Chapter 84.

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Jasmine's POV

"You're something else," Adri chuckled then took a seat next to me. "So where are these fans?" Adri ask wrapping an arm around my waist as people got settled before it actually start. "They should be on their way. I had someone to pick them up at a location which they should have met up at," Z said earning a nod from me and Mimi.

"Alright then, let me get the twins," she mumble getting up and went to the middle of the floor where I'm guessing they're going to have the games at. "Makayla, Titan!" She called making them slide from mom and dad then start running after them.

"Do your wife not like wearing belts?" Michelle snickered as she tried to hold her pants up. "No she do not," I laughed as Zayden let out a snort. "Aht, babe you can't say anything," Zariah laughed wiping his cheek. 

My eyes went back to Adri as she picked them both up and walked back to us. "You really love the Lakers," I said pulling her pants up causing her to look down then back up at me. "I um," she blushed sitting the kids down then pulled her pants up. 

"You better start wearing belts or something," I mumble biting my lip then pulled her in front of me while running my tongue over the top row of my teeth. She look at me smiling while squinting her eyes.

"Don't even think about it," she chuckled to me telepathically. I only rolled my eyes then let out a huff as I hear a group of people talking walk in. "Act like we have some sense and just take a seat and support the woman. We're lucky to be celebrating something in person with them." I hear someone tell the group causing me to snicker and stand up.

"Why?" Adri whined not wanting to socialize like always. "Fine, you stay here with the twins while I go talk to everyone," I huffed earning a scowl from my wife. "I think not, let's go," she grumble picking up the twins then helped me up.

"I thought so," I smile kissing her cheek then the twins. "Alright, I'm going to talk to mom and dad first," I said informed them earning nods from everyone else. Adri held my hand while helping me down the small steps.

"Suck a gentlewoman," I smile earning a small smile from her while the kids just kept moving and looking around in her arms. "Who idea was it to invite the fans?" Dad ask making me fold my arms and tilt my head.

"Dad be nice," I warned squinting my eyes. "When do I ever be nice?" He chuckle earning a nudge from mama. "Be nice, Samael. This is about our other grand baby," she sigh rubbing my stomach. 

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to greet everyone and play some of the games until its time to eat," I smile kissing them both on the cheek. "Okay, ladybug. Stay evil," dad said making me shake my head. "We're not evil dad. We're fair," I winked then waddled my short ass towards Adri.

We're not evil, are we? Diamond ask.

Of course not! We're fair and we overly punish people for stepping out of line. We also find it funny of other people's misfortunes. Tati snickered making me laugh too.

Not helping, T. I respond holding in my laugh.

The twins saw me first and began clapping and giggling. "Mommy, mommy, mommy," they chant while wiggling in Adriana's arms. She turned to me and immediately smile. "Hey," she breathe then pass my Makayla making me smile and kiss her cheek.

I leaned over and kissed Titan's cheek then Adri's making her smile widen. "Knew it," she mumbles then guide me to the small group of fans as they take thousands of pictures. "Hey, I'ma go play some of the games with the nuggets," Adri whispered picking up Makayla.

"Okay, I will join you in a minute," I hum turning my head to her only for her lips to connect with mine. We both pulled away blushing from the surprise contact. "I wasn't going for a kiss on the lips but it was better," she voiced with her boyish smile. 

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