Chapter 94

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"Derek...Oh my god, Derek!" Meredith said as she shook Derek awake.

"Hmm..." He moaned as he rolled over. She shoved him with her hand, causing him to open his eyes. "Morning..." He muttered as he rolled over.

"It's nine thirty!" Meredith shouted as she jumped out of bed. "Anna has to be to school at nine. It's nine-thirty! Jane is off." She said as she pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt.

"Shit!" Derek said as he jumped out of bed and joined her.

"What kind of parents are we?" Meredith said sadly as she began to walk out of their room, not bothering to brush her hair or teeth.

"The horny kind." He said with a shrug. "I love it, I mean it's great...but shit. I can't..." Derek said as he followed her.

"Oh, so now I'm too horny? You don't want sex? I can do something about that." She snapped. She quickly walked into Anna's room. She walked into the bathroom and her closet.

"She's gone!" Meredith screamed as she ran out of her room, and began looking in the other room upstairs.

"What do you mean, she's gone?" Derek asked in shock.

"She's..." Meredith trailed off as she ran around the upstairs. Derek rushed downstairs and began searching.

"Anna!" Derek screamed as he looked. He search was turning up nothing.

"Anna?" Meredith screamed as she ran downstairs and began to run outside. The door opened as she neared it. Drew walked in with a grin. "Anna! Have you seen Anna?" Meredith asked in a panic.

"I have to say..." Drew said slowly. "You guys are crappy parents." He said with a shrug as he walked into the kitchen.

"Drew, have you seen her?" Derek asked angrily as he followed Drew into the kitchen.

"Of course I have." Drew said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"When?" Meredith asked as she neared him.

"Um, when I took her to school this morning." He said nonchalantly as he sat down at the kitchen table and read the paper.

"You took her to school?" Derek asked with surprise.

"Yep. Poor kid was down here when I got up. She was eating her cereal." Drew said as he shook his head.

"She didn't wake us up." Meredith said quickly as she and Derek exchanged a look.

"She tried. I guess she knocked on the door. That's what happens when you stay up all night getting it on." He said quickly, without looking up at them.

"We're bad parents! We can't even get our daughter to school without her nanny. And now I'm pregnant. With twins. And we...we're shitty parents!" Meredith cried as she walked away.

"Mer!" Derek said quickly. She waved her hand and kept walking. "Mer!" Derek said, once again. "Thanks, Drew. Thanks a fucking lot!" Derek said as he shook his head and jogged up the stairs.

Meredith laid back down in her bed. Why didn't she even bother getting up? She may as well just stay in bed forever. What was she thinking, getting pregnant? She not a mom. She can't be a mom. She's too wrapped up in everything. And the sex. She was horny. The hormones were killing her. She craved him. All of the time, she craved him. And now it was biting her in the ass. She didn't wake up to take her daughter to school because she was too busy getting it on with her husband.

"Mer..." Derek said as he laid in the bed and joined her. "This isn't a big deal..."

"Not a big deal?" Meredith snapped as she looked up at him. "We didn't wake up. We can't even take care of a six year old. And now we're going to have babies. Two." She said as she looked into his eyes.

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