Chapter 55.

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Adriana's POV

"Baby?" I mumble opening my eyes and see her sleeping next to me. I scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her, remembering what happened earlier. "I should have pushed her off of me, love. I don't know why I didn't. I'm sorry," I mumble placing a kiss on her forehead and pulled her on top of me.

I checked the time and saw it was almost three in the morning. 

Almost demon time. Jahi mumbles.

I thought to myself about how my sweet Jasmine would feel once she wake up. She's probably going to be pissed off at me. Or probably sad... I hugged her tighter hoping I didn't hurt my wife. I would never mean to do that.

We need to fix this. Justice rushed as I bit my lip and slid from under her.

What can I do at three in the morning? I frown going into the bathroom and wash myself up in the shower.

While I was getting out the shower, I saw Jasmine leaning against the door frame sleepily. "Did I wake you?" I mumble going to the sink and brush my teeth. She shook her head and quietly moved to the toilet.

"Where you're going?" She ask relieving herself. "No where for now," I sigh feeling her next to me as she wash her hands. "Okay," she whisper tiredly then walked back into the room.

No kiss? Jahi whimper as I feel so much emotions from her.

I definitely need to fix this. I can't have my wife mad at me. I mumble cleaning my mouth out and got back in the bed with my wife.

Jasmine's POV

I let out a exhausted sigh as my alarm went off again. I checked the time and quickly got out the bed. "Shoot, shoot, shoot," I mumble getting in the shower and quickly washed my ass. 

If Mimi find out you overslept, she's going to be on our ass. Diamond laughed as I got out and got dressed.

I sent my outfit for today and sent it to Michelle and Zariah. I heard the babies get up, making me sigh and check the time. "I have time," I mumble going to their room and picked them up. "Hey, nuggets," I cooed kissing their cheeks and get them dressed for today.

I frown seeing a movable frame on the wall. "Did she really install a slide to the livingroom?" I mumble grabbing Makayla's toy car and pushed it down the car. I listened for it, and hear it in the living room. "She did," I smile softly then placed them on the slide and push them down it.

I smile hearing them giggle as I closed it and appeared in the living room. I saw them crawl off the slide, landing softly in their play pin. I bit my lip and fixed them some breakfast with some sweet milk. "Come on nuggets," I said lifting my hand to open the small gate to their play pin.

They giggled and waddled to me while clapping their hands. "Hungry?" I smile as they plopped down on the floor, waiting for their food. "Here you go sweeties," I smile placing their food in front of them and some wipes on the table.

I went back upstairs and shook Adri awake. "Come back to bed, beautiful," she mumble as I sigh and kissed her. "I have to go baby. The twins are downstairs eating," I said going into the closet and get a outfit for her to lounge around in.

"Okay," she sigh as I left out and went to the garage and got in my pink Range. I drove to Zariah house and honked the horn. I smile seeing her come out the house and get in the passenger seat. "Sexy as always," we said at the same time making us both snicker and high five each other.

"Mimi said come get her, she don't feel like driving," she laughed as I smile and sat back driving to Symone's house. "You Morningstar love living big," she snicker as I honked the horn. "Yeah, but we don't flaunt our money... Purposely," I smile checking my bun as Michelle slow ass came out the house.

"Bout time," Zariah laughed as Michelle gave me the address to our winner's house. "I told her to meet us at the salon in like a couple of hours. I texted her and she's ready but we're going to go surprise her," she said as I nodded my head blast Beyoncé. 

Don't Hurt Yourself started playing as we made it a red light. I shook my head thinking about everything that happened yesterday.

Are we overreacting? Tati ask as I bit the inside of my cheek while gripping the steering wheel.

"Who the fuck do you think I is? You ain't married to no average bitch, boy," I sang starring off feeling so pissed off for being upset about the situation. "I am the dragon breathing fire. Beautiful mane, I'm the lion. Beautiful man, I know you're lying. I am not broken, I'm not crying, I'm not crying," I mumble seeing the light turn green allowing me to drive off towards the house that I put in my phone.

"Juju," I hear but I was too zoned out as I slouched in my seat and prop my leg up. I kept singing my aching heart out as if she really cheated on me. I know she didn't but would she have done it if I didn't walk in? She wouldn't, right? We've been through some tough shit for her to cheat on me but she could have at least pushed the bitch off of her when I walked in.

"We just got to let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, babe. Uh, this is your final warning (Don't hurt yourself). You know I give you life (Don't hurt yourself). If you try this shit again (Don't hurt yourself). You gon' lose your wife," I sang lowly as we pulled up to the house.

"Ju, you good?" Zariah ask as I looked at them to see them looking at me with an raised eyebrow. "Yeah," I mumble getting out the car and walk up to the door. "Why do I have to knock?" I ask putting on my happy face. "Just do it, Ju," Michelle scolded as I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Please?" She pout looking at my feet.

"Fine," I grumble as she smile and held her camera up along with Zariah. "I'll go live and you'll record the stuff we do," Michelle said to Zariah as I knock on the door. "Who is it?" I hear someone sing behind the door. "I don't know, open the door and see," I snicker watching someone swing the door open frowning.

"Who the fu-" she began to say as I folded my arms laughing. "Ready?" Michelle squeal as she stood their frozen. "Uh, hello?" I ask waving my hand in front of her. "Oh, uh. Yeah!" She squeaked going back in, leaving the door open. I see someone around her age look at me and widen her eyes. "You was serious, Kayla?" She squeaked slapping her hand over her mouth.

"What I'ma lie for?" Kayla ask as she walked out her home and smile widely. "Ready?" I ask holding my hand out. "Ye-yeah," she stuttered as Michelle squealed and opened the door for her. "I got in the driver's seat and got a happier playlist for the drive to Michelle's salon.
(To be continued...)

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