Chapter 14

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Meredith awoke tangled in the bed sheets. She and Chase were in each other's arms. She didn't want to move. She was comfortable right where she was. They both had to get up in an hour. She laid there and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, so at ease. She was making him happy, and that made her feel good. She laid there for the whole hour just watching. Finally the alarm went off, causing him to stir. He reached over and shut it off and looked at her.

"So, how long have you been watching me sleep?" He asked, with a smile.

"Oh, about and hour." She said with a smile. He pulling her close.

"Well, I am glad that I am such a source of entertainment for you." He chuckled. She just looked at him. "What's the matter?" he asked, sensing her uneasiness.

"Something just doesn't feel right." She said slowly. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She closed her eyes. "Do you want the shower first?" She asked.

"No, you go ahead." He said, smiling. She wrapped a sheet around herself and walked into the bathroom.

"You do realize I have seen every bit of you, right?" He said, laughing. She just rolled her eyes. She quickly took her shower, knowing that Chase was waiting. When she walked out, Chase was grabbing his clothes.

"We could have taken a shower together..." Chase trailed off.

"You are a funny man..." She said laughing.

"What?" He said innocently.

"I shower alone." She stated. "I'll make the coffee."

He dropped his head and went to the shower. She went out to the kitchen and made the coffee. His apartment was so perfect and clean. He was anal about everything. Everything was stainless steel. She stood there willing the coffee to brew faster.

"A watched pot never boils." Chase said as he walked in. She smiled, he was in his nice pants and was wearing a tie. He was a good Chief of Surgery.

"I know. If you hadn't kept me up all night, I wouldn't be needing this caffeine." She giggled. He came over and kissed her neck.

"What can I say? You are very talented!" He laughed. "And I have to say, I have never been so turned on by a cat fight."

"I would hardly call that a cat fight!" She said quickly.

"Yeah, I guess it was more of a brawl. I would hate to see what her face is looking like today. You got away with just a couple of scratches." He said, touching them softly.

"I think she pulled out a chunk of my scalp..." Meredith said, rubbing her head.

"You do realize she will be in my office today." Chase said, cringing at the thought.

"Yeah. I'm sure she is going to want me suspended." Meredith said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, there is nothing I can do besides keep you two apart. I didn't see it happen." He winked. "And it didn't happen in the hospital. She's out of luck. So, how am I going to sneak you to work?" He asked.

"I'm sure we'll figure that out when we get there..." She said. He pushes her against the counter and kisses her.

Chase dropped Meredith off around the back of the hospital. They didn't see anyone around, so they were sure they had been successful. She walked up the stairs, she didn't feel like waiting for the elevator. As she got up to her floor, the door opened. The nurse gave her a dirty look. She was a friend of Holly's. Meredith rolled her eyes and kept going. When she walking in the locker room, cheers erupted from everyone. It was the surgeons against everyone else. They were all on her side. Several came up and patted her on the shoulder. Finally they left her alone and she changed into her scrubs.

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