Chapter 30.

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Jasmine's POV

"We're so close baby," I pant feeling sweat beads form on my head. "Don't stop," Adri grunt as I continue to push my body up from the floor. "Make it to one hundred," she said as my arms began to shake. "Okay," I grunt but stopped once I saw the twins crawl towards us. "Or we can stop here," Adri laughed holding herself up.

"Hey baby boy," I coo as he giggle and sat in front of me. "Nom nom nom," he giggle pressing my cheeks together. I went to his neck and started tickling him. "Nom nom nom," I hum tickling his neck with my mouth. He fell back causing me to lay my hand under his head to cushion the impact. 

I resumed my push ups, pretending to eat his stomach every time I went down. His giggles and laughter made me forget my count as I continue to play with my son. "You're over a hundred baby," Adri chuckle getting up while I fell down on my stomach and softly placed my head on Titan's stomach. He happily tapped my head talking gibberish.

"Let's do our sit ups then take the kids to a park," Adri suggested causing me to bite my lip and think. "Okay," I smile laying beside her and got in position to do our many sit ups.

"Come on," Adri smile holding the diaper bag and Titan while I grab Makayla. "Swings first," Adri smile pulling me to the swings and sat them down. We slowly pushed them, enjoying the sound of their giggles. "So, you and the kids birthday are in a few days," I smile biting my lip. "Yeah, what should we do for their birthday?" She ask as I hum and shrug.

"It's your birthday too, babe. Maybe you can decided what you want done," I smile making faces in front of the kids as they came towards me. "Um, we can invite some of your family babies and throw a small party," she suggested as I squint my nose. "Okay," I sigh jumping up and hang from the swing bar. 

"Just watch the parents because I will quickly kill anyone that approach our kids the wrong way," I said jumping down. "Okay, monkey," she chuckle earning a squint from me. "I'll show you a monkey," I laugh getting the twins and head towards the sitting spinning wheel (merry-go-round). I sat down and felt us slowly began spinning.

They looked around and began giggling so loud. "Babe, stop. They're getting dizzy," I laugh feeling her stop it and watch their eyes refocus. "We're going to get mama for making you two dizzy," I laugh kissing their cheeks. "What? Mama sorry," she said pushing it slowly and slid in. They crawled to her and flopped on face. "Nom, nom, nom, nom," she mumble against their stomachs. 

I smile and recorded them, watching her send time with our babies. It finally stopped spinning earning a sigh from us. "They're really about to be a year old," I pout feeling small taps on leg. "Hey baby boy," I smile picking him up. "After our birthday, we have that Ellen show a couple days after." She said getting up with Makayla.

"Boss," I hear Azael call while I got up and dust myself and the kids off. I grabbed Makayla and went to the kids slide. I helped them on the slide then quickly went to the front and began recording. "Come on nuggets," I smile holding my hand out. Makayla was first to sit down then Titan sat behind her. They reached for me and I obliviously used my powers to pull them down the stairs. 

"Eek!" "Ah!" They squealed sliding down as I felt arms around me. "They slid without me," I hear her pout. I let out a low laugh then ended the video. "You can slide with them now babe," I giggle picking them up and pulled them to the bigger slide. "Now we're talking," she smile grabbing them and slowly went up the steps and sat at the top of the slide. 

I quickly went to the end and pulled my phone out. "One... Two... Three!" Adri shout then slid down the slide with the twins. Their smiles widened and their giggles became louder. "Up! Up!" Titan shout holding his arms up. I let out a small gasp, seeing our teachings worked. "Of course prince," I squeaked ending the video then picked him up. "Cup," Makayla said lifting her arms.

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