Chapter 2

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The bright sunlight beamed through the window, burning Meredith's eyes and jerking her awake. I definitely need to unpack some window treatments. She glanced over at the red numbers on her alarm clock. It was seven a.m. Too early to get up. Especially when my internship will be starting soon, and four a.m. will beckon. She turned over, covering her head with the heavy blanket. Now she had to pee. Damn it. Sleep was not coming. If I can get there with my eyes closed, I can do it. I can come back here and sleep. She climbed off the side of the bed and began her blind walk to the bathroom. Little did she know that one of her unpacked boxes was in her path, causing her to catapult through the air, and onto the floor. Shit! She opened her eyes. It was a failed attempt, she was definitely awake now.

After getting out of the shower, she had no idea what to do. Her life had always been busy. First it was grade school, high school, then college. It never ended. Now she had a month to do what she wanted, and she had no idea what to do with it. What the hell do normal people do? Ah ha. She was going to the coffee shop. That's what she'd do. Start her day with a good cup of coffee, sit and read a book. Watch the people of Seattle. Yep, I'm gonna be a people watcher. She grabbed a book and jumped in her car.

The coffee shop was busy, but most of the people were grabbing and going. She was staying. She ordered her usually mocha latte and sat at a table in the corner. She picked up "To Kill a Mockingbird", and started to read. She hadn't read the book since Junior High. She found it in a box, it was the only book she had on hand. She looked over at the line of people waiting for their coffee. She notices a dark-blonde haired man. He looked interesting. Very clean, polite. She found herself staring. No Men! Absolutely no men, Meredith! The stranger caught her stare. Shit, now he probably thinks I'm some kind of freak. A stalker. She looked down at her book. No Men. She stopped looking, and starting reading. She didn't even notice that the good looking stranger was now sitting a few tables over, watching her intently.

Meredith jumped in her car. It was another coffee shop morning. She grabbed her usual, sat down at her table. This time she wasn't watching the people. People suck. Especially men. She quickly ate her scone, and sipped her coffee. She didn't even notice the man walk up to her table.

"Hi, I'm Chase." Said the good-looking stranger from the day before.

"Um, Hi." Meredith answered, not knowing what to say.

"Do you come here often?" He asked, flashing a big smile. She notices his perfect teeth.

"This is my second time." Meredith answered, pretending that she wasn't interested. She looked down at the pages of her book. She wasn't reading, she was trying to tell him telepathically to go the hell away.

"I knew that. See, I come here everyday." He joked. "You're ignoring me."

"Uh, yeah. I guess I am." She chuckled, not looking up from the page of her book.

"You shouldn't. I'm a a catch. A great guy. Smart, good-looking, successful..." He boasted.

"Self absorbed, arrogant..." She retorted, as she looked up.

"Ahh, I got your attention, and a smile." He joked, her smile quickly fades. "And it's gone in a flash."

"I'm reading," She simply stated.

"Yes, you are. So, did you notice that your book is upside down?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Actually, I did. I like reading upside down." She quickly stated.

"Oh. Hmm. So, I was wondering if you'd like to go out for coffee sometime. Oh, I guess this is well- Dinner, would you like to go to dinner?" He asked, hopeful.

"No." She quickly snapped.

"Just like that." He stated.

"Just like that." She stands up and walks out of the coffee shop. "Now that was close." She muttered to herself.

Never Leave Your Heart AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora