Chapter 64.

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Jasmine's POV

"Are we using the van?" I ask as I placed some shorts on Titan and Makayla. "Uh, yeah. We can," she said packing their bag with more clothes. "You two ready to have some fun?" I gasp as Adri shown us she bought some time online.

"Great, let's go." I smile picking them up and rush downstairs. "Careful, love!" Adri yelled from upstairs as I call Azael and Sam to bring the van.

"Hey, hey, hey." Michelle smiled plopping down on the couch beside me and started playing with the twins. "I'm ready for a baby." She mumble kissing Ty's cheek. I smiled then turned towards her. "I'm ready for another," I sigh hearing a thud and see Adri appear in front of me.

"Really?" She ask dropping the bag with a wide smile. "Yeah," I mumble biting my lip. "What are the chances of the three of us getting pregnant together?" Michelle ask making me look at her and squint my eyes.

"You love speaking stuff up. Now it's more than likely to happen," I laugh seeing Sam come in with the keys. "Ready?" Zariah ask coming in with a glow. She received an hum from me and Michelle as we stood up.

"Where is Zayden?" Adri ask as we went outside and got in the van. "Taking his poor time," Z snickered as I waited for Adri to put the car seats in. She sat them next to the window and hooked everything up.

"Okay, hear me out. What if we tried to have the babies together?" Michelle said making me and Zariah look at her. "You do know that there is still a possibility of us not having the baby on the same day, right?" I ask as Adri look at me with a wide smile.

"We can try," Zariah blush as I hid my face. "You two are serious?" I ask biting the inside of my cheek. "Come on! It will be cute!" Zariah squealed as everyone got in the car. "Okay, give me like three weeks or a month to get the birth control out of my system," I snicker as Adri look at me with a pout.

"This is going to be a long month," Adri whined as Sam and Azael got in the driver and passenger's seat. "Mama, mama, mama, mama, ma-" Makayla giggle tapping on the window while her brother reached over and grabbed her pacifier.

"Aht, Ty you have your own," I giggle pulling his sister's pacifier out of his mouth. He let out a small whine and started kicking his legs. "Ty," I warned tilting his head towards me and held his pacifier up. "Stop it and clean your face hun," I sigh watching him messily wipe his face.

"Mommy," he pout reaching for me. I wiped his face then kissed his cheek. "You and your tantrums son," I smile placing his pacifier in his mouth. "Cute," Adri mumble kissing the side of my head. "We're here," Azael said earning a squeal from me as they began getting out of the van.

"Come on, babe!" Adri smiled pulling us to a slide. "This is safe," I mumble going to the top with the twins while she wait at the bottom. "One... Two... Three!" I squeal sliding down with the twins loving their squeals and laughter.

Adri tried to go up the slide but slipped and slid the rest down. "Oh my-" I snort then bent over laughing my ass off. "Babe, are you okay?" I laughed watching her pout and look at me. "Awn, come here big baby," I snicker watching her get up and dust herself off.

"That hurt," she groaned rubbing her knees. "It's okay, let's go jump," I said pulling her to the jumping section but paused seeing Zayden and Symone on a zipline screaming at the height. I quickly recorded them laughing.

"Come on love," Adri laughed as we got on a section for the twins to jump. We put them on one block then jumped on a separate one. They let out fits of giggles as a worker came towards us but got stopped by someone else.

"Ayo, watch this mamas," Adri winked and started jumping higher. She hit a couple of flips while flexing her arms. I laughed and shook my head as the twins flopped down then tried to jump some more. I hit a small flip then landed softly back on the trampoline.

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