reading more than you. Must I dip you in the fire pit myself?" I laugh feeling my kids stare at me. 

"N-no, please. I've been dealing with work!" He plea falling to his knees. "Mediocre! What was our deal? If you would just follow my instructions, money should not be a problem!" I scolded slamming his body to the wall.

"Nuggets," I called making them all look up to me. "Have fun," I mumble watching the twins approach him and started draining his energy while also tearing him from their demonic claws digging into his flesh. 

A small tug from my little princess made me look down and lift her up to me. "Hello, princess," I smile watching her make eye to eye contact with me. It's something me and Adri had started with our babies. "Fruit, mommy," She mumbled earning a small smile from me. "Ty, Kay," I called making them freeze and jump down giggling.

Kim stared in horror of her shredded husband. "I will give you until the start of all of this to read until Gopala. I suggest you begin," I sigh snapping my fingers and gave him the book. I made fruits appear in my hands then quietly feed my babies. "Thank you, mommy," Ty and Kay mumble with their mouths food. "Good little ones," I smile then stood up in my heels.

"Temple looking great. We've came to a couple of ceremonies, Troy. I must say... I am impressed from how much you're teaching. They should be ready soon," I hum as Troy quickly flip through the pages to the end. 

"What to do about this? This is the final teaching," he breathe making me slowly turn around and give Adriana the kids. "Leave that to us. It looks like we're starting ahead of time," she mumbled snapping her fingers and moved everything around. 

"You, you prepare to introduce us. Damn, I knew I like you for a reason my child!" I shout in happiness then brought him into a burning kiss while shoving a bubble down his throat. I let out a low giggle then turn to my wife and kids. 

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