Chapter 95.

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Tati's POV

"You five look so adorable," I pout looking at the cute cubs crawling around. "Mommy! Look!" Ty giggled coming towards me and shown me the little candy bag that he got. "You got, candy?"  gasp looking around it then turn to Jahi and see her eating one of Makayla's candy.

"Jahi, stop eating my baby's candy," I laugh feeling small taps on my feet. "Hey, princess. I see you had something blue," I laugh picking her up and kiss on her cheek. "Mommy," Ty pout puckering his lips.

"Jealous son," I hum leaning down gave him one of my motherly kisses. I look around seeing everyone playing with their baby. I went out back at the Halloween themed back yard. "Did we have to have real skulls?" Jahi chuckled letting the kids go and let them get on the bouncy house and play around until it's time to go. 

"Yes, its Halloween!" I laugh seeing Symone crawl her big ass into the bouncy house. "Your favorite holiday," Jahi chuckled going to the ground trampoline next to the basketball court. 

"No, it's not my favorite holiday anymore," I snickered getting on the trampoline with her. "Christmas is my favorite holiday since we got married," I laugh hitting a backflip in the air. 

She caught me then pulled me into a soft kiss. "Mine too," she mumbled then lift me up so I can wrap my legs around her waist. She sat down on the trampoline then just stared at me. "We came a long way, you know?" She breathe as I leaned back on my arms and tilt my head.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just glad I still got you and our babies," I smile then heard giggling and screams. "Speaking of kids," I laugh looking behind her towards the house to see them sliding out of the bouncy house and run towards us.

"Mama!" Ty yelled as Symone chased him and Makayla towards us. 

"They're coming straight towards us, aren't they?" She chuckle earning a wide smile and head nod from me. "Mama!" Ty giggled jumping on the trampoline then flopped on her. 

"Oof! Ty," she chuckle falling back as his sister joined him. "When did you two install a trampoline?" Symone laugh with a small pant. "Couple of months ago," Jahi mumble while sitting up with the kids.

"Trampoline!" Zay said jumping on the one next to us with his son and Chelsea in his arms. "Where's Madison?" I ask then saw Zariah holding her while making her way towards us with Michelle beside her.

"My little princess," Symone cooed kissing Madison's head then kissed Michelle. 

They all dumped the little babies on me causing them to look at me and let out squeals. "What the-" I laughed feeling Chelsea aggressively give me her little kisses. "CC!" I laugh sitting up and kiss them all. 

"So many cuties," I pout hugging them then felt my two toddlers crawl on me and hug my stomach. "You five not going to let me up?" I laughed.

"Twick or Tweat!" The kids cutely giggled as they held their bags up. I look to Jahi not believing she taught them the little cute look. "Awn, they're so cute! Wait, Chaotic Six?" They gasp as I leaned against the pole that's holding up the small roof of the porch.

Chelsea began giggling and playing with Jahi while the kids receive candy. "Can the little one get candy too?" They ask making me bite the inside of my cheek. "Lollipops," Jahi voiced looking towards me for confirmation. I nod my head as the twins came to me and held their arms up.

"Well, here you go little cub," they laughed lowly giving her a lot of lollipops. "What do you say nuggets?" I ask picking them up. "Tank you!" They giggle keeping up with their little baby voice.

"Awn," they mumble as we walked away. "Yo, you guys gotta start walking up there. Chelsea got some lollipops!" Adri laughed as I look at the amount of candy the twins got just from three houses.

"We need another bag," I laugh putting the twins down and let them walk. They held each other hands like I taught them and stayed in my line of vision. "Say less, our baby boy is about to get some candy today!" Darius chuckle holding him up in the baby carrier on his chest.

"No, Ty!" I hear Makayla shout making me look down and Ty trying to head towards the street. He only let out a whine and continued trying to get off the sidewalk. I walked up to them then squat down.

"I know you're not trying to go towards the street," I voiced making him freeze then turn towards me. "I-" he started only for me to put my finger to my lips. "You know better, Roman," I scolded making him pout and look at me.

"That pout is not going to work. Go to mama," I said causing him to bow his head. "Yes mommy," he sniffle then walk to Jahi. I let out a sigh then stood up. "Awn, what did you do to him?" Domo scolded making me laugh and shake my head.

"He knows not to go towards the street," Jahi mumble handing me Chelsea. "Come on, Kay," Jahi hum as Chelsea press my cheeks. "Yay!" She giggle making me smile and kiss both of their heads.

We went to a few more houses allowing the kids to get more candy including the little babies. "I did not expect to get this much candy," I laugh as we made our way back to our cards. 

"Yeah, they're going to be eating on this until Christmas," Jahi chuckle as the babies messily sucked on their lollipops. "Mama open," Ty pout sitting on her shoulders while holding a Reese's cup.

"No, Ty. You know why you can't get candy?" She ask making him whine and lean his head on top of hers. "I went to street," he cutely mumbled earning a nod from the both of us. "Which is what?" I ask making him turn to me with teary eyes.

"A no-no," he mumble making me sigh and wipe his face. "Clean your face son. If you be good by the time we get home, you can get some. Deal?" I ask holding my hand out as we continued to walk. 

"Deal!" He giggle shaking my head. "Smart kids but they bad as hell," Darius chuckle making me squint my eyes at him. "Hell is home!" He quickly reply holding his hands up.

I laugh shaking my head then wrap my arm around Jahi while holding Chelsea in my other arm. "You're a sexy mommy," Jahi mumble once we made it to her car. It's technically her car but she say our since we're going to mostly be using it for the kids.

"You're a sexy mama," I giggle letting a window down so we can keep watch on the kids. "You can show me later on," she mumble wrapping an arm around my waist. "Okay," I breathe lacing our fingers together which caused her to kiss my hands.

I immediately covered my face while blushing as she removed her lips from the back of my hand. "You're so cute blushing," she mumbled pulling my hand from my face. "And that cute dimple. Geesh," she mumbled backing up dramatically while biting her lip.

"Open my door so we can go," I laugh pushing her shoulder a little. "Alright, alright," she laugh raising her hands then opened the door. "Thank you," I mumble biting my lip then got in the car.


The kids play time in the backyard before going trick-or-treating?

The kids going trick-or-treating?

Titan getting in trouble?

Titan not getting candy as a punishment?

Mother and son deal?

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