Chapter 74.

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Jasmine's POV

"Put them in," Adri smile allowing me to get out the pool and place them in the small kiddy pool. I laid them on their stomachs watching their heads lift above it if they fall on their face. "Its about time to start potty training," I smile watching Adri scoot them under the shade as Symone lit the grill with her hands.

"Perfect," Adri mumbled before she called Azael and Sam to watch over them. They came out shirtless and sat next to them. "You guys can dip in the pool if you get too hot. Here," I said sliding my bowl of fruits to them.

"Thanks Miss," they mumble as the twins reach for the bowl. "Apple," they mumble causing them to feed them the apples. "Tank ou," they mumble while quickly shoving the apple in their mouths. "Nuggets," I warned watching them freeze and spit the apple out then began eating it slower. "Good," I smile feeling my body lift up.

"Don't you dare!" I squeaked feeling Adri jumped and water surround us. She quickly pulled us to the surface and look at me frowning. "Did I hurt you? Is the baby okay?" She panicked causing me to hold her face and peck her lips. "The baby is fine, Adri," Sy chuckles coming over to us as the BBQ surround us.

"Wait for me!" Zay said pulling the cooler out and sat it by the pool. He hit a flip and landed right in front of his fiancé. I glanced to the babies smiling how they're splashing and playing in the water. Azael and Sam glanced to Adri and nodded their heads.

"Relax mamas," she mumble then smirked evilly. She went under water allowing me to follow her and go to the deep end. I saw her yank Symone's leg, pulling her down. I let out a laugh only for bubbles to form. I yanked Zayden then quickly went to the surface.

"Just bad," Michelle laughed getting out the pool as Sy and Zay came up glaring at us. "What? We're just chilling," I said calmly as I see our projector come from the side of the pool. "When did we have that?" I ask Adri earning a nervous laugh. "I installed it there in case of one of these days," she smile as I see Michelle's phone appear as she shown her live where they was at.

"It's going to end with an hour so let's just chill with out fans," she shrugged as I lift up on the edge of the pool. I hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth and started playing one of my stations. "Aht, give me this," Zariah said and quickly made a list and began to play it.

She got up and sat next to me while rubbing her stomach. "Let me go check on the food," Adri said smacking the back of Symone's head. "Asshole," she mumble earning a smack from me. "Ight, ight. Dang it," she grumble rubbing her head.

"Scoot over," she sigh after going to her phone and accepting someone to join. I quickly covered my ear, nudging for them to do it too. I smile watching them do it as a man doing his makeup appear on the screen. "OMG!" He squealed allowing us to uncover our ears.

"Hi!" Zariah laughed rubbing her stomach. "Girl, hey!" He said making me look at the screen then dive under the water. I swam towards the camera then lift up softly. "What lipstick do you use?" I ask loving the shade. "Oh, um Fenty," he said showing me the brand.

"That looks good on you," I smile hearing a splash behind me. "Omg, thank you," he blush as I see some girls come in behind him. "Boy why you doing your make up like that?" Someone said coming in frowning. "What's wrong with his make up?" I ask seeing him frown but shrug his shoulder. "How are you on live with The Jasmine Morningstar?" she ask as I tilt my head. "Matts," I mumble feeling Michelle pull me back.

"Stop putting your big head in the camera," she laughed as I smiled and went back to the camera. "They just chose me randomly," he said as she waved in the camera. I stopped Michelle from waving back as I squint at her. "What's wrong with his makeup?" I ask floating on my back. "Nothing, he shouldn't wear it because he's a boy," she said causing me to laugh.

"Child, anyways," Michelle said as I told her what brand he's using. "Omg, you're using Fenty? Let me see ASAP!" She squealed as I went underwater then went back up. "Thank you," he blush covering his face. "We should do a makeover with him. I know the perfect hairstyle," she said towards me. "Don't forget me! I know how to do nails!" Zariah said swimming towards us. "And I know how to do makeup," I boast holding the ends of my two braids.

"Omg stop," he blushed as I called Adri. "Yeah, love?" She ask feeding our dry nuggets. "Never mind," I smile getting out the pool. "Babe, what?" She ask walking towards me. "My phone," I cheesed watching her make it appear in her hand then unlock it. "Thank you," I smile leaning up and peck her puckered lips. "Your welcome mamas," she winked going back to the babies.

"Send me your address and we can schedule a date," I smile looking at the bigger screen. I texted him and saw him open his laptop. "You're serious? Hey, I have a question," he said as we nod our heads. "The three of you pregnant right?" He ask earning a quick nod from us. "We are and yes it was planned," Zariah squealed clapping her hands.

"What made you three want to get pregnant at the same time?" He ask with a wide smile on his face. "Well we thought it would be cute, which it is and our babies will be like family," Michelle said smiling widely. "And it will be funny to see them go through the pregnancy like I did," I snicker earning smacks to my arm. "Awn, that's so cute. So you three are like best friends but sisters," he said earning nods from the three of us.

"Absolutely! You can ask us more personal questions once we set up this date." I laugh seeing him text me his free dates.

"Can I go?" The girl ask as me and Michelle look at each other. "No," we deadpanned causing everyone to look at us and laugh. "That's mean!" Symone laughed coming up to us as I shrugged and watch her hang her mouth open. 

"No, she basically told him that he shouldn't wear makeup because of his gender like the fu-" I began to rant but Adri let out a warning cough. "Anyways, I don't want to be around negative energy," I said running my tongue over the top row of my teeth. "I don't care, stupid hoes," she mumble making me laugh and nod my head.

"Dare you to say it to my face," I said hearing everyone go silent. "Jasmine we know you can fight but your small butt is not about to fight while pregnant!" Adri mumble getting in the pool and peck my lips. "Fine!" I huff leaning back and float in the water. She licked her lips and rub my stomach. "Come eat," she mumble placing a kiss on my stomach.

"Okay," I mumble grabbing my phone from the side of the pool. "I'm telling you. Her and Adriana are the toughest ones out here. Ask those dudes that came for her kids," Zayden said as Adri wrapped a towel around my body. "No fighting while carrying our nugget," she frowned pecking my lips.

"My hands are rated E for everyone baby girl. No one is touching you. Do you understand?" She ask leaning her head down to my neck with a low growl. "Ye-yeah," I whisper craving her to kiss me now. She pulled away and looked at me with a smirk. "Good girl." She mumble picking me up bridal style and went towards the grass where she was feeding the twins.

Damn tease. The three of us mumble as we watch her walk away to fix my food.


The ladies reaction to their spouse carrying in their items from the store?

Jasmine and Adriana satisfying their sexual desires?

Jasmine, mostly Adriana, building a sandbox for the kids?

The pool with the 'Chaotic Six'?

Michelle going live after a while?

The ladies setting a date for their makeover with the fan?

The ladies describing their planned pregnancy?

Michelle and Jasmine's reaction to the man's friend on live?

Jasmine becoming hostile with a fan on live?

Adriana getting her after the small conflict?

Like, Comment, Enjoy!

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