Chapter 99.

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Adriana's POV (Two Months Later)

"Mama!" I hear my twins squeal as I arrived to the restaurant to celebrate me and Jasmine's two years of being married. "Hey, little nuggets," I smile picking them up and kiss their heads. "Hey, my princess nugget," I smile leaning down and kiss her head as she played with Jasmine's necklace.

"Good afternoon, my beautiful queen," I smile pecking her lips as she blush and kiss me back. "Good afternoon, queen," she giggle as the twins began gagging. "EW!" They pretended to gag. "These smartasses," I mumble earning a small snicker from my wife.

"Y'all sit down," Jasmine mumble with a little authority. They quickly sat down as Jasmine put Chelsea in a booster seat for the booth. "How was your day, mamas?" I ask looking up from my menu. "Long!" She sigh dramatically while leaning on the table.

"I'm all ears, love," I laugh lowly watching her eyes meet mine as she began ranting about her true passion of operating on humans, saving their lives, and punishing her workers for doing dumb shit.

The twins played on their tablets after pushing their baby sister between them.  I leaned against the table loving how she talk about the stuff she love and I made sure to take note of everything. "And then they're going to run an ultrasound when it was something dealing with the lungs!" She huffed making me chuckle and stare at her lovingly.

She met my eyes then hid her face. "Oh, am I talking too much?" She snickered hiding her beautiful face. "Absolutely not, baby. Please, continue," I plea leaning against my hands while checking up on the little nuggets. 

She only smiled, showing me her beautiful dimple. "Beautiful," I mumble then heard a cough from the waitress. "Here are your drinks, what will you like to order?" She ask making me look at Jasmine to see her smiling. 

"Yeah, I ordered our drinks already," she giggle answering my question. "Right," I hum looking through the menu only for Jasmine to begin ordering. "You good with that, babe?" She ask as I lean on the table nodding my head.

"I'm so glad I married you," I mumble giving the waitress my menu. "Alright, I'll be up with you five," she smile walking off. "She was staring at you," Jasmine frowned making me frown and laugh. 

"Well, I have been happily married to someone special then had three little devil nuggets," I smile seeing the twins look up at me and stuck their tongues out at me. I stuck my tongue out at them while Chelsea giggle and tap on the tablet.

"You little devils," I laugh tickling all three of their stomachs. "Mama, po-potty!" Ty giggle while Jasmine record them. "Come on, little man," I chuckle standing up and hold my arms open. He slid down doing the little pee pee dance when they're really trying to hold it. 

"Oh, you got to go-go," I snickered as he whined and tugged at my pants. "Come mama," he whined making me pick him up and rush to the bathroom. I put him down, allowing him to run to the stall and use the bathroom himself.

"All done!" He said after flushing the toilet. "Come on so you can wash your hands, prince," I smile picking him up and turn the water on. "Wash, wash," he began singing as I wash my hands with him. 

We washed our hands then went back towards the table. Well he was running back to the table as I continue to dry off my hands. "Ty, watch out!" I laugh fastening my pace but he bumped into some man.

"Sowwy," he pout only for the random man in a business suit to snarl at my son. "Watch it, brat," he voiced making my body tense then glare at him. "I sow-" Ty began to apologize again only for him to shove him with his leg.

"Yo! You just kicked their kid!" Someone shout but that familiar hand with the diamond ring that I purposely put on that finger was wrapped around his collared throat. "Did you just kick my baby?" Tati snapped as Titan let out small cries which caused his twin sister to carry Chelsea over to him.

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