Chapter 87.

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Jasmine's POV

We are finally home and I couldn't be more happy. Everyone are doing their own thing at their own home including me, Jasmine, and our babies. "Bad asses, come here," Adri whined chancing our naked twins while I fed Chelsea. 

"No, mama!" One of them giggled as they split up and ran in front of me. "Fine, no apples for you two," she said sitting next to me with a soft pant. "Mama," they whined running to us while pouting.                                                                                                                  

"Greedy butts," she chuckled getting them dressed. Chelsea pulled away then let out a soft burp. "Someone is full," I hum turning her around then burped her some more. "It's nap time," Adri happily hummed picking up the freshly bathed twins then carried them to their room.

I stood up humming to myself while softly rocking Chelsea while going up to the shared room. "You know sooner or later they're going to want separate rooms," I voiced lowly as Adri placed a kiss on their heads. "I know," she sigh as I placed Chelsea in her bed, then place a soft kiss on her head.

We both silently tip toed out of the room letting out a breath of relief. "Come on, lets get some rest while we can," Adri rushed pulling me up to our room and quickly got in bed. "Come here," she groaned as my back relaxed into the comfortable mattress.

I quickly made my way closer to her then closed my eyes. "Damn, I'm tired," Adri mumbled pulling me on top of her and pecked my lips. Her hand slid down to my ass as her tongue forced its way into my mouth. A moan slipped out as she began to get rough with her hands and more aggressive with her tongue.

"Baby," I mumbled into the kiss as she lifted her hips up onto me. "What, princess?" She growl gripping my waist. "I thought we're getting sleep," I gasp sliding my hand under her shirt. "We are," she mumbled pulling away with a soft peck on the lips.

"I love you so much," she sigh wrapping her arms around my waist. "I love you too," I whispered stuffing my head into her neck while relaxing.

I let out a sigh as I stretched under my wife. How did she end up on top of me? I don't know but all I know is that she feels so warm and comfortable. "You're up, beautiful?" Adri called then soon heard Chelsea cry through the baby monitor. 

"I'm up now," I sigh earning a low chuckle from my wife. "I got her beautiful," she sigh getting out of bed then disappeared in front of me. I got out of bed and let out a low sigh while going to the body mirror. I bit my lip at the line on my stomach showing that I've been pregnant before. 

It's actually cute. I hum catching Tati by surprise.

I'm glad you say that because you remembered what happened last time when you was feeling insecure about your body. Tati sigh making Adri's heavy feet come towards the room.

Uh, oh. Diamond squeaked as the door opened by itself.

"I know you're not going back to that," she growled lowly while feeding Chelsea through her bottle. "No, baby! I actually find the line cute. Tati was just reminding me of what happened when I felt insecure about my body," I snickered walking up to her and kiss Chelsea's head. "You better say you're cute," she grumble causing me to laugh.

"Come on," she hum guiding me to the kitchen downstairs. I smiled and quickly jumped up on the counter top while going through the  cabinets. "What would you like to eat? That the nuggets can eat as well," I said turning to her and see her smirk fall. 

"Uh, we can make homemade pizza from scratch," she smiled placing Chelsea in the bouncer that's sitting on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "Hey mommy little nugget," I gasp jumping to the counter then sat in front of her.

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