Chapter 28.

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Adriana's POV

I smile to myself as I finished my hair. "Yup, we're sexy," I winked in our new mirror that we had to get replaced in our bathroom. "Adri!" Jasmine yelled as I hear Titan and Makayla laughter. "Yes, baby?" I ask going downstairs and see them in their walkers eating their fruit. "You finish?" She ask earning a nod. She dashed upstairs and began getting ready while Michelle and Symone came in from the hall.

"What's up! I'm ready to see my sis in this music video," Symone said doing a little dance. "So I saw you finally posted the twins and had Jasmine to decline my call," she pout folding her arms. "Yes, we was having family time. "We took more pictures here too. They are so cute," I smile showing her the pictures Jasmine took from her phone. "Wow, you two actually used it other than for sex," she smile as I squint my eyes at her.

"What it do!" I hear Zayden loud ass come in with his arm around Zariah. "What's up big mouth," I laugh dapping him up as I got the twins and cleaned them up from their fruits. "Where's Juju?" Symone ask as I heard clicks of heels. "I'm here, let's go before we're late," she smile grabbing the diaper bag while running her fingers through her curls.

We got everything situated and got the kids buckled up in her pink Range. "Why can't we take my Range?" I ask holding the driver's door open for her. "Because, I want to drive in my pink baby," she smile while I closed the door. I got in the passenger seat and followed the address to where Beyoncé will be shooting parts of her video.

Jasmine's POV

"We're here," I squeal getting out and made sure everyone was here. I grabbed the twins and headed inside the building. "Oh, you came deep," I hear that familiar southern voice. "Oh yeah. We usually travel like that," I laugh as her eyes went down to my babies. "Oh, they're so beautiful," she gasp waving at them. "Got it from their mom," Adri said making me look at her and blush. I introduced her to everyone then let her bring me to a set that had beautiful children dressed up in dresses.

"Wow, look babies," I smile showing them the children being recorded. I felt them kiss my cheek and giggle. "Hey, are you having your babies in the video? It would be very adorable," Beyoncé suggested making me bite my lip and frown. "It's okay baby. It would be adorable." I hear Adri sigh telepathically. "Sure, as long as I get to hold them," I smile bouncing them in my arms.

"Great, you're going to change about three times. First, let's get you in a ball gown so I can show you the moves," she smile clasping her hands. "Alright," I hum feeling the kids lay their heads on my shoulder. "They are so calm," she say as she brought me in a room where ladies was dressing up. "We want hair to be styled like natural," she said and Michelle immediately slid to my side.

"Girl, I got you," she smile wrapping her arms around me. "Okay, I've seen your work and let you do my hair. So carry on," she smile walking away then stopped. "Ah, this been on my mind and I might regret not doing it." Beyoncé said turning towards me. "It's your video Bey. Whatever you want," I smile making her laugh and nod her head.

"Hold my nuggets," I smile taking my clothes off while Zariah and Adri came in. "Aht, why are you in here Adri?" I ask seeing the ladies get dressed. "Well, knowing Michelle and Zariah, they are going to help you," she said picking up the twins and pecked my lips. "Beautiful as always," she sighs walking out. "Okay, let's go," Zariah said snapping her fingers.

"Perfect," Michelle hum as Zariah fixed the wires in my shirt. They helped me out of the room and pulled me to the set. "Woe, look at my prince and princess." I gasp seeing them wrapped in sheets while sleeping. My eyes went to Adri making me bite my lip. "You're going to be in the video?" I mumble fixing her tie. "Yeah, she's going to want the family in a part of the video," she said as I laid my head on her shoulder. 

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