Chapter 83.

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Adriana's POV

"Baby, wake up. The baby shower is today!" Jasmine squealed making me open my eyes and see her holding our giggling nuggets. "Good morning mama nuggets! Good morning my beautiful wife," I smile bringing them closer to me.

"Eight months," I smile kissing my wife then her stomach. I turned to my nuggets and gave them a bunch of kisses causing them to let out fits of giggles. "Look at the cute clothes I got us!" Jasmine giggled sliding out of the bed then waddled out of the room.

"Mommy is so cute, nuggets," I sigh earning small giggles from them as they jumped on the bed. "Okay, here is the twins clothes," she smile coming back in the room with a tutu and another shirt. "Read them!" She smile biting her lip. 

"Best Big Sister. Best Big Brother." I read then let out a low laugh. "That's absolutely adorable," I smile getting out of bed with the twins in my arms. "Okay, let's wash these little stinks up then we can get them dressed," I smiled going to the bathroom and start the bath water. 

"Okay, Chelsea," Jasmine breathe coming into the bathroom rubbing her stomach. She began singing that song while coming towards us, making the twins instantly relax as we both cleaned them up.

She let out a breath as I got them up out of the tub. "I'll dress them mamas, you rest," I said using my powers to lift her up. "But I-" she started as I sat her on the bed. "It's not up for debate. You will not stress yourself over this, do you understand?" I ask sternly making her pout with tears in her eyes.

"Awe, mamas," I sigh as the twins started squirming trying to get to their mother. "I don't want you to hurt yourself or the baby, that's all," I sigh lifting her head up and kiss her forehead. She let out a soft sniffle then leaned her head on my breast. "Okay," she mumble sadly making me sigh and quickly dress the kids.

I put them on the floor letting them play with their toys then went to my saddened wife. "Come here mamas," I mumble pulling her to me then kissed her nose. "This is your day too mamas, even though its in a couple of days," I smile tilting her head up to me.

"I'm still going to be the same age in human years," she mumble twirling the family ring around her finger. "That's not the point. I can't have my baby sad when there's another cute little bundle of joy inside and I most definitely do not want my wife to be sad on her special day," I frowned then started kissing her all over her face then down to her neck. 

"Stop being sad," I whined continuing my soft pecks around her body until I hear her cute giggle. "There we go," I smile kissing her softly on the lips. "I love you, Jasmine. I'm sorry for making you sad," I sigh rubbing her stomach softly.

"Forgive me?" I ask earning a soft kiss from Jasmine. "You're forgiven," she hum gripping my jaw and slid her tongue in my mouth. "You know we can't do that now," I groan dominating the kiss until I felt soft taps on my legs. 

"Nuggets," I laughed lowly after I pulled away from her soft lips. "You start getting dressed while I take them downstairs to their play pin," I voiced while picking up my little nuggets. "Okay, baby," she smiled as I carried my happy nuggets to the livingroom. "You two has been giddy lately," I smile pecking their cheeks then let them run around and play in their pins.

"Looking great guys, ready to go?" Michelle ask motioning Jasmine to go to her and Zariah to take some cute pictures. "Yeah," I smile watching Jasmine rub her large belly that contains our extra little one.

"Come on, Kay and Ty," Jasmine hum opening their play pin. They immediately got out and began running around the livingroom. "Adri, did you give them sweets?" Jasmine ask causing me to lift my hands.

"I didn't give them anything, come here Ty," I said making him run from me giggling. "Damnit," I groan chasing after him. "Come here," I laugh throwing him up in the air then caught him. I sniffed his breath, immediately smelling some type of candy. 

"Alright, who gave them candy?" I said holding the door to the garage open. I look towards Symone and Zayden, immediately seeing them look off. "I'ma make you two babysit them then," I smirk as Jasmine called for Makayla.

"Bye bye, Makayla," Jasmine snickered making her stop running then quickly make her way to us. "Mommy," She pout making grabby hands to her. She bent down as far as she could then use her powers to lift Kay up then grab her.

"Come on, my hyper princess," she smile kissing her cheek then waddled to my new car. We buckled them in then got in the car. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" I ask starting the car as the door went up.

Her cheeks redden through her smooth melanin cheeks making me smile proudly then drive towards the building we rented for this special occasion. "Ready to see GG and Papa?" Jasmine ask towards the twins as they kicked their little feet.

"Paw paw?" Ty said in a questioning tone make me and Jasmine gasp. Jasmine turned towards him with a wide smile, encouraging him to saw it again. "Go ahead prince, papa," Jasmine encouraged grabbing Makayla's attention too as I parked at the building.

"GG and Papa," I said now turning towards them. "Geesh geesh," Makayla giggle while sticking her tongue out. "My babies are so smart!" Jasmine gasp as I got out and got the Ty out then went around and opened the door for Jasmine.

"Saw GG Titan," I mumble standing behind Jasmine as she get Makayla. "Gee," he song out while watching my mouth. "G G," I said slower as Jasmine began walking up to the rest of the crew. "G G," he repeated with a little spitting too but my baby boy got it!

"Did he just say GG?" Symone pout pinching his cheek. "Makayla said it too. "He know how to say papa too," I voiced proudly of my nuggets. "PAW PAW!" Makayla giggle clapping her hands while looking behind us.

I turned to see who's she looking at and I saw Samael holding the door open for mama. I watch his head look up towards us and gave us a wide smile. "That. Is. Terrifying." Symone said making us look towards her.

"Yeah, last time dad smiled that wide was when he was going on a killing spree," Jasmine shivered making me laugh and kiss her head. "Did the little princess call me?" He cooed as she reached for him giggling. He picked her up then kissed her cheeks. 

"Hey mama," I greeted as Titan reached for her. "Geesh G G Gees," he tried to call making her gasp and pick him up. "Hey little prince, you're so smart," she cooed allowing me to snap a quick picture then guide everyone inside.

We was surrounded with claps and applauses by the close people we invited to this special occasion. "Glad to see the overdramatic throne," Jasmine giggle making me look towards Zayden and Symone with a smirk.

"Well, we had to get a special seat for our woman to celebrate the upcoming births of our children," Zayden snickered as we guide them to a small section that overlook the spacious floor and crowd. "Oh geez," Michelle and Zariah said at the same time while Jasmine face palmed while giggling. 

"Three thrones for three mothers," Symone laughs lowly sitting Michelle at one end while Zayden sat Zariah at the other end. "Why am I in the middle?" Jasmine pouts taking a seat. "Because you went through this before any of us, now hush," Michelle smiled then took a large picture of the people we invited.

"I may have invited a couple of special fans," Zariah said making me turn to her. "Me too," Michelle and Jasmine gasped making me squint my eyes. "When you three say a couple, how many do you mean?" Symone ask squinting her eyes along with me.

"Only five, including a special friend for them to bring," Jasmine stated earning nods from the other ladies. "Uh uh, where our nuggets at? That's thirty people!" I whisper shout stuffing my hands in my pockets. 

Jasmine gave me a pout making me immediate witch up my tone. "That is absolutely fine gorgeous, we're here to celebrate," I smile kissing her pouted lips earning a quick smile. "That was a fake pout," I said earning a wider smile. "It work, didn't it?"
(To Be Continued...)

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