Chapter 24.

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Justice's POV

I watched Jasmine walk in front of me, trying not to get lost in her beautiful ass... literally. "Alright," I started off as I close the door behind me. "Someone stole a file from the company and it was one of you, according to the cameras," I said leaning against a small desk that sat beside the promethean board. "Anyone like to confess? If I have to pull the information from you, you will be fired then thrown in jail," I said holding my hand out for Jasmine to take.

Damn, her beauty is just immaculate. No flaw nor imperfection. "No one?" I ask as Jasmine took my hand and walked towards me. Eyes fell on her as she shivered from the cool air. "Alright, this is pissing me off now. I had to leave an important even that was about us to deal with childishness. Who took the file?" I yelled taking my jacket off and place it on Jasmine. I bit my lip and look how adorable she is as my jacket fit loosely on her.

"Justice," Zariah whisper making me look over to her and see her eyes dart to a male who is looking down typing on his phone. "I got it," Jasmine sigh leaning up and quietly made her way to the distracted worker. "Oh, seems here that he and three others has taken the file," she said looking down at the phone. "Aye, that's mine," he said standing up and tower over my wife.

"Aht, its mine now that you have exposed who helped you take the files," she said tossing the phone to me. I looked at the messages and went to break his phone. "Justice no," Zariah whisper as Jasmine grabbed my hand. "Inhale and calm down," she whisper as I squint my eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine," I mumble instantly calming down to her sweet scent along with a hint of arousal.

She grabbed the phone and walked to the table. "Everyone put your phones on the table," she said as I walk and stood beside her as some of them did as she said. "I don't think you heard her clearly. Put your damn phones on the table," I spat clenching my jaw. They reluctantly put their phones on the table faced up. "Let's make a call, yeah?" She said as they all looked around.

"'JT'," she mumbles calling the phone number. Everyone froze as a phone started buzzing. "You're fired," I simply said as some officers came in. "Now, 'Tone'," she smile calling the number. "Wait, I can explain," I hear as I shook my head. "Get your asses out. Ruining my damn day over this shit," I said feeling Jasmine hand lace with mines.

"It's not fully ruin," she said looking at me with that suggested look. "Of course. Thank you officers, Zariah. Explain to them what happened for me," I smile as Jasmine tugged at my arm. "Of course," she said nodding her head. "Come on," Jasmine whined as I finally allowed her to pull me out of the building. I watched her ass sway as she pulled me to her side of the car. 

"Babe, are you going to open the door or are you finally letting me open my door?" Jasmine giggles as I push her against the car and lean towards her perfectly soft lips. "Justice," she whisper as I sigh and opened the door for her. "Get in," I mumble letting her go and wait for her to get in. 

I closed the door and went around and got in on the driver's side. "Damnit Jasmine," I grunt moving in my seat, feeling the tension in my pants. I let our windows down and headed back home. "I need you," Jasmine breathed looking over to me. "Me too princess," I gulped stopping at a long light and held her hand. "How much trouble would I be in if I pulled my dress up and stuck your fingers in-" she began to ask earning a low growl from me. "A lot," I grunt licking my lips. 

I jumped hearing a loud scream along with loud music. "Ah, My Favorite Couple!" I hear someone squeal along with the sound of cameras. I saw Jasmine smile and waved as I looked out the window and saw some girls wave at us. I waved back as we moved up in line. I felt Jasmine pull her hand away and grab a sticky note and write 'Mrs. & Mrs. Morningstar-Matts' with a heart at the end. "You're cute!" Jasmine laughed holding the note out. 

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