Chapter 26.

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Jasmine's POV

I sigh as I sat in Adri's office and dealt with some issues that has came up in the hospital. "Mommy, mommy," I hear my nuggets shout, walking around in their small play pin. "Yeah, babies?" I reply calling the desk. "Hello, Mrs. M&M?" I hear the receptionist answer making me laugh. "Oh, I don't call that many times," I laugh as I grabbed some crackers and got up. "Of course not, miss. What can I do for ya?" I hear them say as I gave my nuggets their crackers.

"Thai cue," Ty said making my smile widen. "You're welcome baby boy. Can you get the chief on the phone?" I ask hearing Makayla giggle and grab the cracker. "Thai cue," she said grabbing the cracker and ran away. "You're welcome baby girl," I laugh going back to my desk. 

"Yes boss lady?" I hear the chief laugh making me sigh and shake my head. "What's going on?" I ask looking at the folder. "What do you mean?" He ask as I bit my lip and pull out a paper. "Three failed surgeries in a day?" I ask as he sigh. "I'm not you, boss, I can not make every surgery successful," he said as I rolled my eyes. "I know that but all three of these surgeries are heart surgeries. When is your next heart surgery?" I ask tapping my nail on the desk.

"Uh, twelve thirty," he said with a hint of annoyance. "I'm annoyed too Henderson, I cannot have people scared to come to my hospital when they are having a heart problem," I said sending a text to Adri. "I will be there and in that surgical room," I said hearing him grunt. "You can not do that! This is my surgery!" He snapped into the phone earning a laugh from me. "Who said I was taking the surgery from you. I will be there to observe. Now if you want me to take your butt off, then I will if you keep talking," I snapped as he went quiet. 

"If I see one mess up, you will not be performing surgeries for a month. You run your mouth too much," I grit then hung up. "It's that bad?" I hear Adri's voice making all three of us turn to her. "Mama, mama, mama," the twins shout waddling over to them. "Hey my little nuggets," she smile setting her bookbag down and got into the pin. "They're vocabular is increasing," I said getting more crackers. "Here, Ty," I said causing him to move from Adri and grab the cracker from me. "Tank cue," he smile showing his small teeth.

"You're welcome, prince," I giggle then called Makayla. "Thai cue," she smile taking the cracker and run to Adri. "You're welcome, princess," I smile going back to Adri's desk and lean against it. "I need to leave," I sigh glancing to my watch. "What, Why?" Adri pout as I held up the folder and rub my temples. "Three failed heart surgeries in one day," I said watching her frown and shake her head.

"I'll take them to work. If you promise to let me take you and the kids out for a family picnic," she smile making me blush and look at her. "Deal," I smile going to her and peck her lips. "I love you," I sigh then kissed my babies. "I love you too, nuggets," I smile kissing their stuffed cheeks. I rushed upstairs and got dressed in my scrubs. "See you later babies," I yelled going in the garage and got in my Rang then drove off to the hospital. 

"I was speeding," I giggle getting out the car seeing that I was early. "Good afternoon," I said seeing the receptionist smile at me. I went straight towards the Chief's office and knocked on the door. "Come in," I hear him say then opened the door. "Ready to prep?" I ask as he nod and got up with his head down low. I walked out his office and waited for him by the desk.

"Ready miss?" He ask leaning against the desk. I squint my eyes at him a took in his posture. "What's making you depressed?" I whisper watching his head snap up to me. "Nothing," he snapped making the doctors and nurses look at him like he was stupid. "Henderson watch your tone," I warned lifting his head up to me. "Why? You barely be at the hospital and you want to run it like you know it like the back of your hand," he said as I looked at him and laughed.

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