Chapter 51.

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Tati's POV

"Go, go, go," Jahi said as I quickly backed up and drove away from the range of the explosion. "It should be goi-" Jahi frowned but was interrupted by an explosion. "There it is," Camilla laughed as we heard a low groan. "Make sure he doesn't see where we're going," Jahi mumble as I glance back to see him looking around, panicking.

"Wait, wait, I'll give it all back," he said struggling in the restraints. "We already got our money back, dumbass," I huff as they tied a blindfold around his head and plugged his nose up. I drove back home and got out the car. "You two ready to see the place we call home?" I squealed getting out the car. "Sure," they said as we entered the house and went towards the door.

I went through the door, immediately smelling mama's cooking. "Ma?" I called then heard small patters of my nuggets feet. "Hey babies, mommy a little messy right now," I pout rubbing their heads then see everyone come in. "Wow, this is cool," Darius said looking around.

"Hey hun, I see you all had fun," she laughed as Jahi held the squirming man on her shoulder. "Yeah, we're going to go ahead and drop him," I said making her eyes widen. "So soon?" I ask as I hear Joseph plea. "Pl-please, anything bu-but that!" He screamed as I covered my babies ears. "Well, I'm not going to stop you from doing your queen things," she said picking the kids up and place them in their play pins.

 "You two might want to change into your demons," I snicker getting on the elevator while changing back into my natural form. "How big is your house?" Camilla gasp as I look at Domonique. "We have our own side of the house," I said as heat surround us. 

Cries and pleas surround us as we walked pass the cells. "Burn man walking," someone laughed as we walked to the center of the prison. "What's that?" Darius gulp as Jahi levitated Joseph over the pit. "Fu-fuck you!" He cry as I grabbed Jahi's knife and levitate myself up to him and rip his shirt off. "Other people down there needs to know who put you here so," I trailed off carving our names into his chest.

"Perfect," I hum as I relax to the sound of his pain an fear. I went back down to them and watch him look us in the eyes. "Bye," I said as Jahi dropped him and watch the other dead souls pull him in trying to escape. "Pity," I scoff as we turned around and went back up to the elevator while changing.

"Want a tour?" I ask earning a nod from them. I tilt my head waiting for them to correct themselves. "Yeah," they mumble as the elevator opened on our bedroom floor. "Alright, who side you're resting on?" I ask grabbing Jahi's hand. 

"Aht, yours because me and my baby will be busy," Symone said as I squint my eyes. "Nasty ass," I mumble showing them their guest room. "Soundproof and a nice bed and bath. Clean up and meet us in the living room," I said then pulled Jahi to my room.

"You're mighty quiet," I hum starting the shower while getting undressed. "I've been observing," she mumbles getting in the shower. "Why?" I mumble getting in and wrap my arms around her neck. "How many other humans do you think know about us?" She ask biting the inside of her cheek. "Many people know about us, they just don't know who we are. Some people worship us," I smile pecking her lips then continue to wash ourselves up.

Jasmine's POV

"Awn, hey my little nuggets," I gasp as I got off the elevator with Adri. "Mommy!" "Mama!" They squealed trying to run to us. We picked them up and kissed all over their face. "I miss you two so much!" Adri sigh as we sat on the couch and love on our healthy toddlers. "They're vocabulary is so immaculate," mom said as I held my baby boy close in my arms.

"Hey," Zayden said looking around while Zariah smiled and looked around also. "Come on, let me show you around," I smile feeling Titan wrap his arms around my neck and lay his head on my shoulder. "Where should we begin?" I ask myself as Adri perked up. "We're not starting at the race track," I said seeing dad come in with only underwear on. "Ah, dad. Let's go," I groaned covering the kids eyes.

We toured the whole house in two hours, making me sigh and stretch a little. "Wow, this house is huge," Zay said as I nod my head. "It is, now we're going back home because I'm tired now," I said seeing it's a little past ten. "Yeah, our little nuggets are sleeping," Adri smiled kissing Makayla's head while grabbing their duffle and diaper bag. 

"We're going back home, ma." I said telepathically. "Okay, hun. Make sure you have the babies small toothbrushes," she yelled from her room. I nod my head, seeing it in the diaper bag so we walked back through the door and let out a sigh. "Bean bags?" Adri ask as we went up to the twins room. "Yeah," I smile as she sat Makayla next to Ty on the changing table.

I carefully changed them into their onesies then placed them in their separate beds. "Can't sleep together all the time nuggets," I smile kissing their heads and placed their pacifiers next to them. "I love you both," I hum turning in their monitors and went up to our room and changed into Adri's boxers and t shirt. 

Why do her clothes have to be so comfortable? Diamond mumble as I felt my breast breathe from being in a bra almost all day.

I grabbed my comfortable blanket and went downstairs. "Everyone else went to their rooms?" I ask as stood in front of the Tv looking for a movie to watch on HBO Max. "Uh, I dunno. Michelle said something about going live or a winner or something," she mumble as I turned off the lights and laid down on our large bean bag. 

I opened my arms for her as she turned towards me. "Don't mind if I do," she hum laying down on top of me. "Hey wifey," she smile pecking my lips. "Hey wifey," I giggle glancing to her as the movie started. "Gimme a kiss," she mumbles as I turn my head to her. "Ask nicely," I mumble as she looked at me with an raised eyebrow. "I'm not nice," she mumbles hovering over my lips. "Yes you are," I mumble sliding my hand up to her face.

She only smiled and lift her hand up to my throat. She softly kissed my then sucked on my bottom lip. I closed my eyes, feeling her slide her tongue into my mouth and let out an approving hum. I pulled her closer and got lost in the make out session. There was no hunger, lust, or anything sexual about it. It was just a slow passionate kiss to show our love and appreciation.

"I love you," she mumble into the kiss as I smile and slid my tongue into her mouth. "I love you too," I muffled out while sucking on her bottom lip. I felt her pull away causing me to open my eyes and smile. "You're perfect, you know that?" She smile as I wiped her bottom lip. "Stop it," I blush pulling her down to another another kiss only for the lights to turn on and Michelle come down with an envelope. "Please tell me you two was not about to make out in front of my fans," she said sitting on the floor where her phone was propped up.

"Damnit, Mimi," I huff sliding the blanket over us as Adri let out a low chuckle. "Too late now," Adri said sitting up and stretch. "We was full on making out," Adri smiled as Michelle turned to us shaking her head. "I told Adri that I was revealing the winner on live," she laughs as I hit her stomach. "I wasn't paying attention," she said as I got up and stretched. "Get out of my clothes," she laughed as I folded my arms and stuck my tongue out.

"You gotta make me," I said as watching her smile turn into a smirk. "No, Adri move!" I squealed getting on top of the couch. "Come here babe," she smile charging at me, causing me to jump over her and land on the bean bag. "Damnit, Jazz," she groan as I quickly got up and run from her around the living room.

"What the hell?" I hear Zayden grumble causing me to run to him and jump on his back. "Um, I'm not in this," he said holding his hands up. "Get out of my clothes baby," she groaned grabbing me and throw me on her shoulder. "Ou," I mumble squeezing her ass earning a smack on mines. "Stop squeezing my ass," she grumble going upstairs to our room. 

"I can't have that fine ass of yours in my boxers while she's live. That ass be looking too tempting," she said standing me up in front of our closet. "Meh, meh," I mocked feeling her pull me to her and growl towards my neck. I bit my lip and lean my head back, earning a low chuckle. "Now go change," she growl as I felt my spine tingle in excitement. "Okay," I whine going into the closet and put on her hoodie with some fitted shorts. "Hell no, change bottoms."
(To be continued...again!)

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