Chapter 72.

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Adriana's POV

"How are we going to get them to rest? I don't want what happened at the hospital to occur again," Zayden freaked out in front of my desk. "Calm down. They seem to rest more when they're together," Symone said causing me to look up and nod.

"You're right. If we have them together more, they would actually relax," I smile closing the folder and made it disappear in my hand. I will resume my queen duties after we get our women settled.

"Alright, we need to go to the store right quick." I said making a list and send it to Zay. "Ou, add pickles and cheese. Zariah has became addicted to it," he said making us scrunch our nose. "Yeah, it's weird. Jasmine has two weird cravings. Hot fries with milkshake and a whole bunch of fruits," I chuckle earning 'mine too' from Zayden and Symone.

"Great, don't forget to add beef steak. They eat that too and it's healthy," Symone mumbles standing up after me. "We're leaving now?" Zay ask earning a nod. "Yeah, remind me to get a whole bunch of apples because the twins might eat a dozen by themselves," I chuckle getting my keys and walk downstairs. "Baby?" I called seeing her laying on the bean bag with the kids head against her stomach.

Oh, come on! That's adorable. Justice pout as I quickly went to them and snapped a picture.

It is. I can't wait until our baby come. Jahi mumbled as I see Jasmine frown and wave her hands.

"Babe!" She shout using her powers to tilt my head. "Yeah?" I mumble kneeling down between her legs and rub our nuggets head. "You called me," she giggle pulling my hair up into a bun while I kiss my third nugget. "We're going to the store," I said leaning up and pucker my lips. "Hmm, I'm coming. I need to get some stuff," she said stretching under me.

"I got you snacks and stuff on there," I said after she pecked my lips. "I need to get some other stuff baby," she giggled getting up then picked up Titan and Makayla. "Okay," I smile watching our babies press their hands against Jasmine's.

"I guess the crew going shopping," Zay laughed as I help put shoes on the kids. "I'll put the kids in the car while you get dressed," I mumble grabbing them. I took them in the garage as the door lifted up. "Can you say nose?" ask them pointing to my nose.

"No," Ty giggle making me out then freeze. "Say it again prince," I smile making sure they are both buckled in. "No no," Makayla said causing me to do a small dance and kiss them. "What are you doing?" Jasmine giggled while smacking my butt. "Aye," I laughed getting up and close their doors. I opened hers and smacked her ass. I bit my lip loving how it moved and felt from the small contact.

"Nigga behavior," she laughed then kissed my cheek. I closed her door then got in the driver's seat. "They said no," I said backing out, seeing everyone else get in their cars. "Really?" She gasp turning towards them and clapped her hands. "Mommy is proud," she sigh reaching back and tickle their stomachs.

I reached my hand over and placed my hand on her thigh. "What you getting from Walmart?" I ask concentrating on the road. "I'm getting the kids something," she smile dancing in her seat. "Okay," I smile as I found a park. 

"Don't you open that door," I growl gripping her thigh. "Okay, okay," she pout folding her arms. I smiled and happily got out, getting Makayla. I went to her side and opened the door for Jasmine, earning a soft peck on the lips.

She gotta warn us when she show us love like this. Jahi purred as I watch her get Titan out. 

"Mommy tugga!" She squealed kissing kissing his cheeks. "Come on," I smile walking behind my wife and sun. "Bout time," Symone said earning a smack on the stomach from her older sister. "Shush, we had to get the kids out," she said placing Ty in the large basket. "Put her in," she said causing Michelle and Zariah try to get in the basket.

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