Chapter 85.

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Jasmine's POV

"Hey, hey, hey!" Michelle giggled coming from the hall door dressed in the matching onesie. "Hey, movie in living room," I said grabbing the bowl of popcorns. "Yay!" She squealed as we walked to the livingroom. Well, I levitated and she waddled.

"Can you believe the twins are two years old?" I sigh remembering the events that happened a couple of weeks ago. "Yeah, they're growing up so fast," Zariah sigh scooting in the middle of the bean bag. "Where are our crazy spouse?" I ask getting comfortable to the right of Zariah.

"I think they went shopping for our hospital bags, over dramatic!" Michelle laugh as Z started the movie. I placed my hand on their stomachs smiling to myself. "The three of us are going to have the cutest babies," Michelle hum as I feel a kick from the both of them. 

Zariah got up and stretched her back then immediately froze. She let out a loud ear piercing squeal. "My water broke!" She panicked making me stand up and hold her hand.

"We're about to have our babies?" Michelle ask happily while Zariah panicked and hold her stomach. "M-my wa-water broke. Wh-where's Zay!" She yelled as I guided her to my car. "I-it hurts so bad!" She cry out getting in the back seat. 

"I-I thought it wa-was just the hi-hicks again!" She rant in a panic as me and Mimi got in the front. "Michelle, tell them we're heading to the hospital," I rushed speeding from the house to the hospital. "Hurry, pl-please!" Zariah cry out causing me to coach her with her breathing as I sped to the hospital.

I parked as close as I could then got out the car. "Ju," Michelle breathe making me look over and see her water just broke too. "Okay, okay," I breathe mentally preparing myself for my upcoming contraction to come before my water breaks. 

"Oh, Ms. Mo-" I hear then saw the distress in the women faces. "Oh, its happening," he said then paged their doctors. "I'm here!" Zayden said coming in with Adri and Symone. "Mama has the kids," Adri mumbled as Symone quickly catered to her fiancé.

"Page Dr. Warrant," I mumble feeling my water break and a strong contraction to occur. "Get me Dr. Warrant!" I shout gripping Adri's hand. "O-oh!" He panicked paging my doctor to get a room asap. "Deep breaths mamas," Adri mumble making me cry out as I feel another one.

"I fucking hate this!" I groan as a chair came up to me. "Alright, lets get you to a room, boss," I hear Rose chuckle while letting Adri wheel me through the lobby. "And there is the third mama," I heard but ignored them as I felt another contraction come.

"Ah, Mrs. Morningstar-Matts. It's time," she hum as Adri lifted me onto the bed. "Let's get you in this gown," she mumbled handing Adri the gown. She changed me into the gown then placed me on the bed. "Thank you baby," I smile as she look at me with so much excitement.

"You're welcome, queen. We're about to have our baby girl," she sigh leaning down and kiss my forehead. She hooked me up to everything which made me distract Adri for the needle part of the prep.

"Stop tricking me," she pout as I started to feel the drugs quickly kick in. "I'm sorry baby, but I would like my doctor to be alive," I mumble closing my eyes to rest but another contraction hit me making me groan and sit up. "Alright, can I check?" She ask looking at me and Adri. 

"Go ahead," I sigh propping my feet up as Adri went through a different bag she brought. "I got some stuff to keep you busy," she smiled holding up a Nintendo Switch. "Really?" I laughed earning a shrug. "We all brought it in case it's long and it'll keep you distracted from the pain," she smiled widely. 

"Alright, you're at ten centimeters, you're ready to push," she said making my eyes widen. "Wh-what?!" I exclaimed taking deep breaths. "Oh, we're doing this now, um okay," Adri rushed taking her shoes off then too the bag off. 

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