Chapter 94.

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Jahi's POV

"Now, you all know how we're doing this," I snickered rubbing my hands together. "And since this is Darius and Camilla's first time at church, they will have to do something big for us," Tati said making my smile widen. 

"We're so lucky that it fell on a Saturday. Funerals are nine out of ten on a Saturday," Domonique laughed as we all turned to the church. "Alright, lets hurry before they bring the body in," I rushed seeing the funeral hearse pull up. 

"Go, go, go!" Tati rushed as we put our face masks on and our blackout shades. We walked into the church and eyes immediately fell on us. 

"I never seen them before, how do they know Anthony?" 

"And who told them to come up here dressed in them skimpy clothes?"

"Probably one of Mary's children. She always had them rich folks around."

"And who wears sun glasses in the house of the Lord, tuh!"

"They're being a disgrace to the house of the Lord, I tell ya Earlene."

"I know! They need to take their yella asses on somewhere else. Have some nerve showing up here and not introduce themselves. Don't have a single remorse or pity for my daddy."

I quickly stifled my laugh with Tati as we sat at the back of the church. This was truly entertaining and we haven't done a thing yet! "I guess we can get this show started early," Domonique whispered as the hearse came in.

I look down at the obituary and saw who all is his family and friends. I look up to see the casket rolling in so I nudged Domonique and used my powers to lower one of the carriers pants. "Oh, my!" Tati gasp along with everyone else. 

He quickly pulled his pants up while the six of us held the fan in front of our faces. "Sorry," he mumble to everyone as he fixed himself up and sat the casket down at the front. Water was being passed around and Amelia made us all decline. 

"Viagra," she mouthed making our eyes widened. "You, didn't!" Camila gasped hitting her arm. "Oh, I did," she smiled behind her fan. 

It was time to view the body and I could see people start to get hot and bothered. A couple even left the church fanning themselves while walking out. "Our turn!" Tati whispered excitedly. She made the lights flicker and the doors to suddenly shut.

We all gasped and looked around, as if we didn't know what was going on. "Lord how mercy!" Someone shout fanning themselves. 

I bent over with Tati laughing my ass off as they all began talking. "It must be the wind, calm down everyone! And if anything, it must be the Lord coming to take our fine brother to heaven." The pastor shout making everyone turn back to him. 

"Hallelujah!" Amelia shout making them all shout while we cracked up at her goofy ass. "You done started a sermon!" Darius chuckle as people began to sing and dance instead of mourn over the dead body.

I lift my hand and made the pastor's toupee fall off. Everyone stopped dancing and stared at the pastor as he tried to put it back on. "Fix it, pastor!" Tati shout waving her hand. I let out a soft snort as everyone calmed down.

"Would anyone like to say a few words about my father?" The woman ask making Darius and Camila stand up. "Go big or go home," we whispered as Camila nod and pretended to cry while going up to the stand with Darius.

"I'm so proud of them," Tati whispered as everyone turned to them with their nose turned up at them with disgust. "Hello everyone, I'm Camila and this is my baby brother Darius," she sniffled causing Darius to rub her back as someone passed them a box of Kleenex.

"I know no one know who I am and I'm just finding out dad had another family myself," she breathe while making her voice sound hoarse. "What? Anthony had another family?" A woman mumble standing up with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, they're about to turn this church upside down," Amelia giggled as I look at them with an impressed look.

"Ye-yes! I didn't know he was married or had another family. He always told me he had business trips when he left from Haiti," Darius stuttered into the mic causing some of the people to fall out from the false news. 

"HE TOLD US HE WAS JUST HANGING OUT WITH HIS BROTHERS!" She exclaimed then cried into her hands.

"We only came to pay our respects and claim what he left us," Camila pout then leaned into Darius. "Claim what's yours? He left everything to me and our kids," she whispered as her kids comforted her.

"Oh? I have the will right here," Darius frowned looking towards us. "Oh," Tati giggled as we both slyly made something appeared on the paper along with his fake signature. 

"Let me see that," she frowned snatching the paper from her. "He left everything to them!" She exclaimed as people began to gasp and look at them. "He was cheating on mama?" One of the teenage boys whispered with a frown. 

"Ye-yes, I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Darius sniffled then walked off the small stage. "Um, let us sing to celebrate the leaving of our brother Anthony," the pastor awkwardly voiced as everyone whispered and mumbled about this false news.

"Omg, you actually did that!" Amelia whispered as she received sly high fives from us. Everyone began chugging down their water. "Oh, this is going to end off good," Domonique chuckled rubbing her hands.

People began singing and dancing with the choir and we all stood up preparing to leave. "Here we go," I mumbled as Domonique lit the candles and I started rocking the casket.

"OH MY GOD!" Someone shout making everyone freeze. The pastor went to the casket and Tati let out a low snickered and made him trip which caused him to hit the casket and knock it over. "DADDY!" Someone shout as half of his lifeless body fall out the casket.

"Time to go!" I laughed then we all cleanly exited the church while laughing our asses off. 

"That was pure gold!" Tati cackled while bending over on me. This Halloween is awesome!" Camila laughed high fiving Darius. "No, no, no. You two deserve Oscar for that! I almost fell out laughing!" I laughed leaning on my wife as we both cracked up at the events. 

"Come on, we need to head back home so we can get ready for trick-or-treating with the kids," Domonique voiced making us all get in our cars still laughing at what happened today. 

"I didn't think I would ever say I enjoyed church as a demon." Darius chuckled to us telepathically on our way home. "I knew you two would like it. Just wait until another Halloween. We're going to an abandoned asylum to scare the shit out of some kids." Tati voiced making me look over to her and pucker my lips while staring at the road.

"An Abandoned ASYLUM?" Camila exclaimed as Tati pecked my lips. "Yeah, an asylum! Jahi's first time was in an abandoned hospital and it was truly hilarious!" Tati giggled telepathically to them.



Camila and Darius addressing the church?

The crew pranking everyone?

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