Chapter 19

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Meredith woke up early in the morning. Her head was pounding. It was no wonder. She hadn't really eaten in days, and the only thing she had drank was tequila. She definitely couldn't drink today. Her body would be screaming at her if she did. She looked over at the other side of her bed. She had kicked the boy out of her bed. She laughed to herself. It was just cruel. It had been pouring rain, too. Oh well. She went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She ate some breakfast, drank some coffee. She wasn't great, but she was better. She grabbed her clothes and threw them in the washer. She was way behind on laundry. By noon she couldn't take it anymore. She climbed in her Jeep and drove off. She had to go there, she had to go there right now.

"Hey stranger!" Drew said as he walked up to Derek. Derek was looking over a patient file.

"If it isn't New York's other plastic surgeon." Drew walked up and gave him a pat on the back.

"Other? Oh come on, we both know I am way better than piss-ant Mark." Drew said, they both laughed. "We're in practice together now."

"I heard something about that. So how are New York's biggest man-whores?" Derek laughed.

"He's a good. I'm good. We're working our way through the ladies one at a time." Drew said, eyeing a nurse.

"I bet you are. What the hell happened to your eye?" Derek said with a chuckle. Drew held up his arm. "And your arm..."

"You will never believe it... " Drew started. "So I went to the bar yesterday after I got in town. There was this drunk chick sitting there. She was smoking hot. Anyway, she took me home. I had the best sex I've had in a long time, then she kicked me out!" He said, astonished.

"Drew got Drew-d?" Derek said laughing. Addison walked up.

"Hey you!" She hugged him. "Someone Drew-d you?" She laughed. "She played your own trick on you?"

"Yeah. We were having a good time. We went back to her house around one in the afternoon, and by midnight she yells at me to get out. She said if she wanted to hear snoring, she'd get a boyfriend. She shoved me right out of the bed and onto the floor. I landed on my shoe. Hence bruise number one. So I go out into the pouring rain. I walked like two miles and I got freaking mugged. He didn't get away with anything, but he got me in the face. Which, by the way I need an x-ray." Drew said, feeling sorry for himself.

"God, I'd love to meet this girl!" Addison said with a laugh.

"Yeah well, I'll get her, don't worry!" Drew retorted with a sneaky grin.

"How do you plan on that?" Derek asked.

"Oh, she was pretty depressed. I'm sure she's at the bar right now." Drew said slyly. "I need to tame that one..."

"Where did you pick this girl up at?" Derek said, slightly worried that it was Meredith.

"Oh some bar on the corner." Drew answered.

"Not Joe's?" Derek asked. "Emerald City..." He clarified.

"No, no. Not that one..." Drew said quickly. "So, I'm going to go get an x-ray. Is my favorite cousin going to at least have a cup of coffee with me?"

"Of course. I'll meet you in the cafeteria in an hour." Derek said, shaking his head. That was just like his cousin, to get into trouble.

"So, what is he doing here?" Addison asked.

"Who knows. This is Drew we're talking about..." Derek laughed. "Have you talked to Meredith?" Derek said, his face getting serious.

"Not in awhile. She's on leave, right?" Addison said, walking to grab a chart.

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